2023 Annual Meeting of 

Taiwan Association for Mathematics Education 

and the 15th International Conference on 

Technology and Mathematics Education (2023 ICTME)

Date: 29 - 30 April 2023

Conference venue: International Conference Room, Zhishan Building, National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan

Submission deadline:05  April 2023

Registration deadline; 14  April 2023



National Taipei University of Education (Department of Mathematics and Information Education)

National Taichung University of Education (Department of Mathematics Education, and Center for Mathematics Pedagogy and Research)

Taiwan Association for Mathematics Education

The organizer reserves the right to change the event agenda.

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Payment Procedure 

(Please pay first and then register)

1. Select "New Payment Form"

2. Payable by: "Department of Mathematics Education"

3. Receive payment by category: "L01 Seminar Application Fee", payment amount: NTD$100

4. If you have any other question, please call: +886-4-22183502 

Ms. Hung, Department of Mathematics Education

General participants can register at the link on the left.

Deadline : 14  April 2023

Notice for submission:

Please provide both PDF and WORD format for the electronic file of the paper.

There are eight files (in both PDF and WORD format) in the same folder: (1) Full paper (2) Abstract (3) Author's information sheet (4) Authorization letter.

The electronic file names are as follows.

(1) Full text file name: First author's name - full text (Example: Wang Xiaoming - full paper)

(2) Abstract file name: First author's name - abstract (Example: Wang Xiaoming - abstract)

(3) Basic Information: First author's name - basic information (Example: Xiaoming Wang - Author's information sheet)

(4) Authorization letter: First author's name - authorization letter (Example: Xiaoming Wang - authorization letter)


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Before contributing, the author shall confirm that the regulations of copyright law are accorded with. If materials, such as others’ texts, figures, tables, or pictures, are quoted, it is necessary to obtain consent first or comply with the regulations of academic use. 

Keynote Speakers

Fou-Lai Lin

The Journey of 50 years of Mathematics Education

Professor Emeritus Fou-Lai Lin has been an important promoter for school students’ mathematical and scientific literacy, and a master of mathematics education bringing Taiwan into mainstream international learning trends. He has been working on the development of mathematics education in Taiwan for a long time, on former positions of the director of NTNU Department of Mathematics, Chairman of Taiwan Association of Mathematics Education, Director General of the Department of Science Education of National Science Council, President of the International Group of Psychology for Mathematics Education (IGPME), a Managing Director of the Yuan T. Lee Foundation, Founder and Chief Editor of Chinese Journal of Science Education, and he founded the International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (SSCI). He has also had much influence on policy-making related to mathematics and science education.


Professor Fou-Lai Lin was awarded the Distinguished Research Award by Taiwan’s National Science Council four times in 1987, 1989, 1991 and 1993, the Lifetime Achievement Award by Taiwan’s National Association for Science Education, and the Distinguished Research Award by the East-Asian Association for Science Education. Professor Fou-Lai Lin was the Shi-Ta Institute for Mathematics Education in 2016-2017, and was honoured as a Professor Emeritus when he retired in 2017. He subsequently worked as a consultant for Shi-Ta Institute for Mathematics Education and as the President of the Yuan T. Lee Foundation, continuing his contributions to mathematics education. Professor Lin has been not only famous internationally for his research in mathematics education, but also educating many students domestically. In recent years he has been promoting Mathematics Grounding Activities and the idea that educators are also learners, playing a key role in the development of mathematics education in Taiwan. This year Taiwan Association of Mathematics Education awards Professor Lin the Lifetime Achievement Award as a recognition for his great and well-known achievements.

Education Background

Research Associate, Cambridge University (UK)


M. Phil. Cambridge University (UK), Mathematics Education


Ph. D. Fordham University (USA), Department of Mathematics 


M. A. Fordham University (USA), Department of Mathematics


B. Sc. National Taiwan Normal University, Department of Mathematics



Professional Experience

President, Yuan T. Lee Foundation, Science Education for All


Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU)


Chairperson of the Curriculum & Instruction Consulting Committee on Mathematics, K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education


Political Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education (Taiwan)


Director, Shi-Ta Institute for Mathematics Education


Chair Professor, Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU)


Founding Editor-in-Chief, International J. of Science and Mathematics Education


President, International Group of Psychology for Mathematics Education


Director General, Department of Science Education, National Science Council, Taiwan


Managing Director, Yuan T. Lee Foundation, Science Education for All


Founder/ Chef Editor, Chinese Journal of Science Education


Associate Professor, Professor, Chairman, Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU)




· the Distinguished Contribution Award for Outstanding Contribution to Science Education through Research, The East-Asian Association for Science Education (E.A.S.E) (2016)

·Selected, Interviewed and published his story “Interview with Fou-Lai Lin” in the International Journal of History for Mathematics Education (2014)

·Life-Long Achievement Award, Science Education Association, Taiwan (2011)

·Outstanding Distinguished Research Fellow, NSC, Taiwan (2001)

· Four times of Outstanding Research Awards, National Science Council (NSC), Taiwan (1987-1995)

Jackie Murawska

Awakening Joy in Mathematics Classrooms: 

The Power of Thinking Tasks and Active Learning

Dr. Jaclyn Murawska is a Mathematics Educator Researcher and a STEM Instructional Coach. She loves sharing her enthusiasm for mathematics and research-based insights through conference presentations, workshops, and publications. Since 2010, Dr. Murawska has given over 100 presentations on a variety of mathematics education topics at national, international, state, and local professional organizations including keynotes and invited talks. She has also published over 30 articles or book chapters, most of which appear in peer-reviewed journals.


