MAS11 Newsletter 5.1


MAS11 Key Purpose: Preparing for exams is like running a marathon. It takes a lot of courage and tenacity to keep going till the end.

Dear Parents/Carers,

I wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate our MAS11 students on a fantastic start to the new term. Our students have shown focus in lessons, and excellent conduct around the school.  By doing this there is a notable attitude towards learning in every lesson. This positive attitude was further reinforced during the Easter break when over two thirds of the MAS11 cohort attended at least one or more revision session that staff kindly put on for students during the holidays. I do hope your child was able to benefit from this provision. Please encourage your child to keep this attitude up throughout the module as we rapidly count the days to the start of the exmas.

I hope by now that you and your child have accessed the My Child At School (MCAS) app/website so that you can monitor your child's progress, behaviour, attendance and punctuality to lessons.  This is also where parents will be able to access their child's exam timetable, but please be aware that any  last minute changes to times or dates will only be reflected via the student Bromcom App.   The parents exam timetable via MCAS is not a live document. Additionally our Masterclass/Period 6 revision classes continue during Module . 

I have taken the time to answer a few questions that regularly come up at this time of year from parents and students. Many of the questions and answers have been regularly covered in previous newsletters, but a useful reminder non the less. 

Are there pre-exam revision lessons (PERLs) before the exam?

Students will experience a thorough and extensive revision class prior to the exam for that subject.  For example an afternoon exam will result in a morning master class on the same day and a morning exam will result in an afternoon masterclass the day before the exam whenever possible. This is a great opportunity for students to ask any last minute questions they may have as well as correcting any misconceptions. The current timetable for the pre exam revision sessions is linked here. Please note this is a live document and details may change prior. Roomings will be added shortly. A copy of the timetable can also be found on the MAS11 website. This timetable has been explained during this week's assembly and will be reinforced through subject teachers.

What if my child is unwell on the day of the exam?

Parents/Carers need to telephone the academy to explain why.  Information must be passed to Mrs Rosie-Exams Manager on

Is there study leave? 

The short answer is that there is no study leave. Students will remain in lessons for as long as possible. We anticipate a two phase approach to lessons in school: 

Phase 1 – normal lessons continue, students attend exams. If subjects have finished, students will have the opportunity to revise for other subjects in their timetabled lessons.  Students will be expected to attend every lesson unless they have a public exam.

Phase 2 – students prepare for exams at home and come to school for exams. We have not decided on dates for this phase yet, but will confirm this as soon as we can. We do not expect phase 2 to start until June at the earliest. 

When is the last day? 

The short answer is whenever their last exam is.  We know the ‘last day’ for many students is a day to celebrate and sign shirts etc. We want to celebrate with them too and will hold an event after the exams have finished to do this.  We will confirm the date as soon as we can.  We do not expect students to sign shirts or celebrate before then. Students must be available for exams until 26th June 2024.

Lastly I would like to thank those who have already paid for the Yr11 Leavers Prom which will take place at the Spa Hotel on Wednesday 19th June.  All remaining balances will need to be paid by 24th May . All payments can be made in instalments via the school payment system-Scopay. If you do have any issues with payments please do not hesitate to contact me via email. I look forward to writing to you all again soon and thank you for supporting your child through their revision as we approach the 2024 GCSE public exams.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Stamato

Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Earhart College

Parents/Carers Checklist ;

Key Dates