MAS11 Newsletter 1.3


Bromcom Student Portal App & Website

The Bromcom Student Portal app and website is designed to increase the engagement between Students and Schools by sharing key information about their day to day school information, homework, timetables and exam information. 

Additionally if students have any changes to exams or exam clashes this is where it will be published. Students have been guided on how to register for this during Advisory sessions.

Bromcom Student Portal App & Website

The Bromcom Student Portal app and website is designed to increase the engagement between Students and Schools by sharing key information about their day to day school information, homework, timetables and exam information. 

Additionally if students have any changes to exams or exam clashes this is where it will be published. Students have been guided on how to register for this during Advisory sessions.

MAS11 Key Purpose: Work harder than you think you did yesterday

Dear Parents/Carers,

It has been another positive few weeks for the yr11 cohort who continue to remain focussed on their studies. This is evident in the recent Knowledge Organiser (KO) Tests that have taken place over the last fortnight and the results of these will be sent to parents and students via the Student Bromcom Portal and via My Child At School (MCAS). Please do take the time to discuss these results with your child as it will identify areas of strength and weakness which is vital when students are revising and developing their long term learning. 

A reminder that Module 2 is when the Period 6 revision lessons start for MAS11 students. Details of these sessions were shared with you at the start of the week in the MAS11 newsletter 1.2. I therefore ask that you support your child by ensuring they attend the sessions  and make suitable travel arrangements when needed.  A copy of the Period 6 timetable can be found by clicking this link.  and as a parents you can monitor attendance and add your child to any Period 6 subject through the online page called SOCS.

It is with great pleasure that I can also confirm the Sixth Form Open Evening will be taking place on Thursday 9th November, 5-7pm, with the Principal and Head of Sixth Form speech scheduled for 515pm.  The aim of the open evening is to give key information about subjects and entry requirements for students wishing to join the Sixth Form at Mascalls Academy in September 2024. Our Sixth Form Open Evening is a great way for Year 11 students to investigate their next steps, talk to teachers and see first-hand how school can support them on their journey.  I look forward to seeing you all there.  The application process has already been explained to students last week and further explanations for parents will be given on the night. 

Performance Portfolio

The Performance Portfolio document has now been shared and explained with all MAS11 students. The reason for this useful document is for students to;

I have attached a link here to the presentation that was discussed with the cohort for you to familiarise yourself with. Please do ask your child to 'share' (button in the top right of the document) the document with you so you can also monitor and support your child's learning. 


I hope you have been receiving the Tassomai parental reports that allow you to track your child's progress in both English and Science revision through Tassomai. If you have not received the link via email please do contact Tassomai directly via email on who will be happy to assist you. Tassomai is the scientific way to learn. Tassomai is an award-winning adaptive learning program helping students at all levels to achieve outstanding results. Using Tassomai builds subject knowledge, boosts confidence and reduces exam stress.

Trusted by teachers in 500+ schools

Proven impact on GCSE grades (and guaranteed results!)

Over 1 billion quiz questions 

A reminder that 'little and often' is the key to help with revision and long term learning. This is reinforced with the daily tasks set at 4 out of 7 days. The MAS10 progress since September is as follows;

Tassomai English:

Questions Attempted=17,487

Questions Correct=12,740


Tassomai Science:

Questions Attempted=24,466

Questions Correct=14,070


Lastly I wanted to remind you that the October half term is a vital period for students to prepare for their mock exams that take place in Module 2 and 3. I have attached a link to a blank timetable for students and parents to plan their revision schedule. The mock exams will cover content that was taught during Yr10 and Yr11 so students should ensure that they revisit last year's work. How they can do this is described below in the Study Skills section of the newsletter. Students have been working through the skills during Advisory throughout Module 1 and will continue to do so in Module 2. 

I would like to wish you all a safe half term break and I look forward to seeing all MAS11 students back at school on the 6th November for the start of Module 2.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Stamato

Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Earhart College.

BusinessLDN Presents Skills London, a future that works for you.

About this event: Taking place on Saturday 25th November at ExCeL London. Skills London is the UK’s largest jobs and careers event for 14-24-year-olds and is free to attend. It provides young people with an opportunity to discover a future that works for them, bridging the gap between what they enjoy doing and what they could do as a career.   Skills London is suitable for all young people, whether they're looking for a job or apprenticeship, further or higher education, work placements, or advice from specialists.

To book your place please click this link and follow the onscreen instructions.

Additional information: Please visit our website to see our full list of exhibitors and resources to help you prepare for the event.

Please visit for directions to the ExCel.

This free magazine for Year 11 students is the go to guide for helping students make decisions for their future. Students have been given a paper version of the magazine this week in assembly and below is a web version of the magazine for you as parents/carers. 

Click Here: The Next Step Magazine (2023/24)

Key Dates

Throughout Module 1 students have been learning how to learn through our Study Skills programme.  Study skills are approaches to learning. Study skills are an array of skills which tackle the process of organising and taking in new information, retaining information, or dealing with assessments. They are discrete techniques that can be learned, usually in a short time, and applied to all or most fields of study. They are not educational gimmicks.  Additionally any skill which boosts a person's ability to study, retain and recall information which assists in and passing exams can be labelled as a study skill, and this could include time management and motivational techniques. Within each Study Skills we have also incorporated a Post16/Careers research task that the students have researching to help them prepare for the future. Areas of research have included;

Below is a list and links to what has been delivered this module and what is planned for Module 2 prior to the mock exams. Please use these techniques with your child to help them prepare for their mock exams. 

Module 2 Study Skills

Parent/Carer Checklist