MAS11 Newsletter 4.3


Students recently embarked on a journey through two remarkable sessions with Elevate Education, each offering invaluable insights crucial for their upcoming GCSE exams.The first session focused on time management, students learned to navigate the intricate balance between study, leisure, and other commitments, equipping them with essential organisational skills. Armed with strategies to prioritise tasks effectively, they felt empowered to conquer the demands of their academic workload. 

Session two delved into the art of acing exams, providing a toolkit of exam techniques, from effective revision methods to mastering exam paper strategies. This session seamlessly linked to the tools we have already provided the students, such as the performance portfolio and study skills techniques, reinforcing their understanding and application. With newfound confidence and a repertoire of study tactics at their disposal, students can now eagerly embrace the challenge ahead.  

This year, Prom will be held at the The Spa Hotel, Tonbridge Wells, on Wednesday 19th June 2024. Details are as follows:


7pm arrival

11.30pm pick up  (drop off and collect from the front car park)

Dress code:

Formal wear


£60. A non-refundable deposit of £10 is to be paid by 29th March to confirm attendance. Payments should be paid via our online payment system, SCOpay.  Payments can be made in instalments and full payment must be received by 24th May.

This price includes a drink on arrival, two course meal, a DJ, security, entertainment and a photo booth where students can take away small photos from the night. We have also arranged a formal photographer to attend the evening. Should students wish to purchase a mounted professional photo, these will be at an additional cost and information of how to pay and view the photos will be given to students nearer the time. Every attempt has been made to keep costs to a minimum for every student. Additionally this link will take you to a discount voucher for Bella Prom-Tunbridge Wells, who are offering a 10% discount if you purchase from them before 30th April 

As part of security measures, there will be a security check upon entry for all students. Any student who is deemed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs or in possession of any will be refused entry to the event. 

Assemblies have been held for Year 11 to provide all details of the Prom. In these assemblies, students have been told that attendance to prom is dependent on their attendance, punctuality and behaviour throughout this academic year. Any student with medical evidence will be taken into consideration..  SCOpay will allow you to make payments periodically until the final deadline.  

If you require a payment date extension or require financial support please do contact the school as we will be happy to help where we can.

MAS11 Key Purpose: “Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach their potential.”   

Dear Year 11 Parents and Carers,

We're excited to share some updates and reminders with you. 

Firstly, we're delighted to announce that students who have shown an interest in the new Health T level qualification, which we will be offering from September, had the opportunity to visit Wilmington Academy. They experienced some lessons in the qualification and had a fantastic day. If you're interested in learning more about this exciting opportunity, please don't hesitate to contact our Head of Sixth Form, Miss Shaw-Kew, via email at Additionally students who have applied to Mascalls Sixth Form will shortly receive offer letters if they have been successful at this stage. These will be sent via Applicaa to their school email address.Those that do not receive an offer via Applicaa will be meeting with their college to discuss their options moving forward. We wish everyone luck in their future education.   A final note - any subjects that have not recruited sufficient students may not run in September. If a student at this stage wishes to change their subject choice, please email with this request  

As we approach the Easter break, we want to emphasise the importance of utilising this time effectively to prepare for the upcoming public exams. Easter presents a perfect opportunity for students to dedicate focused time to their revision. To aid in this, students have been provided with a timetable/calendar that they can use to plan their revision sessions. If students were to follow their school timetable during the Easter break, it would grant them an additional 48 hours of revision. Don't forget, we'll be running Easter revision sessions to help our students prepare for their upcoming exams. Here is the link to the timetable: Easter Revision Timetable. Please note that some sessions will take place at school, some will be pre-recorded, and some will be conducted online. All sessions will be held in A block unless stated otherwise. For safety reasons, the rest of the school will be closed to students during these sessions, and no food will be provided on the day. Students are kindly asked to enter and exit via the main reception. School uniform is not required. 

Additionally, we would like to remind students and parents about the JCQ contingency days. The last of these is scheduled for Wednesday, 26th June. It's crucial for students to remain available until this time in case there are any changes in dates or times from JCQ and the exam boards. Please note that these contingency days are not intended as 'mop-up days' for missed exams. Any student who fails to attend an exam will be charged accordingly.

Furthermore, during assembly and Advisory sessions last week, students were briefed on the JCQ regulations for exams. An online folder containing all the relevant documents has been provided, covering rules and regulations regarding exams, guidance around the completion of NEA (Non-Exam Assessment), and prohibited items during exams. We urge students to thoroughly review these documents before the start of the public exams.

Lastly, we extend our sincere gratitude to the parents/carers who were able to attend the last Year 11 Parents' Evening before the public exams. Your support and involvement are greatly appreciated as we work together to ensure the success and well-being of our students.

Thank you for your continued support.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Stamato

Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Earhart College

Exam Access Arrangement

We have previously addressed the topic of examination access accommodations and their allocation to students, a process that is informed by their sustained educational requirements and customary academic practices. The Special Educational Needs (SEN) team has diligently monitored these arrangements throughout Key Stage 4. Students who no longer require these accommodations or do not meet the established threshold as defined by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) have been duly notified by our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) department. Should you have any additional inquiries concerning specific access accommodations, we encourage you to reach out directly to Mrs. Goldfinch  via email at

Key Dates

Leavers Hoodies

Out order has been placed with the company. We will notify you and the students when they have arrived.