The Power of Emotions

How are you Feeling?

How are you feeling right now? Are you curious? Bored? Hopeful? Feelings influence what we think and do. If you are curious you will keep reading and if you are bored, well I probably already lost you. If you are hopeful you will probably be looking for something satisfying.

Emotions are Information -Reframing our feelings about Emotions

Emotions, like fear, worry and sadness, traditionally thought as negative emotions, provide useful information about ourselves and our circumstances. Fear of walking down a dark alley alone at night makes us rethink our actions and chose a safer path. Worry about performing well on a final exam pushes us to study more. And sadness about the loss of a beloved family member causes us to pause and reflect on the importance of a life lost. Emotions inform our actions.

Recognizing and Labeling Emotions

When we can recognize and label our emotions, we can use them as information . If we don't know why we are fearful, worried or board, we can't manage how we feel and we aren't able to fully utilize the information they hold. Self-regulation is possible when we start to recognize and label our emotions.

Understanding emotions in ourselves and others is key to regulating our behavior.

Download the Mood Meter app and track how you are feeling during the day