
PLA-N, CCG and CMM Executed Dangerous Maneuvers including Ramming and Towing, 17 June 2024

On 17 June 2024, the People's Liberation Army-Navy (PLA-N), China Coast Guard (CCG), and Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) vessels executed dangerous maneuvers, including ramming, and towing, against the Armed Forces of the Philippines' (AFP) Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIBs) conducting a routine rotation and resupply (RoRe) mission to the BRP Sierra Madre at Ayungin Shoal.

The CCG also harrassed AFP troops through a series of aggressive actions including physical attacks, the use of bladed weapons and tear gas, the blaring of sirens, and the deployment of blinding strobe lights. Additionally, the CCG personnel looted Philippine supplies and pilfered equipment.

The illegal, aggressive, and reckless actions of the PLA-N, CCG, and CMM endangered the lives of Filipinos on board, caused bodily harm, and damaged Philippine vessels.

Damaged incurred from CCG's coercive and aggressive actions.

An AFP Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB) (center) crammed by two CCG boats (left and right). The AFP RHIB eventually was towed away by the CCG.

Official Statements of Philippine Government Agencies


17 June 2024

Today, the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) conducted a routine rotation and resupply (RoRe) mission to BRP SIERRA MADRE (LS 57) at Ayungin Shoal. However, the mission was disrupted by the illegal and aggressive actions of Chinese maritime forces.

The People's Liberation Army-Navy (PLA-N), China Coast Guard (CCG) and Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) vessels engaged in dangerous maneuvers, including ramming and towing. Despite the illegal, aggressive, and reckless actions by the Chinese maritime forces, our personnel showed restraint and professionalism, refrained from escalating the tension, and carried on with their mission.

We strongly condemn the illegal, aggressive, and reckless actions of the PLA-N, CCG, and CMM. Their actions put at risk the lives of our personnel and damaged our boats, in blatant violation of international law, particularly the United Nations Charter, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the 2016 Arbitral Award.

The Philippines is committed to pursuing peaceful and responsible actions in accordance with international law. It is our expectation that China, as a member of the international community, would also do the same.

The AFP and PCG remain steadfast in upholding Philippine sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction in the West Philippine Sea. ###

Commodore Jay Tarriela, Twitter Post, 17 June 2024.


Statement of the Secretary of National Defense

China’s dangerous and reckless behavior in the West Philippine Sea shall be resisted by the AFP.

Their behavior contravenes their statements of good faith and decency. 

We will exert our utmost in order to fulfill our sworn mandate to protect our territorial integrity, sovereignty, and sovereign rights.

It should now be clear to the international community that China’s actions are the true obstacles to peace and stability in the South China Sea.

Department of National Defense, Facebook Post. 17 June 2024


Statement of the Armed Forces of the Philippines on the Humanitarian Rotation and Resupply Mission at BRP Sierra Madre on June     17

The Chinese Coast Guard has no right or legal authority to interfere with our legitimate operations or damage our assets within our Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The reckless and aggressive behavior has caused bodily harm and constitutes a blatant violation of international maritime law, Philippine sovereignty, and sovereign rights.

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) strongly denounces these actions, which not only infringe upon our maritime rights but also pose significant risks to regional stability.

The AFP remains committed to upholding the rule of law and will collaborate with international partners to ensure and secure peace and stability across the West Philippine Sea and the Indo-Pacific Region.

Armed Forces of the Philippines, Twitter Post, 18 June 2024


DFA Statement on the RORE Incident on 17 June 2024

MANILA 19 June 2024 – The Department of Foreign Affairs expresses grave concern over the incident that occurred in the Ayungin Shoal during a humanitarian mission to BRP Sierra Madre on 17 June 2024.  The DFA denounces the illegal and aggressive actions of Chinese authorities that resulted in personnel injury and vessel damage. 

In line with the Philippines’ commitment to pursue peace, the Department has been exerting efforts to rebuild a conducive environment for dialogue and consultation with China on the South China Sea. 

