Gun Safety Resources
for the School Community

SCHOOL REQUIREMENTS - SB 906 ~ School Safety: Homicide Threats (as of July 1, 2023)

** Mandatory communication with families about firearm safety and safe gun storage laws.
** Schools will be required to contact law enforcement after any threat or perceived threat.

Welcome to the Marin County Gun Safety Resource Website for the School Community

Teachers, Staff, Parents and Students are welcome to use these resources to learn more about Gun Safety from Organizations dedicated to ending Family Fire. 

Thank you to Marin County District Attorney, Lori E. Frugoli, for Launching the Marin Gun Safety Collaborative and promoting Gun Safety for all residents. 

A call to store firearms safely - signed by Sheriff Robert Doyle, District Attorney Lori Frugoli, and Superintendent of Schools, Mary Jane Burke.

Learn More about how to obtain a FREE Gun Lock
or turn in unwanted firearms and/or ammunition in Marin County

Link to Local Law Enforcement Departments

Protect Your Family from Gun Violence with Four Simple Steps


Kids will be Curious 


Talk with someone 24/7

If you or someone you know is in distress, please contact:

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline 988

Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Access Line  (888) 818-1115

Crisis Stabilization Unit (415) 473-6666

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-8255

Linea Nacional de Prevención del Suicidio (888) 628-9454

Crisis Text Line - Text MARIN to 741741