MAS11 Newsletter 2.1


Bromcom Student App

The Bromcom Student app is designed to increase the engagement between Students and Schools by sharing key information about their day to day school information, homework, timetables and exam information. Additionally if students have any changes to exams or exam clashes this is where it will be published. Students have been guided on how to login during Advisory sessions. If your child has any difficulties logging into the app please do contact your child Advisor in the first instance.

Bromcom Parent App-My Child At School (MCAS)

We are pleased to announce that you are able to access the Parent Portal linked to Bromcom, called ‘My Child At School’ (MCAS). You can access MCAS by downloading the mobile app, which is available for both IOS and Android devices or you can access MCAS via a computer by visiting  the login page here. You will also be able to request a reminder of your login details. Additionally this link will take you to a MCAs parent guide to help you navigate the programme. 

This system will be the backbone of our communications with parents and carers and will be the primary tool used in all communications with you on all school matters. It is important that everyone uses this system to access their child’s record. It will support your child’s learning by allowing us to keep you informed, message you and allow you to receive your child’s school reports.  

MAS11 Key Purpose:  Confidence comes from being prepared

Dear Parents/Carers,

Since we last spoke there have been many important events that have taken place. During Module 2 so far students have already had the Post16 open evening where students had the opportunity to see and hear first hand the excellent provision we have at Mascalls academy. Further details of the evening can be found on the 6th Form section of the MAS11 website or by clicking here.  There you will find our prospectus, entry requirements, presentation from the evening and much more. If you do have any questions regarding 6th Form please email our Head of Sixth Form Miss Shaw-Kew at

Period 6 lessons have also started during Module 2. Everyday seems to be popular with our students especially every Monday when English and Maths is on and a free hot chocolate and biscuit is available for every student that attends. I do hope you have been able to make suitable arrangements for your child to attend the free additional sessions that staff put on for your child. The Period 6 timetable can be found here or on the MAS11 website. These sessions are vitally important to a students progress and our data shows that students who access these sessions show greater progress than those who do not. 

Parents Evening was again a popular event with so many parents/carers and students  attending. The purpose of the event was for students and parents to hear directly from their child's teachers the specific areas that they need to improve on and therefore parents knowing where they can best support their child moving forward. If you were unable to attend please email the academy directly and we will direct your email to the relevant Advisor who will coordinate your child's feedback. 

Kent Choices and Applicaa login details have now been shared with yr11 students. We have held another assembly to discuss the application process with the students and your child's Advisor will be working closely them to ensure they have a minimum of two applications made before the start of Module 3-January 2nd 2024.  Details of how to use both forms of application have been shared with your child and their Advisor. Additional support can be found on the Sixth Form section of the MAS11 website by clicking here. 

Lastly a reminder that public and mock exams have also started during Module 2. Students and parents have been issued with a mock timetable via the students Bromcom portal and parents via My Child At School-MCAS. Please note that any changes in timetables are only reflected on your child's timetable as this is a live document. Students have been told to check their timetable daily. 

I look forward to writing to you all again before the Christmas break, but until then please continue to support your child as they begin their mock exams.  As always I thank you for your continued help and support. 

Yours sincerely,

Mr Stamato

Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Earhart College

Yr11 students would have started to submit their applications for Post16 education via the Kent Choices website or Applicaa (Mascalls Academy Sixth Form only). As a parent please do support your child with this process as we continue to do so during Advisory.  Kent Choices now also offer free careers advice. If your child is interested please encourage them to contact the team via email on or call 01322629515. Additionally Miss Honey who is also a qualified Careers Leader will be available every Friday lunchtime in B1  for student drop ins if students require any impartial free advice. 

Key Dates

This free magazine for Year 11 students is the go to guide for helping students make decisions for their future. Students have been given a paper version of the magazine and below is a web version of the magazine for you as parents/carers. 

Click Here: The Next Step Magazine (2023/24)

Throughout Module 1 students have been learning how to learn through our Study Skills programme.  Study skills are approaches to learning. Study skills are an array of skills which tackle the process of organising and taking in new information, retaining information, or dealing with assessments. They are discrete techniques that can be learned, usually in a short time, and applied to all or most fields of study. They are not educational gimmicks.  Additionally any skill which boosts a person's ability to study, retain and recall information which assists in and passing exams can be labelled as a study skill, and this could include time management and motivational techniques. Within each Study Skills we have also incorporated a Post16/Careers research task that the students have researching to help them prepare for the future. Areas of research have included;

Below is a list and links to what has been delivered during Module 1 and 2. Please use these techniques with your child to help them prepare for their mock exams. 

Parent/Carer Checklist 

Parent Webinars (60 minutes)

In the Autumn Term we’ll cover: 

1. How to Get (And Keep) Your Child Motivated - 19th September @6:00pm 

2. How You Can Help Your Child Manage Their Time - 3 rd October @6:00pm 

3. How You Can Help Your Child Prepare for Exams - 17th October @6:00pm Autumn Term Parent Support Series Free Parent Webinars 

4. How You Can Help Improve Your Child's Memory - 14th November @6:00pm 

5. How You Can Build Resilience in Your Child - 28th November @6:00pm 

6. How To Help Your Child Alleviate Stress - 12th December @6:00pm 

Click here to register for free - If you are unable to attend the sessions please do still register as this will allow you access to a recording of the webinar for 14 days after the event.