

At Mary&Basil our mission is to enhance our city lives by supporting and linking avid community gardeners who desire to garden organically. We aim to create a culture where people of all ages are welcomed to experience the joy of organic gardening, learn about horticulture, participate in social events or are welcome to just visit, sit, read and chat to neighbours in our community garden.


These commitments address the basic principles of behaviour and attitude required of members to ensure healthy and harmonious relations within the garden and wider community. Prospective plot-holders are to read and sign on to these commitments in order qualify for a plot.

      1. I pledge to respect and not interfere with the rights and opportunities of other gardeners, Mary Kehoe centre users and visitors.
      2. The only conflict initiated by me will be with weeds and pests, which I will attack with biological means rather than chemical.
      3. If a dispute does arise, I pledge to settle it through calm discussion and goodwill according to the policies and procedures established by the Management Committee. I will accept the decision of the Committee.
      4. I understand that the opportunity to have a plot at Mary&Basil is a privilege, not a right, and as such I must use it or lose it.
      5. When I use tools (where and when I swing them or leave them) I will always be aware of the safety of myself and others.
      6. I understand my participation at the Community Garden is at my own risk. The City of Port Phillip, and members of the Mary&Basil Committee, are not liable for any injury to me, or to my invited family and friends, nor for the loss of any of my possessions.
      7. I will be mindful of the need for security of the Garden and neighboring facilities and ensure any issues are rectified and/or reported to the Committee.
      8. I understand that if I do not pay my plot fees on time I will forfeit my right to use the plot.
      9. I will attend at least three garden working bees each year and contribute to other garden activities to support the whole garden and I happily agree to share what I can with the garden community.
      10. I have read the Mary&Basil Mission Statement and will embrace and abide by the spirit of that mission and these Community Garden Commitments, with the best of intentions for the greater good.


This section provides more detail on the 10 commitments and form part of the commitments to which members sign up.

2. Organic gardening

        • All gardeners are expected to follow recognised organic and sustainable gardening practices including guidelines for watering, as set out by the committee.
        • Gardeners are prohibited from planting noxious, poisonous, and/or intrusive plants which may impinge on other plots.
        • Gardeners are also asked to be mindful of the aesthetic impact of their plot on the garden as a whole.

4. Plot custodianship

        • Ongoing plot custodianship is subject to a member’s participation in a minimum of three working bees per year, unless special circumstances and an alternative contribution have been agreed with the committee.
        • If a plot is not maintained and cultivated, the Mary&Basil committee will place a red flag in the plot and the plot custodian will have 21 days from that day to tend to the garden bed. If the plot has been tended then the plot will be retained. However, if the plot is not tended, custodianship of the plot will be revoked and the plot will be cleared for reallocation.
        • Plot holders are not notified if their plot is red flagged. It is expected that through regular attendance at the garden the red flag will be noticed.
        • A plot holder may only be red flagged twice. After this, if the plot is neglected again, it will automatically be reallocated.
        • If you are taking an extended vacation, please arrange a minder for your plot and notify the committee. The committee should also be notified if any change in personal circumstances renders you unable to regularly tend your plot.
        • The communal areas and pathways around the plots should be kept free of any obstacles.
        • Plot custodianship is not transferable.

5. Shed and equipment

        • Personal items can only be stored in the shed inside the bin allocated to your plot. Any tools, equipment and other resources stored in the shed outside these bins are for communal use.

9. Garden participation

        • All plot holders are expected to not only look after their individual plot, but also to regularly contribute to activities which support the whole garden. As a minimum this will include attending at least three garden working bees each financial year and contributing to other garden activity areas (general garden maintenance, communal projects, fundraising events, management committee etc.).
        • These other garden activities are organised by small teams. Members nominate which garden management team they wish to join. Teams and members are posted in the shed and available online in the members drive.

10. Other matters

        • Gardeners are encouraged to close and lock the garden gate when they enter or exit the garden and to lock the shed it if is not in use and when exiting the garden.
        • Dogs must be kept under effective control by their owners at all times, so as to maintain consideration for other gardeners and Centre users. They should be either on a leash or hitched to a post. Disruptive dogs may be asked to leave.
190701 Mission Statement & 10 Commitments.pdf

Download Mission Statement and 10 Commitments

MaryBasil Membership Application.pdf

Download Membership Registration / Plot Application Form