A Brief Introduction to New Taipei Municipal Zhonghe Senior High School


Located at the junction of Zhonghe, Banqiao and Tucheng, Zhonghe Senior High School, founded in 1990, overlooked the well-known Yuantong Temple. Also, the School was the first public senior high school in Zhonghe and Yonghe District, New Taipei City. The School enrolls Taiwanese students, ranging from 10th-12th grades. Each grade is comprised of 18 classes and the School body consists of 54 classes, with more than 2000 students and with a student-teacher ratio of 20 to 1.

Mr. Lee Ping-Yin served as the first principal in 1992, and Mr. Luo Fu-Shan took up the post as the second principal in 1998. The two honorable principals built up an excellent spirit and atmosphere for the educational institution, and led the School to achieve outstanding results along with the great efforts of both teachers and students.

In 2005, Mr.Kao Po-Ling succeeded as the third principal. In the course of his duties, the School successfully applied for the Senior High School Actualization Program. The application further fueled the coherence and professional passion of the administrative team and teachers on the existing firm basis.

The English Creative Workshop, a professional learning community comprised of professional teachers, acts a driving force to enhance the communication and encourage peer learning amongst professional teachers of the different subjects. With the Actualization Program fund, the School has further improved its on-campus infrastructure, offering new IT courses for students and bringing itself a brand new look.

In 2014, Mr. Huang Chi-Feng succeeded as the fifth principal. During his terms in school, the New Taipei City Government cooperated with Microsoft Taiwan in hope to achieve the administrative goal as stated in the “Partners in Learning” program, thereby implementing the “School in the Cloud” project. The duo developed the Microsoft Showcase Schools in order to train up the crucial capacity for the 21st century amongst senior high school students in New Taipei City, thereby fulfilling the implementation of the “Study in Hometown” education policy.

The School was further approved by the Education Department of the New Taipei City Government as a featured school “Star of Technology”, and planned to establish FabLab Zhonghe. The teaching faculty managed to integrate their teaching methods, from traditional lecture methods to two-way interactive teaching methods, and our courses were no longer comprised of solely face-to-face lessons, but also embedded the elements of online virtual learning. The teachers have actively engaged in discussions to uncover innovative ideas to achieve sparkling performances and results.

In 2015, Ms. Ke Ya-Ling was selected for the sixth principal. Under her leadership, the School has been again recognized as the model school of the Microsoft Showcase School Plan. In the meanwhile, the School’s English Creative Workshop won the Award for Excellence in Teaching from Ministry of Education for the second time.

With in-depth teaching of each subject and cross-disciplinary collaboration and instruction, the School has striven to uncover “how to generate maximum value with limited resources”, and “how to get students to start from niche learning” when developing curriculum. By so doing, the School helps students to enjoy peak learning experience and thereby explore their abilities and yet undiscovered talents to their fullest when students participate in its carefully designed courses.

The School must grasp the chance to further break through and evolve. The School is more than ready to invest greater efforts. By making full use of niches and highlights, the School effectively combines governmental and local features and social resources to attract diverse resources through innovative and outstanding performances, thereby further developing its featured courses to build a quality school brand. The School hopes to create new value and future and become one of the best senior high schools in Taiwan to cultivate remarkable talents for society.

School Logo and School Motto

The School logo is the Polaris. The compass symbolizes hope. The V shape underlined with a thin and a bold line signifies victory and progress. The logo represents how the student body and teachers at the School are rich in hope and success, and are consistently making progress along the way. The four directions of the Polaris stand for moderation, sincerity, modesty and flexibility respectively, which are also the School motto.



The School attaches great importance to multi-aspect exploration and adaptive learning. Besides, it upholds the philosophy of “techno spirit and humane concern” and actively develops and expands its featured courses. The School wishes to realize the vision for education by offering enormous depth and breadth of course content, thereby cultivating “global citizens with cross-boundary mobile learning abilities, humane and social care, knowledge of modern science and technology, and global mobility”.

Student Image


Professional and Diligent Teachers

The teachers of various disciplines of the School are highly professional with a burning passion and an abundant practical experience in teaching, and have made numerous publications and received countless awards for their expertise. More than eighty percent of the teachers have obtained a master degree, and have engaged in teaching for over ten years on average.

