Get Ready to Read Storytime

Click the picture to join Ms. Susan as she reads funny stories and
sings silly songs about sheep.

1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Read a book (any book) to your newborn, infant, toddler and/or preschooler. The goal is to have read 1,000 books (yes you can repeat books) before your precious one starts kindergarten. Does it sound hard? Not really if you think about it. If you read just 1 book at night, you will have read 365 books in a year. That is 730 in two years and 1,095 books in three years. If you consider that most children start kindergarten at around 5 years of age, you have more time than you think (so get started).

Click here to download a copy of the reading log. Every time you read or reread a story, color in the dot. Once you complete the reading log then scan the QR code so that you can log in the results and schedule a time to pick up a prize for your little one.