
Seesaw in our class

Seesaw is the learning journal that we use in Koru class. We share videos, photos, voice recordings, publishing and many different activities that we do in class. Whanau of our Koru class students can connect to our journals to see what we have been learning. Both students and Miss Maihi can post to our Seesaw journals.

App for students in Class

This is the app we use at school. With this app, students can complete activities that are assigned to them, post videos, photos, notes, links, documents and recordings of their learning.

App for whanau to download

This is the app that you will need so that you can view your child's learning on their Seesaw journal. Each student and Miss Maihi will upload posts to the Seesaw journals. Whanau can like and comment on each post too. We love seeing likes and comments from whanau.

It is available on iOs and Android devices.

Connect to seesaw

Kia ora koutou. If you are a whanau member of our Koru class students, please connect to their Seesaw learning journal. Find the link below:

Seesaw activity links

If you are a whanau member and you are connected to a Koru kid's learning journal, you can have a look at the types of activities we complete on Seesaw. Click on the links below to see what activities we have been working on.

Letter of the day activity

Trace and write numbers to 10 activity

Word of the week activity