Shared Reading

Week 3 - Overfishing

A Informational Slide Show Presentation

Find the lesson under 'Papatūānuku' on the Shared Reading Site linking above. 

Week 1 -The Best Story 

Written by: Eileen Spinelli

llustrated by: Anne Wilsdorf

The library is having a contest for the best story, and the quirky narrator of this book just has to win that rollercoaster ride with her favorite author! But what makes a story the best?

NZ Herald Article August 2022

Stuff NZ Article 2022

Week 7 - 9 Shared reading- whitebait articles

Week 6 -Rosie Revere, Engineer

Rosie Revere, Engineer 

A beautifully-illustrated tale of a girl and her dream to become a great engineer.

Where some people see rubbish, Rosie Revere sees inspiration. Alone in her room at night, shy Rosie constructs great inventions from odds and ends. Hot dog dispensers, helium pants, python-repelling cheese hats. Rosie’s gizmos would astound—if she ever let anyone see them.

Afraid of failure, she hides them away under her bed. Until a fateful visit from her great-great-aunt Rose, who shows her that a first flop isn’t something to fear—it’s something to celebrate.

Week 3/4 - The Garbage Barge

We are investigating the things that impact our natural environment and ways we can keep Papatūanuku healthy. Click on the link above for lots of shared reading ideas. 

Week 1/2 Shared Reading

We are investigating the things that impact our natural environment and ways we can keep Papatūanuku healthy. Click on the link above for lots of shared reading ideas. 

Week 10 Shared Reading

In Taniwha this week we will be recaping our Ngāti kahu stories. Click on the shared reading link above for more information. 

Week 9 Shared Reading

This week we will be using Matariki activity booklets provided by the Ministry of Education in class. Please click here for some activities you might want to do at home with your whānau or here for a text to listen to. 

Week 7 Shared Reading

Click on 'Term 2 Shared Reading' above for a link to our shared reading site. 

Week 6 Shared Reading

Click on 'Term 2 Shared Reading' above for a link to our shared reading site. 

Week 5 Shared Reading

Click on 'Term 2 Shared Reading' above for a link to our shared reading site. 

Week 3/4 Shared Reading

Week 2 Shared Reading:

We are all kind

This story was written by P.Crumble and Jonathan Bentley. 

No matter who you are, this book celebrates that we can all extend a hand, make amends, share a laugh, solve a problem, heal a hurt, and love one another. There are so many ways to care and to show that . . . we are all KIND.