MAS11 Newsletter 4.2


Elevate Education

Next week -Friday 8th March, we will be visited by Elevate Education. In previous years students have found the sessions very informative and practical and reinforced the messages and techniques we as an academy have been delivering.  Students will finish the day with login details to access further resources from Elevate Education which can be accessed via the  student portal on the Elevate website  . Additional information can be found on the MAS11 website by clicking the Elevate tab at the top of the screen. The two sessions that every student in Yr11 will be covering include  the following key topics;

This year, Prom will be held at the The Spa Hotel, Tonbridge Wells, on Wednesday 19th June 2024. Details are as follows:


7pm arrival

11.30pm pick up  (drop off and collect from the front car park)

Dress code:

Formal wear


£60. A non-refundable deposit of £10 is to be paid by 29th March to confirm attendance. Payments should be paid via our online payment system, SCOpay.  Payments can be made in instalments and full payment must be received by 24th May.

This price includes a drink on arrival, two course meal, a DJ, security, entertainment and a photo booth where students can take away small photos from the night. We have also arranged a formal photographer to attend the evening. Should students wish to purchase a mounted professional photo, these will be at an additional cost and information of how to pay and view the photos will be given to students nearer the time. Every attempt has been made to keep costs to a minimum for every student. Additionally this link will take you to a discount voucher for Bella Prom-Tunbridge Wells, who are offering a 10% discount if you purchase from them before 30th April 

As part of security measures, there will be a security check upon entry for all students. Any student who is deemed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs or in possession of any will be refused entry to the event. 

Assemblies have been held for Year 11 to provide all details of Prom. In these assemblies, students have been told that attendance to prom is dependent on their attendance, punctuality and behaviour throughout this academic year. Any student with medical evidence will be taken into consideration..  SCOpay will allow you to make payments periodically until the final deadline.  

MAS11 Key Purpose: "Your support network is the solid ground from which you can propel yourself upwards".  

Dear Year 11 Parents and Carers,

I am writing to provide important information about resources available to support your child's revision for their upcoming exams.

Final Countdown Document:

Students have received an online document called the "Final Countdown." This is an electronic calendar pre-populated with every masterclass/Period 6 lesson from now until their exams. Encourage your child to utilise this tool to effectively plan their revision schedule. You can access their personal copy by working with them to log in to their school accounts.

Masterclasses (Previously known as Period 6)

A masterclass is an instructional session that has replaced the traditional Period 6 lessons. This new format focuses on specific areas of improvement for each subject and cohort, delivering tailored and targeted content that directly addresses the most significant challenges faced by our students. By clicking the provided link, you can access a comprehensive list of topics being covered in these masterclasses. We encourage every student to attend these sessions, as they provide vital opportunities for focused revision and skill development 

Easter Revision Sessions:

To further support your child's preparation, we are offering Easter revision sessions. Please encourage them to attend as many of these on-site and online sessions as possible. The complete schedule for the Easter revision sessions can be found on the MAS11 website or by clicking this link.

Elevate Education Webinar:

Elevate Education continues to offer valuable resources for parents and students. Their next webinar specifically focuses on "How Parents Can Help Their Children Prepare for Exams." It will be held on March 5th. We highly recommend registering for this informative session, and the link to do so can be found on the MAS11 website or by clicking here.

Performance Portfolios:

It's crucial that your child actively uses their performance portfolios throughout this crucial revision period. These portfolios will help them identify individual strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to tailor their revision strategies for a more focused and effective approach.

T Levels:

Recently, our students received a presentation from our Head of Sixth Form, Miss Shaw-Kew, and our Principal, Mrs. Brooks, regarding the new T Level qualification. To ensure all students are informed, I have presented the information again following the half-term break, as some students were unable to attend the initial assembly. For those who could not attend, a copy of the presentation explaining the provision is available. You can access the slides here should you wish.

The T Level in Health is a new course offered at Mascalls starting September. No other local Post-16 provision offers this course. A T Level, categorised as Technical, is distinct from an A Level due to its blend of classroom-based and work-based learning. As part of the T Level curriculum, we will facilitate 45 days of work experience in the Health sector, already securing work placements for students who choose to pursue this qualification. Each student will undertake only one T Level, equating to the workload of three A Levels, which is the typical study load at Post-16.

An exciting development is the allocation of funding by the Department for Education to renovate a specialized learning space specifically for our T Level students. This space will include a classroom for study and a dedicated area for practical elements of the course. While all T Level students will remain an integral part of the Sixth Form, their learning will be consolidated in one area, allowing them to access the common room during free periods as usual. If you have any further questions or wish to amend your applications via Applicaa, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Shaw-Kew for support.

We encourage your continued support and guidance as your child navigates this important exam season. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.

 Yours sincerely,

Mr Stamato

Assistant Principal & Deputy Head of Earhart College

Exam Access Arrangement

We have previously addressed the topic of examination access accommodations and their allocation to students, a process that is informed by their sustained educational requirements and customary academic practices. The Special Educational Needs (SEN) team has diligently monitored these arrangements throughout Key Stage 4. Students who no longer require these accommodations or do not meet the established threshold as defined by the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) have been duly notified by our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) department. Should you have any additional inquiries concerning specific access accommodations, we encourage you to reach out directly to Mrs. Goldfinch  via email at

Key Dates

Leavers Hoodies

As the end of the academic year approaches, we would like to offer you the opportunity to commemorate your time at Mascalls Academy with our special School Leavers Hoodies. These hoodies are a fantastic way to celebrate your achievements and create lasting memories of your time at our school.

The hoodies will be available in a range of sizes and colors, allowing you to choose the style that best represents your individuality. Each hoodie will feature the [School Name] logo on the front and the names of all the Year 11 students on the back, creating a unique memento of your time together.

To place an order for your School Leavers Hoodie, please complete the online order form by 17th March 2024. The cost of each hoodie is £25, which includes customisation and delivery charges. Payment can be made via Scopay from Module 3.

Please note that the hoodies will be produced once all orders have been received, and the estimated delivery time is module 5. We kindly request that you submit your order form and payment by the specified deadline to ensure timely delivery.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Miss S. Smith. 

We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to celebrate your time at Mascalls Academy and create a cherished keepsake. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to seeing you proudly wearing your School Leavers Hoodies.

Click here for the Leavers Hoodies Letter 2023-24