3rd Grade Music
American Pop Music History - Jazz
All Anna Mac students are studying the history of American Pop Music in the Thrid Trimester, and 3rd graders are focusing specifically on Jazz! We'll be discussing the history of the genre,"Swinging 8ths", "Improvisation", and "Scat singing".
"Begin the Beguine"
by Cole Porter, performed by Artie Shaw
"Waltz for Debbie"
By Bill Evans, performed by Allen Toussaint
by Count Basie and the Count Basie Orchestra
Musical Theatre!
Starting in January, 3rd graders will begin learning about Musical Theatre in music class.
I've chosen "Annie" as our focus show. We'll be watching performances from Broadway, learning the song "Maybe", doing some movement to the songs, and even making up our own musical scene, using a song of their choosing.
Bonus Points!!!
Watch any movie musical. Take a piece of paper and write down the name of a few of the songs. Also, write why the characters sang it. Bring it back to Mrs. Miller-Amato before March 1st, and get 5 bonus points!
Percussion instruments
Instruments that are hit (like a drum), shaken (like a maraca), or scraped (like a guiro) belong to the percussion family.
3rd graders are spending several weeks exploring the percussion family. Specifically...
Students are learning the song "Closet Key" on the glockenspiel. Ask your student about the song and the game that goes along with it!
Music Play Online
We've been having some fun exploring this website in class, and I wanted to let students access it at home, too. Follow the prompts below to access this great educational site!

We love music!
creating playlists
Our first music class project will be to make a class playlist. We'll make a poster collage of all of the music we like: songs, performers, genres, instruments, etc... Then, Mrs. Miller-Amato will make a Spotify playlist with all the music we love. We'll even get to name our playlist whatever we want.
3rd grade students spend a lot of the year learning about pitch. A pitch tells us how high or how low to sing or play. We use solfege to help us hear and sing pitches, and in 3rd grade we focus on sol, la, and mi. These three pitches are the most commonly used, so they are very important to know! We can read, write, listen, sing, and play sol, la, and mi on many instruments.
Rhythm is one of the building blocks of music, and in 3rd grade we are becoming master rhythm readers! Rhythm tells us the pattern of the pitches. We also call this "the way the words go."