October, 2022

Growing up with a large household and crazy schedule, there was not a luxury of getting to always choose what I wanted to do or even where I wanted to go. Often times as a teenager I would try to come up with a plan of something fun to do but would result in having to babysit my siblings instead. The idea of making choices became challenging and having options meant more pressure to select the right one. As an adult I can look back and recall how much organizing helped me gain a sense of independence, control, and creativity.

It was not uncommon to find my room completely dumped and rearranged within an hour and became a monthly habit. My dad would come home to all of my belongings in the hall ready for him to move my bed across the room even if he had done it a week earlier and he never complained. Thanks dad <3

In high school when I got involved in more soccer practices, relationships, having a job, and then discerning my future, I turned to a handy dandy notebook and planner to organize my racing thoughts and anxious feelings about all the changes occurring in my life. I would use different colors and fun notebooks to keep me excited and because why not?

As an adult, I still use the colorful supplies and notebooks as well as reorganize and rearrange rooms. Soooo do not be surprised if you come in for sessions and the room is completely different each month. In fact, just expect it! I love finding new ways to spark joy for me and reminding myself of what I can control vs. not.