Counseling Services

Individual counseling 

Individual counseling is offered to students throughout the school year in a confidential setting and is designed to meet any immediate student needs or concerns.  Individual counseling at school is short-term and requires parent permission.  Should a student need on-going therapy, a referral can be made to an outside mental health provider.  

Students can arrange a time to meet with the counselor individually or with a small group. Students can write a note (drop box located in the school lobbies), fill out a student referral form or tell their teacher if they would like to meet with the counselor. Parents/Guardians, teachers, principals or any staff member may refer students to the counselor at any time. 

Small Group Counseling

Small group counseling sessions may be offered to students throughout the school year.  Counseling sessions are related to personal, social, and academic concerns and typically last for 6-8 sessions. Teachers and parents may refer students for group counseling and groups will be formed based on student need. The group counseling environment allows students to give and receive help from their peers who may be experiencing similar feelings or situations. 

Group counseling topics include friendship skills, self-esteem, anxiety/stress management, coping with family change (divorce, separation, etc.), anger control, and grief support. 

If you have any questions about counseling services, or would like to refer your child, please contact:

Julie Katz (MTES Counselor)