This cannot be achieved if China’s words do not match their actions on the waters. We expect China to act sincerely and responsibly, and refrain from behavior that puts to risk the safety of personnel and vessels. 

We reiterate our call for China to adhere to international law, especially UNCLOS and the 2016 Arbitral Award, and respect the Philippines’ sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction in our own waters. END 

Department of Foreign Affairs, "DFA Statement on the RORE Incident on 17 June 2024", 19 June 2024

International Expression of Support for the Philippines


"Australia shares the Philippines’ deep concern at dangerous & illegal actions by China’s vessels near Second Thomas Shoal, causing injury, damaging Philippines vessels, and endangering lives & regional stability. States must act consistently with international law, incl. UNCLOS."

Amb. Hae Kyong Yu, Australian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 18 June 2024


Canada condemns actions taken by China yesterday near Second Thomas Shoal, including the ramming and towing of PH vessels. These dangerous and destabilizing actions caused injuries and put at risk stability, security and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region.

China’s actions are inconsistent with its obligations under international law, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. We call on China to implement the 2016 arbitral ruling, which is final and binding on the parties.

Amb. David Hartman, Canadian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 18 June 2024

Part 2 Statement

European Union

"The EU expresses deep concern about the dangerous actions of the PRC near Second Thomas Shoal. These actions have caused harm, damaged Philippine vessels, and disrupted lawful maritime operations in the [Philippines'] exclusive economic zone. The EU opposes coercion and intimidation in the South China Sea, or anywhere. We support international law and peaceful dispute resolution. #UNCLOS"

Amb. Luc Véron, EU Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 17 June 2024


"For Finland, I express my concern about these dangerous maneuvers and reiterate my call for respect for international law." 

Amb. Juha Pyykkö, Ambassador of Finland in the Philippines, Twitter Post, 17 June 2024


"Seriously concerned following new incident in the SCS involving [Philippine] vessels. [France] reiterates call for respect of the #UNCLOS and freedom of navigation. We oppose any threat or use of force contrary to international law and recall the importance of resolving disputes through dialogue." 

Amb. Marie Fontanel, French Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 17 June 2024

"We express serious concern following the incident in the South China Sea involving Philippine vessels.

France reiterates its call for respect of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and of freedom of navigation.

We oppose any threat or use of force contrary to international law and recall the importance of resolving disputes through dialogue. We also recall the decision rendered by the Arbitral Court on July 12, 2016." 

Statement on the Situation in the South China Sea (June 17, 2024), France in the Philippines and in Micronesia


"[Germany] is seriously concerned about dangerous actions of Chinese vessels near Second Thomas Shoal against resupply missions of the [Philippines] in its EEZ. We reiterate our call for peaceful resolution of disputes and full respect of UNCLOS and International Law, incl. the 2016 arbitral award."

Amb. Andreas Pfaffernoschke, German Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 18 June 2024


"[Japan] reiterates its grave concern over the repeated dangerous & aggressive actions by CCG which put [Philippine] personnel at risk & damaged [Philippine] boats. We stand w/ the [Philippines] & cooperate w/ like-minded countries in maintaining & enhancing the free & open international order based on the rule of law." 

Ambassador of Japan in the Philippines, Twitter Post, 17 June 2024

The Netherlands

"Irresponsible manoeuvres that endanger the safety of ships and crews call into question the freedom of sea routes guaranteed under international law. NL considers it of utmost importance that the 2016 arbitral award is fully respected and implemented. #UNCLOS"

Amb. Marielle Geraedts, The Netherlands Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 17 June 2024 

New Zealand

"Escalatory and dangerous actions by Chinese vessels at Second Thomas Shoal damaging [Philippine] vessels and obstructing assistance to injured personnel are of great concern. These threaten lives and safety. [New Zealand] calls for peaceful resolution of disputes in full accordance with UNCLOS." 