The professional learning community for teachers runs smoothly and the developed teaching materials have become an important foundation for the featured courses and diverse and enriching electives. Some of the teachers are even appointed as researchers for the Ordinary Senior High School Curriculum Center of MOE and are recruited as members of the Curriculum & Instruction Consulting Team of New Taipei City. Also, they are the test makers and raters for the Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students. The teachers are rich in training experience and capable of guiding students to participate in the various competitions. Thanks to their professional expertise, the students have had dazzling performances in both national and international contests.

  • ­ The School is the Development Center of Ordinary Senior High School Chinese Curriculum in New Taipei City, leading the development of new courses for the 12-year compulsory education. The Chinese teaching team carefully designs the featured courses and instructs students with diligence. With the teachers’ guidance, the students have won the first prize and second prize of the senior high school Chinese group contest of Zhonghe and Yonghe District, New Taipei City, over the years.
  • The School is the Career Planning Education Resource Center in New Taipei City, and is mainly responsible for organizing the featured career planning activities. The teachers have received the outstanding award of creative teaching plan and design competition hosted by the MOE Career Planning Curriculum Center for numerous times, and have even won the highest award for the Career Planning Education in the teacher’s professional learning community.
  • The English Creative Workshop, founded by the English faculty, has been awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award for the second time, and thereby acted as the benchmark for other schools in quality English teaching. In addition, the School has introduced foreign teachers to deliver engaging lessons both in English and in Chinese to offer the students a solid and substantial English learning experience.
  • The Maths faculty break free from the traditional force-feeding method of teaching, and encourage students to learn Maths spontaneously through group discussions. This effective method not only trains students by logical reasoning and abstract thinking, but also connects programming language to their mathematical training in order to lay the foundation for further studying of integrated Maths and Science subjects.Moreover, the students have been awarded for numerous times in AMC and TRML Mathematic Competitions and the flipped teaching of the Maths team was even featured by a front-page interview on United Daily News. The team, comprised of ten students, represented Taiwan to participate in ARML (American Regions Mathematics League), and came in third place and sixth place in the international competition. The contestants even later received admission offer to attend the University of California, Berkeley.
  • The science team actively encourage students to participate in various competitions, ranging from Maths, science and information contests to national science fair, creative science competitions and international exhibition for young inventors, in hope to create chances for the students to make full use of their potential. The team have come in first and second for numerous times. The awards, such as ‘Special Mention Award’ and “Contribution to Humanity” Award’, further inspire and stimulate students' creative thinking and talents.
  • Social studies teachers have prepared students for the national geography Olympiad for senior high school, and achieved flying colors in the competition. Apart from that, the teachers cooperated with Da-Ai TV, offering students a chance to film and make documentary videos and micro films, nourishing the students' care for humanity and critical thinking abilities through the filming process.
  • Fine Arts teachers encourage students to make full use of their creativity, and combine artworks with the campus environment in a subtle and natural way, to best implement environmental education. The students also participate in the annual New Taipei City Art Exhibition, and win an award on a yearly basis.

Dedicated and Passionate Administrative Team

  • The current principal adopts and enhances Systems Thinking when leading and managing the School’s rigorous curriculum and instruction. By running a series of quality school promotion activities and building a learning organization simultaneously, the principal successfully leads the school’s new curriculum core team and the curriculum development committee into completing the school-based curriculum development plan for the 2019 new curriculum in high schools, under a common belief of prioritizing student centered learning.
  • The current principal encourages the establishment of a professional learning community amongst teachers. Apart from sustaining the running of the existing teaching team on campus, the principal also promotes building more teacher communities to develop more course collaborations and research programs.
  • The current principal leads the administrative and teaching teams to revolutionize the curriculum through observations and management by wandering around, and to maximize the quality of teaching and learning capacity of the students.
  • The administrative team holds frequent meetings to discuss the various competitive programs, and to ensure that the planning, implementation and self-management of the programs can be carried out smoothly.
  • The administrative teachers are diligent at and passionate for their teaching. Also, the teachers participate in contests, such as professional learning community competitions and creative teaching plan competitions to make best use of their potential in their teaching.
  • The administrative sections have a clear division of duties. By maintaining close communication, the administrative team and the teaching team are able to interact effectively in time under the different circumstances.
  • The annual external official funding has been invested into updating teaching equipment and improving the learning environment. Through the implementation of project plans, the development of teaching expertise and inter-community collaborations are slowly becoming part of the organizational culture, and thereby stand as two of the major characteristics of the School.

