Verbal Consent for Third Parties

Before taking a photo or video that includes identifiable images of other people, please make sure to get their verbal consent for you to use their images as part of this project. You can use the suggested script below (by reading it to them or showing it to them on your phone). Once you upload your images into the Google Form, you will be asked if you have obtained verbal consent from third parties. If you do not get this consent from third parties who appear in your images, then any identifiable features (like faces) will be greyed out before your images are analyzed or displayed as part of this project.

Verbal Consent Script

I am taking a photo/video that includes your identifiable image as part of a research project being conducted by Dr. Katie Swacha, a faculty member in the Department of English at the University of Maine. The purpose of the research is to study how people are incorporating COVID-related public health guidelines into their daily routines.

You do not have to agree for me to include anything that identifies you in the photo/video that I am taking as part of this research project. If you do agree, then you are agreeing that the photo/video I take, including your identifiable image, may be analyzed as part of this academic research and may be publicly displayed on the Coping with COVID website associated with this project. If you do not agree, then anything that identifies you in a photo or video that I submit as part of this research will be greyed out before it is posted on the Coping with COVID website or analyzed as part of this research.

You are welcome to contact Dr. Katie Swacha at or 207-581-3820 if you have questions, or visit the Coping with COVID website:

Do I have your verbal consent for your likeness to appear in the photo/video that I am taking as part of this research project?