Teaching Live-Online With Zoom

As you prepare to teach live-online, our Live-Online Setup Checklist will ensure you’ve covered all your bases. It includes all steps, from sending out the invite, to seeing who is present, to setting ground rules and expectations.

Read on for evidence-based practices and tools to help you engage learners and leverage the great features Zoom and other technologies have to offer. These options are ideal for teaching Live-Online, as well as for your In-Person, Blended, or HyFlex classrooms.

Active Learning Strategies for Live-Online Group Work

These tools facilitate collaborative brainstorming, writing, and notetaking. They also encourage student social engagement, connectedness, and belonging.

Image to come Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Collaborative Writing

Google Docs

Padlet Uses

Using Zoom’s Whiteboard Feature to Collaborate and Brainstorm During a Live Zoom Session

Image to come

Poll & Discuss

Think-Pair-Share: Smaller Group Work

Large Group Discussions: Tools to Reflect and Share

Instructional Strategies for Group Work in a New Environment

When you can’t physically break your class into smaller work groups, Zoom offers options to keep students engaged. These creative instructional strategies can be used in physically distanced classrooms, online, and in a HyFlex model.

More on Breakout Rooms

Breakout rooms can provide students with opportunities to collaborate and engage with one another.

Engaging Questions

Faculty often express concern about student engagement during live lectures in Zoom. When students are remote, it can be challenging to ‘read the room’. This article provides concrete examples of questioning strategies to ensure students remain engaged during your Zoom classes.

Backchannel: Creating Opportunities for Informal Student Interactions

Create "backchannel" opportunities for students to engage less formally using any of the above tools, or the suggestions in this article Nine Uses for Backchannel in Education.

Supporting Remote Learners

Faculty play a critical role in supporting remote learners. Our worksheet will show you how.


Visit Zoom’s Accessibility Features page to review features for diverse users.