New Zealand Embassy in Manila, Twitter Post, 18 June 2024

South Korea

"The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Philippines expresses grave concern about the recent dangerous actions in the South China Sea that caused serious damages to the Philippine vessels and especially bodily injuries to a crew member. We reiterate the importance of upholding peace, stability, safety and rules-based maritime order in the South China Sea, a critical sea lane of communications for all countries that are using it."

Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Philippines, Facebook Post, 18 June 2024

United Kingdom

"[The United Kingdom] condemns the dangerous actions taken by Chinese vessels against [Philippine] vessels near Second Thomas Shoal yesterday. This interfered with navigational freedoms & escalated tensions. [The United Kingdom] reiterates its call for adherence to UNCLOS for all activities in the oceans and seas.

Amb. Laure Beaufils, British Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 18 June 2024

United States

"The [United States] condemns the PRC’s aggressive, dangerous maneuvers near Ayungin (Second Thomas) Shoal, which caused bodily injury, damaged Philippine vessels, and hindered lawful maritime operations to supply food, water, and essential supplies to [Philippine] personnel within the [Philippines'] exclusive economic zone.  We stand by our allies in support of a #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific." 

Amb. MaryKay L. Carlson, US Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 17 June 2024

"The United States stands with its ally the Philippines and condemns the escalatory and irresponsible actions by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to deny the Philippines from lawfully delivering humanitarian supplies to service members stationed at the BRP Sierra Madre on June 17. PRC vessels’ dangerous and deliberate use of water cannons, ramming, blocking maneuvers, and towing damaged Philippine vessels, endangered the lives of Philippine service members, is reckless, and threatens regional peace and stability. 

This escalatory incident is the latest in a series of PRC provocations to impede critically needed supplies from reaching service members stationed at the BRP Sierra Madre.  On May 19, PRC Coast Guard harassed Philippine service members being medically evacuated and unlawfully seized airdropped provisions. In addition, on numerous occasions over the past year, they have used water cannons and dangerous maneuvers against Philippine routine supply missions.  Beijing’s actions reflect consistent disregard for the safety of Filipinos and for international law in the South China Sea. 

As unanimously decided by an international tribunal in July 2016, the PRC has no lawful maritime claims to the waters around Second Thomas Shoal – a low-tide feature clearly within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone.  As provided under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, the decision is final and legally binding on the PRC and the Philippines.

The United States reaffirms that Article IV of the 1951 United States-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty extends to armed attacks on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft – including those of its Coast Guard – anywhere in the South China Sea." 

U.S. Support for the Philippines in the South China Sea, Press Statement, Matthew Miller, Department Spokesperson, U.S. Department of State, 17 June 2024

CCG and CMM Harassed, Blocked, Deployed Water Cannons, Rammed Vessels, and Installed a Floating Barrier near Bajo de Masinloc, 30 April 2024

On 30 April 2024, China Coast Guard (CCG) and Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) vessels harassed, blocked, deployed water cannons, and rammed vessels from the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR). These Philippine vessels were en route to conduct a regular humanitarian and assistance mission for Filipino fishermen in and around Bajo de Masinloc.

Approximately 12 nautical miles (NM) from Bajo de Masinloc, BFAR vessel MMOV 3004 was subjected to eight instances of targeted high-pressure water cannon attacks by CCG vessels, along with three ramming incidents by both CCG and CMM vessels. This damaged the BFAR vessel's HVAC, electrical, navigation and radio systems, and hull.

Furthermore, approximately 1,000 yards east-southeast of Bajo de Masinloc, CCG vessels 3105 and 5303 blasted PCG vessel MRRV 4410 with jet stream water cannons, damaging its railing and canopy.

Additionally, the CCG illegally installed again a 380-meter floating barrier covering the entire entrance to the shoal, thereby restricting access to the area.

CCG vessels (left and right) blasting water cannons against PCG vessel (center).

A portion of the floating barrier on the entrance of the shoal installed by the CCG.

