Dear Families,

Welcome to the 2020-21 School year. We are excited to learn with you!

While the past few months have brought many changes to our lives, the importance of meaningful, authentic relationships has remained the same. The SACS counselors (along with the entire City School family) remain committed to supporting you and your child during this time of hybrid learning. School counselors are available to all students as needed, and can occur through student or parent requests or teacher referral. While the way we work with students may look different than when we are in school, we can still provide connection and support. We are here to support students’ social and emotional needs, which at this time is more important than ever.

Individual services may include support in the following areas:

  • Anxiety and stress management

  • Outside stressors (family changes, etc.)

  • Study skills and time management

  • Coping skills

  • Social skills

  • Crisis response and informal risk assessments

  • Referral to outside services

What is NOT School Counseling? We cannot provide formal therapeutic counseling services, long term mental health services, or ongoing behavior management. We are happy to refer to outside services where needed and appropriate.

Meet the School Counseling Team

Jamilah Vogel

I look forward to continuing my growth and exploring new opportunities as part of the School Counseling team at SACS. I graduated from the School Counseling program at The University of Vermont in 2013, after many years in education in a variety of teaching and support roles. I am an enthusiastic person with many interests and hobbies including arts, gardening, fitness, yoga, and, my favorite, DANCING! I am also passionate about bringing Restorative Practice and equity literacy to our school, and am one of three staff facilitators of our A World Of Difference Program. I aim to be easily accessible to all members of the SACS community. It takes a village.

Kate Turpen

I am thrilled to announce myself as the newest member of the School Counseling team here at SACS. I completed my Masters in School Counseling from the University of Vermont in 2019. I am passionate about equity work and helping break down systemic barriers to student success and wellbeing. I’m the advisor for the Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA), one of the co-facilitators for A World of Difference student leadership team, and am eagerly looking for other ways to support SACS students!I spend my time outside of school: gardening, journaling, going to the arcade, walking my French Bulldog (Pierre), and making guidance tiktok videos (@counselorkatesacs).

Kristen Hersey

After graduating with my Masters in School Counseling from the University of Vermont in 2008, I spent the next several years splitting my time between St.Albans City School (SACS), Waterville Elementary School, and the Northeastern Family Institute in residential treatment. I am excited for my eighth year here at SACS. Along with the many roles that I play as part of our school Multi Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), I enjoy working with students and classrooms to explore mindfulness and the mind/body connection. When not at school you can find me in the dance studio tap dancing, which keeps me healthy and my brain young.

Home School Coordinator

Amanda Smullen

Although not a School Counselor at SACS I work very closely with this talented team. I graduated with a Masters in Clinical Psychology from Saint Michael’s College in 2005. Shortly after, I completed additional work in the field of School Psychology. Currently I am studying Restorative Practices through the International Institute for Restorative Practices. I worked at SACS as a Behavior Specialist for many years. Currently, I am the Home School Coordinator and as such I work closely with parents in supporting their child’s learning. I have a lead role in our MTSS team, partner with outside agencies, and support our in house behavior programs. When I am not at school I am often outside (hiking, kayaking, skiing…), spending time with family and friends, reading, or knitting.

School Counselers Office Hours Template
School Counselers Online Resources template