Unit 02: CAD with OnShape


In this unit you will work with Computer Assisted Design using the OnShape platform. Computer Assisted Design (CAD) allows you to develop ideas and prototypes without having to have physical parts. CAD also allows for quick changes to designs and sharing of ideas between team members.

Concepts and Vocabulary:

  • Sketches are 2 dimensional drawings.

  • Parts are 3 Dimensional objects created from underlying 2D Sketches.

  • Tools such as extrude, filet, and holes create 3D shapes from 2D Sketches.

  • Dimensions of length, depth, and angles can be set at the Sketch or Part Level.

  • Parts are put together in Assemblies to represent finished objects.

  • Assemblies can be put together in Assemblies for complex designs.

  • Parts and Assemblies can be constrained in rotational, fixed, and linear methods.

Skills and Product:

  • Students will create 2D and 3D shapes from exact measurements

  • Students will use the Tetrix Parts Library to create Assemblies and CAD model of Training Robot

  • Students will model arms and intakes with CAD

  • Students will develop original designs to solve the FIRST Tech Challenge