
"Arya has been an extremely dedicated teaching assistant for me over several semesters, responsible not only for grading but also for creating course material, developing demonstrations to help students grasp difficult theoretical concepts, and running recitation sections. As valued as her efforts were during this period, she raised her impact to an entirely [new] level during summer 2017 and through the fall 2017 semester. Our department was redeveloping one of our foundational courses – Electromagnetics – and this activity included changing the course from 3 to 4 credit hours and adding a hands-on lab component. Arya performed over 80% of the creation, development and documentation of the 11 laboratory experiments…and much of this work was completed in the fall *while* she was teaching the 5 sections of the lab. This was a tremendous amount of work, but even more importantly we have already seen that the laboratory experience is helping our students to understand the concepts in electromagnetics better. The quality of her work is outstanding. "

~Thomas Weller, Ph.D., Professor and Head, Department of EECS, Oregon State University

(formerly Chair of Department of Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida)

"Arya was a teaching assistant for my fall 2017 course, Electrical Engineering Science II, where she played a leading role in the development, and implementation, of a new weekly laboratory portion. Arya has an excellent aptitude for teaching – she effortlessly explains complex material by breaking them down into simpler concepts, with several practical examples/analogies. For my course last fall, Arya practically developed a new laboratory curriculum! She designed and developed all the experiments, sourced components, wrote the lab manual/summary, moderated the lab sessions, and led lab discussions. Undoubtedly, Arya’s efforts & clarity of instruction were a big part of our students’ success in this course. Arya is a passionate teacher; her meticulous organization skills, and clarity of thought, articulation & execution set her apart as an extraordinary teaching assistant. She is a tremendous asset to any professor and is a model representative of our department... "

~Ashwin B. Parthasarathy, Ph.D., Assistant Professor , Department of Electrical Engineering, USF