Official Statements of Philippine Government Agencies


30 April 2024

Today is a sad day for Filipino fishermen. That China would go to great lengths to obstruct a Philippine humanitarian mission to assist our fishermen in their fishing grounds is not only shocking but appalling. 

Earlier today, China Coast Guard (CCG) and Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) vessels harassed, blocked, water cannoned, rammed vessels of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) en route to Panatag Shoal (Bajo de Masinloc) to conduct a regular humanitarian and assistance mission to Filipino fishing boats in and around the area.

In line with the transparency policy in the West Philippine Sea (WPS), members of the press – local and foreign – are routinely invited to embed in these regular BFAR Humanitarian and Assistance Missions for fisherfolk throughout the WPS and our other maritime areas. Today, the embedded press on the PCG and BFAR vessels have not only witnessed but also experienced first-hand – alongside the determined PCG and BFAR personnel – the illegal, coercive, aggressive, and dangerous actions of the agents of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and their CCG and CMM.

At this time, both PCG and BFAR vessels have regrouped approximately twenty (20) nautical miles from Panatag Shoal (Bajo de Masinloc). They are conducting damage assessments and are reorganizing.

Initial reports from PCG and BFAR personnel onboard, as reflected by live media reports, indicate that the PCG vessel suffered some damage to a part of its superstructure from targeted high-pressure water cannoning by CCG vessels. As regards the BFAR vessel, it sustained damage to its HVAC, electrical, navigation, and radio systems and superficial hull damage as the vessel was subjected to at least eight (8) instances of targeted high-pressure water cannoning from CCG vessels and was rammed a total of three (3) times by both CCG and CMM vessels.  

These latest demonstrations of China’s illegal and irresponsible behavior highlight their egregious disregard for the Philippines’ lawful exercise of its rights and entitlements in our own EEZ. Clearly, China has no regard for the welfare of our fishermen who only want to make a decent living in the WPS. China’s act of obstructing civilian ships carrying only supplies for our fishermen calls into question the sincerity of their call for dialogue and peaceful approaches to de-escalate the situation in the West Philippine Sea. 

The Philippines will continue to act peacefully and responsibly, consistent with a rules-based international law, on the basis of UNCLOS and the valid and binding 2016 Arbitral Award. Peace and stability in the region cannot be achieved if countries, big or small, do not exercise due regard for the well-established and legally-settled rights of others.  

The Philippines will not be deterred from pursuing legitimate and lawful activities  in our maritime zones, including in BDM which is a vital source of livelihood for our fisherfolk.


National Security Council of the Philippines, Facebook Post, 1 May 2024.


MANILA 02 May 2024 - The Department of Foreign Affairs today summoned Chinese Embassy of Manila Deputy Chief of Mission Zhou Zhiyong over the 30 April 2024 harassment of Philippine vessels conducting a routine and regular humanitarian mission to Bajo de Masinloc.

The Philippines protested the harassment, ramming, swarming, shadowing and blocking, dangerous maneuvers, use of water cannons, and other aggressive actions of China Coast Guard and Chinese Maritime Militia vessels against the vessels of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) enroute to Bajo de Masinloc. China’s aggressive actions, particularly its water cannon use, caused damage to vessels of PCG and BFAR.

The Philippines demanded that Chinese vessels leave Bajo de Masinloc and its vicinity immediately. END

Department of Foreign Affairs, "DFA Statement," 02 May 2024

International Expression of Support for the Philippines


"China’s dangerous manoeuvres and obstruction encountered by Philippine Government vessels in the South China Sea - today at Scarborough Shoal - create risks of miscalculation and endanger peace. Disputes must be resolved peacefully under #UNCLOS."

Amb. Hae Kyong Yu, Australian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 30 April 2024


Canada is concerned by China’s coercive actions against Philippine vessels in the vicinity of Scarborough Shoal, including the use of water cannons and dangerous manoeuvres.