Outstanding and Diverse Student Performance

  • The students are mostly smart and eager to learn, thereby making best use of the potential under the guidance of diligent teachers. They deliver superb performances in competitions, ranging from Maths, science to languages, arts and sports. The students often come top of the College Entrance Exams within New Taipei City.
  • Half of the students tend to achieve excellent educational outcomes in entering public universities; the others enter some of the best private universities in Taiwan.
  • By participating in the National Primary & High School Science Fair, the students have won numerous titles, such as first prize in chemistry, best creativity award, team award in physics and astronomy, and honorable mention in environmental science.
  • Our students have received numerous Taipei Regional Group Awards in annual TRML for years on end.
  • Our students have won prizes often in the International Exhibition for Young Inventers (Taiwan trial) for years on end.
  • Our students have won the first and the second prizes for team awards in Zhonghe and Yonghe District language competitions, New Taipei City, for consecutive years.
  • Our students frequently participate in all kinds of English academic contests, such as writing competitions, speech competitions and the national high-school English spelling bee contest, and have become a steady winner year after year.
  • With integrated, cross-disciplinary collaboration between the natural science and English teaching teams, our students competed in the 2016 World Invention Creativity Contest (WICC) in Korea. Our team received Gold and Silver medals, as well as a Highly Commended Prize. Our students also won the first and only Excellence in The Area of Human Resources Award in Taiwan.
  • Having competed in the Mathematics and information science semi-final competition in New Taipei City, our team have won prizes and reached final of the national competition.
  • In the New Taipei City Arts Contest, our students came in top 3 in categories, including calligraphy, graphic design, Chinese ink painting and western painting.
  • Our swimming team frequently take part in national and even international competitions, and receive high recognition with brilliant performances. Our team ranks first for the number of medals in New Taipei City, and has even broken the record for the contest.

Picturesque Environment, and High-Tech Facilities

The School is located between the Hsintian Creek and the Dahanshi River, and surrounded by Sishizhangshan and Qingshuishan Mountain areas. Its total area is around 5.5152 hectare. Besides, Zhonghe interchange of freeway No 3 is nearby, and the School will be right at the location of Zhonghe Senior High School Station, Wanda line of Taipei Metro.

1. Green Eco Park:

With Sishizhangshan as the backyard of the School, the eco park is regarded as not only home to a rich variety of ecological species, offering students and teachers the chance to get closer to the natural environment, but also a platform to integrate curriculum-based learning into the ecological system through field trips in Biology, Geography, Chinese and Arts lessons.

2. Digital Teaching Environment:

As a Microsoft Showcase School for the “School in the Cloud” project, the School sets up an effective teaching environment and administrative management system, thereby mastering the up-to-date teaching and learning tactic of the 21st century.

3. The Dome-shaped Teaching Observatory:

With a planetarium and a dome-shaped observatory for teaching, the School is equipped with a 15cm refractor and EM-500 equatorial instrument made by Takahashi, Japan. Star-gazers are able to track the movement of the target stars with the automatic mapping software. The dome can even be opened and closed at will with the remote control device. Besides, the observatory is complete with an automatic weather monitoring and recording system for a long-term weather report.

4. Subject-based Classroom:

The subject-based classrooms are equipped with a digital white-board, a digital visualizer, computers and networking devices, a teaching screen, Interactive Response System (IRS), etc. Technologically, the advanced equipment enables teachers to conduct effective teaching, and even carry out peer observations for further improvements.

5. Laboratory:

The School holds a total of 7 science laboratories, including 2 physics labs, 2 chemistry labs, 2 biology labs and 1 environmental science lab. With its high-tech facilities, the laboratories are qualified for science contests in New Taipei City.

6. Library:

The detached library serves as the center of teaching resources, and houses more than 43 thousand volumes, 400 e-books and 80 types of magazines. Besides, the library is equipped with a multi-media room, e-learning classroom, auditorium, exhibition room, ICT classrooms, etc. In addition, the library adopts digital management, offering online search, bookings and renewal services.

