
Dear Navigator Families,

In our classrooms, we strive for the love of learning and want each child to feel safe and cared about when they come to school each day. Our daily activities are carefully planned to encourage independence and self confidence through whole groups, small groups and one on one participation. Our focus of curriculum centers around thematic units and they relate to all of our content areas. Both our preschool and kindergarten day offers academics often seen embedded into our everyday play. Our goal is to encourage your child to be the best person they can be and support you in every way. WE WILL help your child learn and grow.

Our school has adopted the Conscious Discipline philosophy around classroom norms and behavioral guidance. You and your family will learn about it’s principles as time goes on, but it centers around helping your child’s brain to grow and develop naturally, and through mindfulness, making choices, and learning to be a part of the community. The principles also center around the loving guidance provided by the teachers on our team.

We are excited to help all of the Navigator children grow and learn over the next year through in-person learning, remote learning and support at home. Please feel free to reach out anytime to one of the classroom teachers with any questions or concerns that you may have about the upcoming school year. This is a new type of school year and a new type of learning but we can get through it together as a community.

~Miss Tara, Miss Laidman and Miss Lawyer

Navigators Office Hours Template
Adventurers Online Resources template