Creating a script

Now you have to take your story idea and turn it into a script. A script is what guides movie production. It breaks down a long story into different scenes. You will detail the W's such as:

  • who is in the scene?

  • where is this taking place? (setting)

  • what is happening?

  • when is this taking place? (time of day or time reference, especially important if you have flashbacks or travel to different times)

  • why? (how is this important to the story)

You will also write out what each person is going to say and how they are going to say it. In the notes section make sure to include any details that will be helpful when you go to record such as specific costumes or props you will need.

Script Outline

Extension Activity: Think about your movie's setting. Would a green screen be helpful? You can learn more about greenscreening here and we can discuss using one. Just remember any images you use as the background you must have permission for.