IES, HUJI courses:

· Introduction to geological mapping (68128), Bachelor’s, 2 credit points

· Introduction to summer mapping course (68145), Bachelor’s, 1 credit point

· Summer field camp (70110), Bachelor’s, 4 credit points

· Sedimentary petrography and petrology (70315), Bachelor’s, 3 credit points

· Research project for undergraduates (70317), Bachelor’s, 3 credit points

· Dead Sea rift field trip (70331), Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctorate, 2 credit points

· Introduction to practical oceanography (84865), Bachelor’s, 4 credit points

IUI courses:

· Paleoceanography (84895), Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctorate, 5 credit points

· Research methods in oceanography (84000), Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctorate, 4 credit points

· Ecosystems of the Red Sea (76732), Bachelor’s, 5 credit points

· Guest speaker in a variety of IUI courses: Marine sedimentology, Marine Geology & Geophysics, Nutrient biogeochemistry and uptake, Research methods in oceanography, Ecosystems of the Red Sea

In addition, see the link to recently convened 7th Kaplan Symposium.

Summer field camp

The Geological “Summer field camp”, one of the courses i teach, takes place at the beginning of the second year of undergraduate geology studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, in the Eilat region. The camp work areas include Timna, Rehava’am valley, and Mount Shahamon. The camp serves as the basic geological field and mapping course at the Hebrew University. During the camp the students learn the art of field geology: to study a given area, describe its geological structure, rock composition, field relations, and prepare a geological map. The students then reconstruct the geological history of the study area based on their field observations. Put simply, in this camp the students learn how to work as geologists in the field. See below a short clip from the summer field camp:

Mahane a-b 2017.mp4