Amazing Lego Builds


Gavin DeSpain, WMES

Gavin is a 3rd grade student in Mrs. Jessica Shewmaker's Class. He enjoys building with Legos, playing board games, and building models.

Rori O'Daniel, GES

A 4th grader, Rori likes to play with her friends, spend time with family. She also loves food! In her spare time, she watches likes to watch TV, draw, color, write stories and songs. She has 2 dogs (Marsha/Myrtle), and 2 cats (Lincoln/Sammy). She is going to FL this summer on vacation.

Zachary Knight

Marion County Knight Academy

Zachary Knight, MCKA

Zachary is a freshman at Marion County Knight Academy. His hobbies are working with CES software, building intricate Lego warships, and sketching.

Sketch of Alamo

Here is a sketch he did of the Alamo.

Custom Lego Build

Here is a close up of Zachary's custom Lego build of the Alamo.


Dinner Time

By Cadin Spalding

Cadin Spalding

Calvary Elementary - 5th grade

Dragon's Breath

Typography in LEGO Original designed by Cadin.

Kylie Spalding

3rd Grade at CES

Cadin Spalding

5th Grade at CES

This brother and sister duo worked together to build and paint a Captain America Shield. They used wood and paint to create.