
What is MyTutor all about?

In developing and launching this service, MyTutor consulted closely with other parents, teachers and a number of university students to try and understand everyone’s requirements in order to build an effective MyTutor community. They  wanted to provide something different to help all children reach their potential in their exams without breaking the bank. 

The tutors are university students from a number of the top UK universities. They  expect student tutors to have received top grades themselves in the subjects they are offering to tutor in. With recent exam experience they are best equipped to help students understand exam requirements and achieve those top grades! 

Children benefit from personalised teaching and so we encourage both tutors and students to pinpoint specific difficulties and work together to resolve them. We have found that receiving tutoring from someone close in age to the students creates a less intimidating and more productive working environment. Every tutor is enthusiastic about their subject, eager to impart knowledge and can understand the types of problems challenging students. 

MyTutor are offering a free first lesson for their private tuition service to all the school’s pupils. As many parents are thinking about how to support their children as we head into this academic year, we hope that you will find this useful.

To claim your free lesson or have an informal introductory chat with the MyTutor team, simply visit here.

If you are interested in using the services of MyTutor please contact them directly at

Timetable for onsite MyTutor students: