
Share your story!

How are you incorporating public health guidelines—like wearing a mask or staying 6 feet from other people—into your everyday routine?

What challenges or successes have you faced in doing so?

How are you ‘coping with COVID?’

  1. Take 1-5 photos or a brief video showing how you are adapting COVID-related public health recommendations into your daily life.

  2. Write a brief story or caption describing your photos or video: what do they say about how you are 'coping with COVID' every day?

  3. Click on "Fill out form" to the right. That form will allow you to upload your story and photos/video, decide how you want to share them, ask for your consent that your images/story be analyzed as part of this research, and ask you to answer some optional demographic questions.

This website is part of a research study about how people are incorporating COVID-related public health guidelines into their daily routines. The research is being conducted by Dr. Katie Swacha, assistant professor of English at the University of Maine.

Frequently Asked Questions

A photo of a smart phone with a "Help Flatten the Curve" headline on the screen.
A photo of three nesting dolls wearing face masks.
A photo of a person wearing a mask on a bus.
A photo of "Stand Here" circles spaced 6 feet apart on a sidewalk.

What kind of images should I take?

You might take photos or a brief video showing any objects, places, or technologies that have helped you to adapt to life during the pandemic. For example, you might take a series of photos that walk through a typical day for you during the pandemic. Selfies are encouraged! You could even draw or paint a picture, and then upload a photo of your artwork. If your photo/video includes identifiable images of other people, you will be asked to obtain their verbal consent. Suggested language for doing so can be found here.

What should I write about in my story?

Describe what your photos/video say about your everyday life during the pandemic and how you are coping. Walk us through a typical day for you. What factors help you to follow public health guidelines and what prevents you from doing so? How have these guidelines changed your everyday life and routine? Which COVID-related public health guidelines feel intuitive and which do not? The length of your story is entirely up to you. It might only be a few sentences or several paragraphs.

How will my photos and story be used?

The answer to this question is up to you. This website is part of a research project being conducted by Dr. Katie Swacha, Assistant Professor of English at the University of Maine. The project explores how people are adapting COVID-related public health guidelines into their daily routines. By uploading your images/story to the Google Form above and filling out the consent form, you will be agreeing for your materials to be analyzed as part of this research and discussed in academic publications. The form will ask you whether you want to share your materials publicly on this website or if you want them to stay confidential only to Dr. Swacha--in that case, any information that identifies you will be removed.

How do I know if I am eligible to participate?

If you are over 18 years old, and can give informed consent, then you are eligible.