This page provides you with some of the frequently asked questions that many experience during the college transition and what to use on campus to find answers to any questions you may have

EVERYONE has challenges and problems when transitioning to college. This is normal AND the people on campus want to help the students figure things out and provide you with assistance in resolving any questions, concerns, or fears that you may have.

You are in the same boat as all of the other students on campus!

Do not be afraid to speak up if you have a question, concern or fear.

There are a plethora of resources on campus to help you and if a resource is not available on campus, all colleges have commmunity partners that can aid you in finding the answers and providing any required services that are needed.

How does a meal plan work?

  • Every college has different meal plan options available to students. At many colleges, they provide freshmen with an inclusive base meal plan and then you can chose a meal plan that is suitable for your needs. The price of a meal plan is usually rolled into your campus residential expenses.

Can I have a car on campus?

  • This varies by college and your year of study.

If I'm not feeling well, where can I go to seek medical advice?

  • All campuses have a health center that provides many primary medical related services. Please see your college's website to find out where and what your campus' health center provides.

If I'm struggling in a class what should I do, what resources are at my disposal?

  • First, take a deep breath, its okay if you are struggling in a class. Next, get in contact with your professor and set up a time to meet with him/her to express your concerns. Then, get in contact with your college's tutoring center and center for student success in order to create an action plan for making improvements in your academic performance.

If I want to change my major, what should I do?

  • Get in contact with your current major advisor and or someone in the advisement center. It is okay if you want to change you major, it is normal for students to discover new interests and passions in college, that is what college is all about. No one will judge your decision to switch majors. Take a deep breath, reflect on your interests/passions, and set up a time to meet with your advisor!

If I'm having issues with my roommate, what should I do?

  • First, try to resolve the issue with them personally. Try to be understanding of your roommate, and be mature about your discussion. If this is unsuccessful, you can contact a Resident Advisor to step in and solve the problem. If the issue still isn't fixed, you can message Residential Life about either you or your roommate moving to a different room.

If I'm struggling with finances, what resources are available?

  • The office of financial aid is a great place to start. Every student has a financial aid counselor, so get in touch with that person first. Next, you can visit the student services office, which can help you access financial resources on and off campus. Don't be afraid to speak with your counselor/advisor.

If I'm struggling to fit in, where can I find a list of upcoming events that I can get involved with on campus?

  • Every college has a website which has an events calendar listed. Also, the events calendar is interactive, so you can click on an event and see a brief description of the organization organizing the event and what the event is. Keep an eye around campus as flyers and advertisements for upcoming are frequently posted as well.

If I'm struggling with expressing my spiritual differences, what should I do?

  • On every campus, you will find a center for spirituality and an office for diversity and inclusion which is available for you to go to. These offices are a safe space for you to express your beliefs and use these offices resources to help bridge any gap that you may be experiencing.