For those of us that enjoy going on a grand adventure through captivating storytelling, characters that seem so real that you grow to care about their individual backstories, and fantastical creatures, lore and environments, the RPG or "Role Playing Game" is your forte.

Most of us remember games like Final Fantasy, Phantasy Star, Legend of Zelda, or more modern tales like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4. For more lighthearted adventures, games like Pokémon might come to mind, opening the world to the creature collecting subgenre. 

RPG's make the perfect escape for those kinds of gamers that like to immerse themselves in another world. More than a simple story, your actions may decide the fate of the world you may be trying to save or bring about its downfall. 

Nowadays, there's plenty of unsung heroes so to speak in the indie gaming industry for RPG's. You'll find many of those titles on Steam, but some have also found their way to the big-name consoles as well.

Check out some notable titles below!


(and more to come!)
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