Student Evaluations

Results of Feedback Survey in EEL4471 - Electromagnetics (Spring 2017) and EEL3472C - EE Science II (Fall 2017)

  • "She was very knowledgeable about all the common mistakes that students make. She warned us about them as we were learning the material;, even if I may not have made these mistakes, it makes me think about the content and my weaknesses. I was able to approach the problems with the right mindset and be more alert for possible pitfalls. "

  • "Very, very good at explaining concepts and reasons behind why certain integrals were performed or formulas used. Visualized problems by drawing them on a board and then explained them in words. Very nice person which makes her approachable. Easy to contact. As expected, very knowledgeable of material. Probably the best TA I've had..."

The results of surveys conducted at the end of the semester for EEL4471 and EEL3472C are shown in the following graphs. Overall, student responses show my commitment towards helping students with the learning process.

Note - Class GPA scores have not been reported since I have not been the instructor of record for any of these courses.

Here are the responses on a question on availability -

With regards to availability, I fared well while I was TA for EEL4471 in Spring 2017. Among students who tried to contact me in Fall 2017 for EEL3472C, I got a favorable score. However, a large number of students did not try to contact me outside of class during that semester. The reason, I believe, is articulated in the following comment by a student under the "suggestions for improvement" section in the survey -

"Making sure that students have her contact information and that they know they can go to her with questions. "

Since I was mostly involved with the laboratory component in EEL3472C, I did not participate actively in the lecture component of that course. Therefore, students did not know that they could come to me for any questions with coursework as well (I tried to make sure that any questions regarding the lab experiments were resolved in the lab itself). As a remedy, this semester I have decided to send weekly reminders to students regarding my office hours, and actively encourage them to meet me if they have questions on any topic in the course.

Overall Performance

~ Website prepared by Arya Menon