College Application

The Common Application

How to Navigate the Common App

Navigate Common App

Advisor Preview: How to add an advisor

    • To allow one of us to preview your application, you can add us as an advisor on the Common Application. To do this:

        • Add at least one college to your Common Application.

        • Then, go to the "My Colleges" tab.

        • Next, click on one of the colleges.

        • In the drop-down that appears, click "Recommenders and FERPA." Follow the directions.

        • Once that step is complete, stay on the page. Scroll down to the bottom to find the section called "Advisor." Click "Invite Advisor."

        • Enter the appropriate info for your advisor, and click "Invite."

        • Click "Enable Preview" so we can see a preview of your Common Application.

Other Recommender: How to add a UB advisor

    • Some colleges allow other recommenders (people who aren't your teacher or counselor such as your UB advisor, a coach, religious leader, or supervisor at a job or internship).

    • If you would like your advisor to write you a recommendation, please talk to them about it as soon as you can and add them as a recommender on your Common Application:

        • For EACH college that you would like the recommendation added to: click the Colleges tab --> click on one of your colleges --> click on the Recommenders and FERPA section --> scroll to the bottom of the page --> click to add your advisor's information and add them to this college.

        • Remember: Not all colleges will have the option to add an Other Recommender.

Tips & FAQs

General advice

    • To view the Common App's general application guide, click here.

    • Use proper grammar throughout the application, not just the essay. This includes capitalizing proper nouns like names and street addresses.

Advice about specific sections of the Common Application

    • Current or Most Recent Year Courses - Include all of your courses. Remember to update it if your schedule changes. Most schools are on a semester or trimester system.

    • Honors - Examples: honor roll, student of the year awards, extracurricular awards, state awards, AP Scholar, etc.

    • Community Based Organizations - List TRIO Upward Bound

    • Testing - We usually recommend that you self-report at least your SAT and/or ACT scores. For more info on how these self-reported scores are used, click here.

    • Activities - This is you place to shine! Include work, volunteer experience, clubs, sports, extracurricular activities, and, of course, Upward Bound! If you have spent a significant amount of time supporting your family with care taking or other responsibilities, talk to your advisor about how best to include this, too.

    • Courses and Grades - Only complete this section if your college requires it. Usually you do NOT need to complete this section because this info will also be on your transcript.

The Essay

Grammar Tips

Khan Academy's Quick Punctuation Rules - Simple rules to get you started

The Punctuation Guide - Super detailed information

The Supplemental Essay

Other Types of Applications

  • Coalition Application and Universal Application: Two types of applications which are similar to the Common Application. Fewer colleges accept these applications. Before you use one of them, please discuss the decision with your advisor.

  • Institutional Application: Some colleges have their own application. You can access it directly from their website.