Rūma 8

Learning Site

Welcome to Room 8 - Rūma Waru

Kia ora, talofa, konichiwa, bonjour and welcome to our class site!

This site has everything you need to know for learning in class and at home!

Have a look around! Enjoy!

If you find any technical issues with this site, please email me at: crystal@marfell.school.nz

Room 8 Learning Goals

The students in Room 8 have chosen learning goals in four key areas of their learning:

Some of their MANA goals may include all other areas of learning.

When they have achieved one of their learning goals, they can chose a new goal and earn a digital sticker. 

Room 8 are trying to earn as many digital stickers as they can. They want to see how many goals they can meet by the end of the year!

Thank you for helping your child to achieve their goals.

Our Learning Goals