
2024.4.23 世界閱讀日

1995年,聯合國教科文組織把4月23日定為「世界閱讀日」(World Book & Copyright Day),希望藉著這天,向大眾推廣閱讀和寫作,以及宣揚跟閱讀有關的版權意識。 2024年開始,香港特區政府將這天定為「香港全民閱讀日」,420日至28日舉行第一屆「香港悅讀周」,聚集文化及出版界、教育界及公共圖書館等,一起舉辦多元化的大型閱讀活動,務求令市民沉浸在閱讀的喜悅中。為了加深市民對首個「香港全民閱讀日」的認識,香港電台推出《1分鐘閱讀》名人版,談談閱讀心得及推介書籍。那麼,我們學校的校長及老師又有哪些心水書籍?

2024.4.23 世界閱讀日影片(上)

2024.4.23 世界閱讀日影片()





STEM Learning

STEM education is essential for students' lifelong learning and whole-person development. To better prepare our students for the rapid economic, scientific and technological developments ahead, STEM reading is being promoted.  Apart from cultivating students’ interest in Science, Technology and Mathematics, and developing among them a solid knowledge base, selected books help strengthen students’ ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills across different STEM disciplines, and to nurture their creativity, collaboration and problem solving skills as required in the 21st century. 

Click to view selected books.

An Author Like Her: Xi Xi

Hong Kong renowned author Xixi passed away in December 2022. She devoted her life to the creation of literary works, teaching young generations and cultivating talents. Xi Xi's artistic and imaginative works are a defining portrait of the city transitioning away from British rule.

Click to view selected books.

Understanding Our Motherland

This year, the permanent exhibition “Understanding Our Motherland” displays more than 40 books in order to help students understand our country’s development in aspects such as arts, history, culture, economics, science and technology, and enhance their sense of national identity.

Click to view selected books.

The theme of the exhibition in the library has been updated recently.  Students may now get to know more about the art of Chinese paper cutting. It has a history of more than 1500 years, and was spread to other parts of the world, with different regions adopting their own cultural styles. Craft paper is also provided for students who want to give it a try!

Master of Science Fiction: Ni Kuang

Ni Kuang, a legendary Hong Kong author, wrote more than 300 Chinese-language science fiction and wuxia novels. Around 60 books, including Ni's best known works such as Wesley Series and Dr Yuen, have been selected to help students get to know more about the Master of Science Fiction.

Click to view selected books.