
This plan shows the books we are reading this week. 

It also shows what we are learning to help us with our reading this week.  Please help your child by listening to them read each day. Help them as they need it. Talk about the focus of our learning for the week. It is also especially helpful for their learning if you talk about the book with them and discuss what they have read. You could ask some questions or get them to tell you the main points. They also still love you to read to them when you can :)

Reading plan - Term 2
T1-Reading Task Board 2024

Critical Literacy.

We read interesting books that have a deeper messages for us to think about. This helps us address real life issues by empowering us to make connections, share our perspectives, reflect on ideas and explore possible responses.We read the book, discuss it with our peers and then share our ideas with the class. We record what we think here. 

Critical Literacy - Kowhai - 2024


At each reading level, there are different skills and knowledge that we are learning. Here are some examples of what our learning might look like in reading. After Two Years at school, students are expected to be reading at Turquoise level. After Three Years at school, students are expected to be reading at Gold level. Ask your child what their group and reading level is (have a look at our reading plan) and you can find information that relates to your child's learning on these pages. 

PM Reading Levels - Kowhai- Site

Here are some word lists if you want to work through them with your child.

Word Lists - old ones - Trina