Where Students Find the Freedom to Learn

Makarios is a progressive private school in Fort Worth, TX. We serve families with children ages 5-18 by supporting self-directed learning in an environment that balances freedom and responsibility and prepares young people to thrive in today’s complex world.

You Deserve More Choices in Education

We recognize that many families are deeply dissatisfied with the experience children are having in traditional public and private schools. Often, kids are bright—but bored and not challenged to reach their full potential. They may feel bullied and isolated. Or, they may have been “labeled” with a learning disability or behavior problems.

At Makarios, we see kids as you see them—the way they really are. Naturally talented, accelerated learners, rambunctious and energetic, curious and thoughtful. Above all, diverse and unique. We invite you to visit a community where children can experience education differently.

“Education is the sum of everything a person learns that enables that person to live a satisfying and meaningful life.”

- Alliance for Self-Directed Education

Your Children Deserve to...

Enjoy Life Deeply

Makarios students are EXCITED about coming to school every day, and families experience less stress and conflict at home. Parents love watching their children grow and thrive in this environment.

Reach Their Full Potential

Every child is naturally curious and eager to learn. Here, they can dive into their areas of interests, be challenged to try new things, and learn that failure is simply a step on the pathway to success.

Build Strong Character

All children, mentors, and staff are held to a high standard for kindness and respect. At Makarios, kids learn peaceful conflict resolution and hold each other accountable on a daily basis.

Practice Making Decisions

With collaborative decision-making, all students have a voice and a vote. Through this process, they learn to take responsibility for their choices—even if they don’t always get their way.

Be Prepared for the Future

The most successful people in the world are flexible, lifelong learners. Whether the next step is college, career, or entrepreneurship, we help your child prepare to reach their goals.

Want to know more?

As you’ve noticed, Makarios really does things differently. And we understand that you have a lot of questions! Visit our FAQ to learn more right now, and feel free to contact us to speak with our knowledgeable staff and mentors.