The 4th International Congress on Natural Sciences (ICNS-2015)

張貼日期:Aug 31, 2015 5:26:38 AM

The 4th International Congress on Natural Sciences (ICNS-2015) will be held in National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan.

The International Congress on Natural Sciences (ICNS) was initiated by Prof. Tae Hwa Kim (Dean, College of Natural Sciences, Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea), Prof. Morimitsu Tanimoto (Former Dean, Faculty of Science, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan) and Prof. Wen-Chun Hong (Dean, College of Science, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan) to establish a forum for the exchange of academic resources among sisterhood universities. The first ICNS was held in Pukyong National University on August 25, 2011 (as named ICNS2011). The ICNS2011 offered five sessions (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and earth science) for more than 80 participants to share their research achievement and scientific information.

The second ICNS was held in National Sun Yat-Sen University on October 23, 2012. A total of 145 participants attended this congress and 117 presentations, including 6 plenary lectures were delivered.

The third ICNS was held in Niiagata University on October 12, 2013. The ICNS2013 offered five parallel sessions, a total of 149 participants attended this congress and 107 presentations.

The international organizing committee decided that National Changhua University of Education (NCUE) to host ICNS in 2015. Prof. Horng (Dean, College of Science, NCUE) accepted the obligation and coordinated to form the International Organizing Committee for ICNS-2015.

The International Organizing Committee offers five parallel sessions (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and science education & earth science) for participants. We wish that the participants will have opportunities to share their experience and friendship with each other during the ICNS-2015. We also hope that participating universities can establish a stronger international relationship to promote a better academic cooperation in the near future. We do wish that the tradition of ICNS will be continued to strengthen the comprehensive relationship among the sisterhood universities, and the forum of ICNS will be held annually to link the international cooperation relationship between the participating groups.

Date: September 10 (Thu.) - September 12 (Sat.), 2015.

Place: National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan.

The registration fee is free.
