School Based Counseling Services

Classroom Based Social Emotional Learning

At different times of the school year, the counselor will push into the classroom to provide whole class social emotional learning opportunities (to be determined by grade level and scheduling with classroom teacher). Different modalities are used to support all K-5th students’ Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in the General Education classroom. Please see edutopia: Social and Emotional Learning Research Review for more information on the positive impact of SEL on academic performance.

Small Group Counseling

Throughout the school year, counseling groups will be formed to addressed specific learning, behavioral or social issues. The counselor will use a variety of modalities to support skill development, including play, cognitive behavior therapy, art, and/or process groups. Groups will be formed based on need and students will be selected by the counselor in order to create the most positive group dynamics. Groups will be limited to 2-6 students per group and span 6-8 weeks, 30 minutes per group session. Prior to the student’s participation in any group, the counselor will provide the parent/guardian with specific group information, including the topic, modality, and goals of the group. Parents will need to provide written Consent for Counseling prior to the student’s participation in group counseling.

Individual Counseling

Our counselor is available to provide time-limited, short term counseling to support General Education students needing more intensive interventions. Counseling sessions are designed to support with Social Skills, Relationships/Communication Skills, Understanding and Managing Emotions (anger, anxiety, depression, etc.), Conflict Resolution Skills and School Success. Due to availability, sessions are limited to 3-6 sessions, with on- going informal checks. Students can be referred to counseling by the teacher, principal, parent or self-referral, using the School Based Counseling Referral Form. Parents will need to provide written Consent for Counseling prior to the student beginning work with the counselor. The counselor will work with the parents/guardians, teacher, and student to determine the area(s) of need and provide key interventions to support the students needs and progress.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about counseling services.