My View on Teaching and Mentoring

I have always appreciated the responsibility of teaching and mentoring. I enjoy my roles as an educator, and constantly engage in education and mentoring programs in which I strive to be my most creative and diligent self. My goal is to spark interest and admiration for science among students, and to nurture the next generation of scientists. I am inspired to share my knowledge and passion of science, and I will always continue to assist, inspire and set an example for younger students. 

My Teaching Assistant Appointments

I served as a teaching assistant in several courses throughout my Ph.D. at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Mentoring and Outreach

At Stanford (2019-2022), I was a mentor in the Association of Women in Science, as well as a supervisor in the Stanford Earth Summer Undergraduate Research (SESUR) program. Furthermore, I served as chair of the Stanford Earth System Science Postdoctoral Advisory Council, and supervised high-school students in the Stanford Earth Young Investigators program

During my Graduate-level years, I was an educational content developer in Chemistry in the Israeli Center for Educational Technology, a high-school student supervisor in the Davidson Institute for Science Education, as well as a private Chemistry teacher for American exchange students from deToledo high school, Los Angeles.