The 11th International Conference on Fixed Point Theory and its Applications

張貼日期:Jan 22, 2015 12:20:19 PM

The 11th International Conference on Fixed Point Theory and its Applications

Month: July 2015

Date: July 20--24

Name: The 11th International Conference on Fixed Point Theory and its Applications

Location: Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Turkey.


The purpose of the conference is to bring together leading experts and researchers in fixed point theory and to assess new developments, ideas and methods in this important and dynamic field. A special emphasis will be put on applications in related areas, as well as other sciences, such as the natural sciences, medicine, economics and engineering. The conference will continue the tradition of the previous fixed point theory meetings which were held in Marseille (1989), Halifax (1991), Seville (1995), Kazimierz Dolny (1997), Haifa (2001), Valencia (2003), Guanajuato (2005), Chiang Mai (2007), Changhua (2009) and Cluj-Napoca (2012).