Amb. David Hartman, Canadian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 01 May 2024


Deeply concerned that #China continues to obstruct the freedom of navigation at sea through its aggressive and dangerous maneuvers and actions in the West #Philippine Sea. All parties should respect the #UNCLOSS convention and its 2016 arbitral award. #SouthChinaSea #PCG #BFAR

Amb. F-M Mellbin, Ambassador of Denmark to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 01 May 2024

European Union

"Dangerous manoeuvres, water cannoning, floating barrier, or any aggressive behaviours, is a threat to safety of life at sea, the freedom of navigation, and the prohibition of the use of force or coercion. In short, this is against international law."

Amb. Luc Véron, EU Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 30 April 2024


"For [Finland], I express my concern about the latest incident and call for respect for international law." 

Amb. Juha Pyykkö, Ambassador of Finland in the Philippines, Twitter Post, 01 May 2024


"[France] is concerned following the new incident in SCS and renews call for respect of the UNCLOS and of freedom of navigation. We oppose any threat or use of force contrary to international law. We recall the 2016 arbitral award." 

Amb. Marie Fontanel, French Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 30 April 2024

"We express our concern following the incident in South China Sea which caused damage to vessels of the Philippine Coast Guard and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources. France renews its call for respect of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and of freedom of navigation. We oppose any threat or use of force contrary to international law and recall the importance of resolving disputes through dialogue. We also recall the decision rendered by the Arbitral Court on July 12, 2016." 

Statement on the Situation in the South China Sea (April 30, 2024), France in the Philippines and in Micronesia


"[Germany] is concerned about the recent incident in the South China Sea causing damage to PCG and BFAR vessels. We reiterate our call for the respect of UNCLOS and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Use of force is never the solution! International law must prevail!"

Amb. Andreas Pfaffernoschke, German Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 01 May 2024


"Concerned about the recent incident around Scarborough Shoal. Dangerous actions including the use of water cannon against PCG & BFAR vessels undermines the safety of ship and crew. #FOIP #SouthChinaSea" 

Ambassador of Japan in the Philippines, Twitter Post, 30 April 2024

The Netherlands

"Today we unfortunately witnessed other dangerous actions that are not in line with international law. We reiterate the importance of abiding by UNCLOS and the 2016 arbitral award @DFAPHL."

Amb. Marielle Geraedts, The Netherlands Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 30 April 2024 

New Zealand

"[New Zealand] is deeply concerned by actions of Chinese vessels towards [The Philippines] at Scarborough Shoal. Obstructing civilian boats and the use of water cannons on PCG vessels risks safety and undermines regional stability. We call for peaceful resolution of disputes in full accordance with UNCLOS." 

New Zealand Embassy in Manila, Twitter Post, 30 April 2024


"We are concerned by the incident causing damages to Philippine vessels. We call for full respect of the UN Charter, the UNCLOS, the 2016 Arbitration Award and other relevant regulations.

Embassy of Sweden in Manila, Facebook Post, 01 May 2024

South Korea

"The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Philippines is concerned about the recent dangerous maneuvers and use of water cannons against the Philippine vessels around the Scarborough Shoal. We reiterate the importance of upholding peace, stability, safety and rules-based maritime order in the South China Sea, a critical sea lane of communications for all countries that are using it."

Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Philippines, Facebook Post, 01 May 2024

United Kingdom

"[The United Kingdom] condemns today's dangerous actions by Chinese vessels against [the Philippine] Coast Guard and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources near Scarborough Shoal. 

We reiterate our call for respect for UNCLOS and adherence to the 2016 Arbitral Award, which is legally binding on the parties." 

Amb. Laure Beaufils, British Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 30 April 2024

United States

"The PRC used dangerous maneuvers and water cannons to disrupt a lawful Philippine mission providing food and fuel to fisherfolk within the  [Philippine] EEZ. The Philippines can count on U.S. support as #FriendsPartnersAllies to uphold freedom of navigation and international law." 

