LAT Recorder Festival

On Tuesday 19th March, 14 children from 3 Beech were excited to attend the first Leigh Academy Trust recorder festival at Oaks Primary Academy, Maidstone along with Langley Park and Molehill Copse Primary Academies.  We were warmly welcomed and enjoyed playing some singing and rhythm games before rehearsing the recorder songs together which we have been busy learning this term.  We had a lovely time playing with the other children at break time before returning to the hall to enjoy a live music performance on the saxophone by Mrs Tullock, as well as learning more about the different sizes of recorder and how versatile the sounds can be.  Finally, we performed our celebratory pieces before it was then time to get back to school.

I am so proud of the exemplary behaviour from 3 Beech as well as their great focus and motivation to perform to their very best ability with great musicality.  A super morning that was enjoyed by all!