

1. Respect yourself 

2. Respect others 

3. Respect all facilities 

4. Be on time 

5. Be prepared 

6. Pass all classes 

7. Come to class everyday (discuss any conflicts before the conflict occurs) 

Dry Lands: 

Dry lands are a time that we are not able to golf. During this time golfers will run, lift weights, do core/AB work and a variety of other exercises that increase strength and flexibility. All golfers are expected to give 100% during this training, whether we are in season or out of season. 

Student Athletes must: 

1. Come every day with the following equipment: athletic shoes, athletic shorts, t-shirt (school appropriate and a water bottle)

2. Stretch as a team. The team Captains will lead the stretches every day. 

3. Participate in all team activities/events.

Golf Tournaments: 

Golf Tournaments are for competition and are an important part of the season. This is a time to focus mentally and prepare yourself to play the best that you can, by giving 100% effort 100% of the time. 

Other Golfer Expectations: 

1. Respect all facilities we play at. 

2. Stretch as a team before tournaments/meets start. 

3. Warm up as a team in our assigned area. 

4. Be respectful to all officials, coaches and other teams. 

5. Cheer and support your teammates!

 6. Finish the round, never quit.