Amb. MaryKay L. Carlson, US Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 30 April 2024

CCG and CMM Harassed, Blocked, Deployed Water Cannons, Executed Dangerous Maneuvers, and Installed a Floating Barrier near Ayungin Shoal, 23 March 2024

On 23 March 2024, China Coast Guard (CCG) and Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) vessels harassed, blocked, deployed water cannons, and executed dangerous maneuvers to obstruct and impede Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessels and a Philippine supply vessel during their conduct of a rotation and resupply (RoRe) mission to the BRP Sierra Madre at Ayungin Shoal.

CCG vessels blasted water cannons to Philippine supply vessel Unaizah May 4 (UM4), causing severe damages and injuring Filipinos onboard. Additional Philippine vessels supported and escorted the UM4 to complete the RoRe mission.

Furthermore, a CMM vessel, assisted by Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIBs), installed floating barriers at Ayungin Shoal to prevent further entry of vessels in the shoal.

CCG vessel 21551 and CMM vessels 00036 and 00314 impedes and encircles PCG vessel, MRRV 4409 (center), 

CCG vessels blasting water cannons against Philippine supply vessel UM4 (center).

Photo source: Armed Forces of the Philippines

Official Statements of Philippine Government Agencies


Over the course of these past days, I have met with and spoken to our country’s National Security and Defense leadership. They have made their considered recommendations and, through exhaustive consultations, I have given them my directives.

I have also been in constant communication with representatives of relevant allies, partners, and friends in the international community. 

They have offered to help us on what the Philippines requires to protect and secure our Sovereignty, sovereign rights, and jurisdiction while ensuring peace and stability in the Indo-pacific. 

I have given them our requirements and we have been assured that they will be addressed. 

Over the succeeding weeks there shall be, implemented by the relevant national government agencies and instrumentalities, a response and countermeasure package that is proportionate, deliberate, and reasonable in the face of the open, unabating, and illegal, coercive, aggressive, and dangerous attacks by agents of the China Coast Guard and the Chinese Maritime Militia. 

We seek no conflict with any nation, more so nations that purport and claim to be our friends but we will not be cowed into silence, submission, or subservience. 

 Filipinos do not yield.

President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr., Twitter Post,  28 March 2024


NSC Press Release
Strategic Communications Office
23 March 2024, Manila, Philippines

This morning, a routine rotation and resupply (RoRe) mission to BRP SIERRA MADRE (LS 57) at Ayungin Shoal was conducted by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) to rotate in necessary personnel. China Coast Guard (CCG) and Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) vessels once again harassed, blocked, deployed water cannons, and executed dangerous maneuvers against the routine RoRe mission that led to significant damage to the supply vessel and caused injury to personnel.

From on or about 04:00 AM of 23 March 2024, CCG vessels working in tandem with CMM vessels acted recklessly and dangerously against PCG vessels and Unaizah May 4 (UM4). Their reckless and dangerous actions culminated with the water cannoning of UM4 causing severe damage to the vessel and injuries to Filipinos onboard.  PCG vessels MRRV 4407 and 4409 broke through CCG and [CMM] attempts to obstruct them and provided immediate relief and assistance to the disabled UM4 and her crew. Injured crew were given medical attention aboard MRRV 4409.

To complete the RoRe mission, BRP SIERRA MADRE deployed RHIBs to UM4 to ferry personnel to be rotated in. CCG personnel were spotted attempting to continue attempts at obstructing and impeding the RoRe by placing a floating barrier at the northwestern entrance of the lagoon of Ayungin Shoal. Despite these repeated attempts by the CCG and CMM, the RoRe was accomplished on or about 11:59 AM with the RoRe contingent leaving the vicinity of Ayungin Shoal on or about 12:09 AM.  PCG vessels are currently underway, with UM4 in tow, back to port.

The People’s Republic of China’s (PRC’s) latest acts of unprovoked aggression, coercion, and dangerous maneuvers against a legitimate and routine Philippine RoRe mission to Ayungin Shoal, have once again placed at risk, caused severe damage to property, and caused physical harm to Filipinos on board UM4. The systematic and consistent manner in which the PRC continues to carry out these illegal and irresponsible actions belies its hollow claims to peace, dialogue, and adherence to international law. 