7. Learning Space:

Each classroom is equipped with a dust-free blackboard, air-conditioners and an overhead projector, offering students a convenient and quality learning environment.

8. Venues for Workshop, Sharing the Outcome of Project-Based Learning or Performance :

The School hosts various venues, including 1 comprehensive student activity center for 2,200 people, 2 large-sized conference rooms for 500 people, 1 auditorium for 250 people and 1 medium-sized conference room for 50 people.

9. Up-to-date network equipment (Wi-Fi):

The School sets up a Wi-Fi network throughout the campus and supplies teachers with a laptop to conduct teaching and relevant activities anywhere on campus, producing “Study Anywhere, Study Anytime” effect.

Diverse Course Planning

To further support the diverse exploration of our students, to arouse study interest, and to strengthen motivation, the School hosts a series of diverse and enriching electives for 10th and 11th graders, including psychology, design and technology, mathematical thinking and activities, star-gazer overture–mysteries of space, food safety, literature, DIY science, documentary production, APP design, frisbee, English speaking, hand-drawn maps, second foreign language (Japanese, Korean, French, German), etc.

Prospective International Education

  • The School values international education and sends students to Japan for education travel every year. Through training programs and field trips, its students are able to experience and learn foreign culture in person.
  • The School receives teachers and students from Japan, Australia and Mainland China throughout the year, encourages multi-cultural exchanges and learning, and broadens and deepens the teachers’ and the students’ global vision.
  • The School introduces foreign teachers and sets a second language elective to cultivate the students’ abilities of the English language.
  • The School hosts international exchange students every year. For example, it offers its students the chance to study overseas at Cincinnati High School in America as an exchange student.

Diverse Extracurricular Activities (Clubs)

  • The School values its students’ diverse exploration and the development of interests and leadership skills. Therefore, it offers around 37 extracurricular club opportunities for students, with a wide range of natures, including service-based, recreational, academic, musical and sports ones.
  • In recent years, our students’ performances have reached a new high as clubs like the orchestra and the school choir have been awarded for numerous times by the New Taipei City Government, and the Chun-Hui club has been named “model for clubs” for consecutive years.
  • Musical Clubs: orchestra, guitar clubs, choir, pop music club, and hot music club.
  • Service-Based Clubs: traffic service team, Chun-Hui club, Rover scout club, Zhonghe marching band, mass media club, and health service team.
  • Sports Clubs: basketball team, basketball club, track and field team, frisbee team, table tennis club, baseball club, volleyball club, and survival game club.
  • Recreational Clubs: sign language club, recreational guidance club, pop dance club, and magic club.
  • Academic Clubs: debate club, puzzle gaming club, Japanese club, science club, biology club, IT club, and reading club.
  • Arts Clubs: DIY club, chess club, photography club, anime club, Chinese literature club, and movie appreciation club.

Substantial External Resources

The School actively seeks out to build a partnership with business enterprises, alumni association, parents’ association, cultural and educational foundation, retired teaching staff association and other education institutions, ranging from junior high schools to universities. It is widely believed that each and every one of these partnership relationships can bring great benefits to our students and staff members.

1.Ministry of Education, Education Department

(1) Senior High School Actualization Program is provided by Ministry of Education.

(2) Senior High School Excellence Educational Program is promoted by Education Department, New Taipei City Government.

(3) FabLab Zhonghe is authorized by the New Taipei City Government

(4) The School serves as the Curriculum Development Center for the Chinese Subject.

(5) The School is appointed to be the Career Planning Education Resource Center.

2. The School enhances collaboration across the community, business enterprise, and universities, etc.

(1) The School establishes strategic alliance with universities, including National Taipei University of Technology, National Taipei University of Education, Shijian University, Tatung University, Yuanzhi University, etc.

(2) The School establishes strategic alliance with junior high schools, including (up to this date): New Taipei City Municipal Zhongzheng Junior High School, Jisui Junior High School, Tucheng Junior High School, Zhanghe Junior High School, Ziqiang Junior High School, Wanhua Junior High School, etc. Such partnerships not only facilitate communication between the different school bodies, but also help students achieve eminence through inter-school activities.

(3) The School establishes strategic alliance with Shuanghe Hospital and Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, and hosts a series of activities, including medical science camps, field investigation into hospitals and medical checkups for staff members, etc.