Make Sense with Sierra Marie

August 2022

Back to school

Heading back to school was some of my favorite memories growing up. Picking out sparkly school supplies, meeting new friends and playing soccer at recess. However, as I got older and went to college I realized going to school can sometimes be stressful, especially when it is a new place. What helped me prepare for and succeed in school regardless of my grade, was knowing I was supported and encouraged to use my God-given gifts and talents. Time for prayer, exercise, baking cookies, and hanging with loved ones all positively influenced my ability to stay motivated and focused on the future. On the flip side, I discovered that when I didn't get in a good night of sleep, missed breakfast, forgot to pray, or didn't get any physical activity in it had negatively impacted my progress and emotions.

My Back to School Tips:

  1. Create a routine to set yourself up for success

  2. Write out your Calendar and stick to it

  3. Make friends in every class to study with or just to keep you accountable

  4. Write a special note for your child's lunch

  5. Create a safety plan and know emergency contact information

  6. Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier

  7. Take breaks from electronics