Kowhai & Taniwha 2023


Welcome to Kowhai and Taniwha's class site. We are Year 3 & 4 classes. Mrs Jurlina teaches in Kowhai class and Whaea Trina teaches in Taniwha class. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

Lauren- laurenj@mangonui.school.nz

Petrina - petrinay@mangonui.school.nz 

Taniwha/Kowhai Karakia, Whakatauki, Vision, Values 2022

At Mangonui school we start our day with our Pepeha and school song. We also have karakia, whakatauki and our school vision and values that we learn each day. 

Kaitiaki focus

Each week we have a new kaitiaki focus that we will focus on. 

The students / students that consistently show this will recieve the kaitiaki award for their class.