In her position as an instructional coach, she provides instructional and curricular implementation support as well as professional development to teachers in mathematics, science, engineering, and technology at a K-8 school district north of Chicago, Illinois in the United States. Prior to serving in this STEM role, Jackie spent 11 years in higher education, most recently as an Associate Professor of Mathematics specializing in teaching K-12 mathematics content and pedagogical methods, and 6 years teaching high school and middle level mathematics in the US. In her research, she is passionate about exploring ways to develop teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching and equitable student discourse structures.


Dr. Murawska has held multiple leadership positions at the state and national levels in the US. She is the past President of the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ICTM), and recently completed her three-year term as the Central Representative for the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Membership and Affiliate Relations Committee. During the last four summers, Dr. Murawska developed and co-led national leadership conferences for mathematics education leaders across the country.


Dr. Murawska earned her Ed.D. in Curriculum Leadership, Cognate in Mathematics from Northern Illinois University, and a B.S. and M.S.T. in the teaching of mathematics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the University of Illinois at Chicago, respectively. In her spare time, Jackie enjoys taking dance classes in ballet, tap, musical theater, ballroom, and swing dance. She loves cheering on her daughter who plays snare drum in a university drumline, and cheering on her son who plays college baseball.

Keiko Hino

Inquiry into Mathematics Teaching through Problem-Solving: 

A Japanese Approach to Research and Practice in Mathematics Education

Keiko Hino is a Professor at the Utsunomiya University in Japan. Her work includes the preparation for pre-service mathematics teachers and professional development for in-service mathematics teachers. She received her M.Ed. from Tsukuba University and her Ph.D. in Education from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Her major scholarly interests are students’ development of proportional reasoning and functional thinking through classroom teaching, international comparative study on teaching and learning mathematics, and mathematics teachers’ professional development. She has published authored or co-authored books, book chapters, and journal articles and also presented her work at both national and international conferences. She is also involved in activities for improving mathematics education as an editor of Japanese Primary and Lower Secondary School Mathematics Textbooks and an External-expert for Lesson Study in Mathematics.

Qiaoping Zhang

Facing Change in Challenging Times:  

A Reflection on Hong Kong Mathematics Teachers' Teaching Experiences 

during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dr Qiaoping Zhang is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, at the Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK). Currently, he is the Programme Leader of the Master of Arts in Mathematics and Pedagogy at EdUHK. He also serves as a member of the Curriculum Development Council Committee on Mathematics Education and a member of the Coordinating Committee on Basic Competency and Assessment Literacy in the Hong Kong Education Bureau. He has been invited as the Plenary Panelist at the PME-42 (Umeå, Sweden), and as a TSG member in ICME-13 (Hamburg, Germany), ICME -14 (Shanghai, China), and ICME -15 (Sydney, Australia).

Dr Zhang received his PhD from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests and publications are mainly related to mathematics teacher education, affect in mathematics education, curriculum reform and textbook analysis and students’ mathematical problem-solving. Research subjects include teachers and students in primary and secondary schools as well as pre-service and in-service teachers in universities. Research findings have been published in different refereed journals or books internationally and regionally.

Wei-Chang Shann

Learning and Teaching in an Ethnomathematics point of View

Dr. Wei-Chang Shann is a jointly appointed professor in the Department of Mathematics,

Center of Teacher Education, and Interdisciplinary Program of Liberal Arts

at National Central University (NCU), Taiwan. He received a B.S. degree in mathematics

from Chung-Yuan Christian University, Taiwan, in 1984 and a Ph.D. degree in mathematics

from the Pennsylvania State University, USA, in 1991; his dissertation was in the field of numerical analysis.

Prof. Shann worked in NCU ever since he returned from USA in 1991. He started to devote himself into curriculum design and textbook writing around 1996 when he re-designed the "Basic Computer Concepts" which is a one-year reuqired course for undergraduates who are preparing for a major in computational mathematics and numerical analysis. The efforts ended up with a textbook, and its following courses have grown up to a subdivision of the Dept of Math in NCU: "The Program of Computational Math and Data Sciences".

He stepped out of the Dept of Math by organizing the United Classes of Calculus at NCU in 2002, offering a general education (GE) course "Mathematics in Cultural Contexts"

in 2010, chairing the Language Center of NCU for 2011-17, and serving twice as the associate dean of College of Liberal Arts. His calculus teaching videos are organized into 5 playlists in Youtube. There are more than 200 episodes and the leading one has more than 680,000 views.

His GE course earned him "The Distinguished Award for General Education Teachers"in 2016;  it is a national award honored biennially by the Ministry of Education.

Prof. Shann was involved in the national math curriculum since 2003. He worked along the evolution of the curriculums all the way to the current curriculum guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education where he served as a vice convener for the committee and he was responsible for the fifth stage: grades 10 to 12. He continued to work on a wide range of aspects of math curriculum after the committee has finished its duty.

Wei-Chang is a lifelong member of Taiwan Association for Math Education since 2017. 

Traffic Information

NTUE is located in the Taipei City, the biggest city and the capital of Taiwan. Taipei is a short drive from Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. Taipei offers a wide variety of things to see and do, appealing to visitors and students around the world. Taipei is home to the world-famous and one of the world’s tallest building - Taipei 101. More importantly, the school is in the heart of Taipei's cultural and financial district, and is near to National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall, Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, and Taipei World Trade Center.


Routes: Taipei Main Station > Blue Line > Zhongxiao > Brown Line > Technology Building


Routes: 3、15、18、52、72、209、211、235、237、278、284、284、284、295、626、662、663、Hoping line、Dunhua line

Campus Map