about the academy

At SJC IAS Academy, the team has passionately dedicated itself in training aspirants to become the finest and efficient bureaucrats with value systems, who would certainly be an asset to the Nation. Our UPSC program is well structured in imparting the knowledge and the required skills that would help any aspirant to penetrate successfully, all three stages of the selection process. In this program, the aspirants are initially calibrated to help them fit in the environment of quality preparations and are gradually taken to the advanced mode of preparations with the classroom program and through finely designed study resources and mentorship programs.

As SJC has contributed enormously to the Nation building by producing many leaders who served and are serving the country in various domains, it continues in carrying the legacies of such powerful leaders. As a means to offer such quality training to all students irrespective of their Soci-Economic background, the management and the SJC IAS Academy conjoined to offer our services with an ardent desire in producing leaders who would leave such legacies.