MAS11 Newsletter 1.2


SOCS is a family run business that has been working with schools for the last two decades. It started life as a school’s rugby website, a hub for rugby fixtures and results. From this the SOCS platform was born becoming an essential tool for staff, students and parents  to manage and communicate co-curricular, music and sport events.

Today SOCS works with over 900 schools across the world, including many of the world’s leading schools, academies and trusts.

SOCS Co-curricular caters for any activity and grouping of pupils. Scheduling Art, Music, Drama and Club or Society activities is easy. Staff, students and parents can login from any device connected to the Internet to see their child's calendar or the entire school calendar. As a parent you will be able to monitor attendance to Period 6 sessions through this website.  By clicking here you will be taken to the SOCSwebsite.  A guide to log into SOCS can found here. If you do have any questions regarding SOCS please do contact our lead teacher Mrs Butler on the following email;

MAS11 Key Purpose: Do. Fail. Learn. Repeat

Dear Parents/Carers,

Last week students have been completing & receiving their Knowledge Organiser (KO) test & results in class with staff feedback and it is so important that students act upon this feedback in order to see where they have failed and more importantly see how they can learn and improve for next time. As parents/carers I do ask that you discuss the results and feedback with your child and support them with their revision.  Results of the Knowledge Organiser tests will be sent to all parents/carers in the first week of half term via My Child At School(MCAS). To help with these discussions I have arranged for your child's Knowledge Organiser scores to be published and sent to you via My Child At School (MCAS) All Knowledge Organisers to help with revision are placed on each subject Google Classroom.  

As mentioned previously all Period 6 sessions will start at the beginning of Module 2-Monday 6th November.  Please be aware that Module 2 starts on a Week 2. The timetable of Period 6 sessions can be found by clicking this link. Remember some students have been directed to attend and have been contacted via email/MCAS but any student is allowed and encouraged to attend regardless of invite.   As a parent/carer you are able to monitor attendance to Period 6 sessions via the SOCS website. Information regarding this is above. 

Since my last email I am pleased to announce that all MAS11 students have been working through their Study Skill programme in Advisory to help the students learn and understand how to revise and expand their long term memory. Further details of what we have covered can be found below. The reason for the introduction of Study Skills is because good study skills and habits can increase your confidence, competence, and self-esteem. They can also reduce anxiety about tests and deadlines. By developing effective study skills, students may be able to cut down on the number of hours spent studying, leaving more time for other things.  Part of the Study Skills programme is dedicated to Post16 education and careers. Students have researched a range of topics including A Levels, T levels and apprenticeships. Please do ask your child to show you the document they have been filling in and working  through during Advisory for this. 

This week your child also received a dedicated session on the new Performance Portfolio that we discussed at the Parent Information Evening in September. This is a fantastic tool for students to monitor their progress and for them to identify areas of strength and weakness in their learning so they can be addressed ready for their mock and public exams. I have asked all students to 'share' the document with you so that you to can monitor and help your child's progress. The 'share' option can be found in the top right corner of the document.  Further details of the Progress Portfolio are explained further down in this newsletter. 

Thank you to those parents/carers who have been able to attend the online webinars provided by Elevate Education. The last session on helping your child with time management was very popular. I have already sent our correspondence to parents regarding the next session which takes place on Tuesday 17th October- How to prepare your child for their exams. Further details and how to sign up can be found on the MAS11 website under the tab called Elevate Education or by clicking this link . Please do remember to sign up as by doing so you will have access to the recording for 14 days after the event even if you are unable to attend the webinar at the publicised time and date. 

I wanted to remind you that we have our Post-16 Open Evening on Thursday 09th November. For many students and parents/carers picking post-16 options can be a daunting experience. In the evening you will see first hand what we have to offer and have the opportunity to speak to students that are currently studying that subject and speak to the teachers from that learning area. This occasion is a real 'must go to event' that will help mould your child’s future. Students also received an assembly this week where our head of Sixth Form Miss Shaw-Kew discussed the online application process called Applicaa. Please note that login details for Applicaa and Mascalls applications will be released at the start of Module 2. A copy of the the presentation can be found here. 

On a final note I have added some additional 'Key Dates' for you to be aware of that will be of interest to you and your child and will help you support your child during their final year of GCSE examinations.

I look forward to updating you again soon.

Yours sincerely,
Mr Stamato
Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Earhart  College

Period 6 lessons 

A reminder that additional lessons to support students learning will begin on on the first day of Module 2-Monday 6th November. Some students have been directed to attend lessons and would have received correspondence from those subjects already. Regardless of this all students are welcome to attend.    The timetable for Period 6 lessons can be found on the Yr11 website or by clicking here. Our statistics show that the students with the highest attendance to Period 6 lessons also showed the largest amount of progress in their learning.  

Giving students extra time to work on homework,  non-exam assessment (NEA)/coursework and revisiting topics through revision sessions can enhance their overall development and improve their school performance. Being around other students  who are keen to learn can also motivate them to take part or learn something different.  

Please note that due to the size of the cohort English and Maths will both be on a Monday but will work with students from alternate halves of the school. Details are below.

Module 2:

English - R side

Maths - L   side

Module 3:

English - L  side

Maths - R   side

Yr11 Parents' Evening-Thursday 16th November 2023

Parents' evenings help to make sure you are kept up-to-date on your child's progress. 

Parents' evenings are a chance to discuss how your children are doing in class and in school generally with their teachers. They can help decide how best to work together to support your children's achievement. Your attendance at this event is very important. 

The first of two parents' evenings will take place on Thursday 16th November 2023.

Key Dates

Performance Portfolio

The Performance Portfolio document has now been shared and explained with all MAS11 students. The reason for this useful document is for students to;

I have attached a link here to the presentation that was discussed with the cohort for you to familiarise yourself with. Please do ask your child to 'share' (button in the top right of the document) the document with you so you can also monitor and support your child's learning. 

Parent/Carer Checklist