The National Security Adviser and Chairperson of the National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea (NTF-WPS) has requested the convening of a meeting on Monday with the Executive Secretary and the National Security Cluster for purposes of making recommendations to the President.

The actions of the agents of the PRC today in the waters of the Philippine Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) show to the Filipino people, the region, and the world that the PRC recognizes no reasonable or legal restraint nor limitation upon its actions under international law. The Philippines shall continue to act peacefully and responsibly, consistent with international law, particularly UNCLOS and the legally binding 2016 Arbitral Award. Peace and stability cannot be achieved without due regard for the legitimate, well-established, and legally settled rights of others.  

The Philippines will not be deterred - by veiled threats or hostility - from exercising our legal rights over our maritime zones, including Ayungin Shoal which forms part of our EEZ and continental shelf. We demand that China demonstrate in deeds and not in words that it is a responsible and trustworthy member of the international community. ###

National Security Council of the Philippines, Facebook Post, 23 March 2024.


Unaizah May 4 returns to complete RoRe mission
News Blog - 23 March 2024

CAMP AGUINALDO, Quezon City—Unaizah May 4 (UM4), a civilian vessel contracted to conduct a rotation and resupply (RoRe) operation at Ayungin Shoal, embarked again on March 22 to complete its mission to sustain Philippine troops stationed at BRP Sierra Madre.

UM4 is one of two civilian vessels involved in the RoRe mission last March 5. Due to damage sustained during water cannoning by the China Coast Guard, UM4 was unable to complete its mission.

The Area Task Force West will dedicate two Philippine Navy ships, with two more from the Philippine Coast Guard as escort to UM4, to support the mission.

The Armed Forces of the Philippines emphasizes that the mission is a routine operation aimed at sustaining and rotating military personnel at Ayungin Shoal. This particular mission was set up to ensure a full troop complement on board BRP Sierra Madre after one personnel needing serious medical attention was recently evacuated. Personnel are being rotated in to ensure that BRP Sierra Madre's mission posture remains uncompromised.

This RoRe operation is again a manifestation of the AFP's resolve in rightfully and lawfully maintaining its presence at the shoal in the continued protection of Philippine sovereign rights in its exclusive economic zone.

Armed Forces of the Philippines, 23 March 2024


Statement Released by the DFA Spokesperson

25 March 2024 – The Department of Foreign Affairs summoned the Charge d’affaires, a.i. of the Chinese Embassy this morning to convey the Philippines’ strong protest against the aggressive actions undertaken by the China Coast Guard and Chinese Maritime Militia against the rotation and resupply mission undertaken by the Philippines in Ayungin Shoal on 23 March 2024.

The Philippine Embassy in Beijing has also been instructed to lodge the same demarche with the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

In these demarches, the Philippines stressed, among others, that China has no right to be in Ayungin Shoal, a low-tide elevation that lies within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone and continental shelf in accordance with the 1982 UNCLOS and as affirmed by the 2016 Arbitral Award. 

China’s continued interference with the Philippines’ routine and lawful activities in its own exclusive economic zone is unacceptable. It infringes upon the Philippines’ sovereign rights and jurisdiction. The Philippines demands that Chinese vessels leave the vicinity of Ayungin Shoal and the Philippine exclusive economic zone immediately.

The Philippines has made sincere efforts to implement the instruction of President Marcos and President Xi to lower tensions. China’s aggressive actions call into question its sincerity in lowering the tensions and promoting peace and stability in the South China Sea. Even as the Philippines continues to engage China in dialogue and diplomacy at the bilateral and multilateral levels, China’s aggressive actions contradict and put to waste ASEAN-China efforts to promote practical activities to foster peace and cooperation in the region.

The Philippines urges China to take the correct track of abiding by international law and respecting the legitimate rights of other states like the Philippines, and to cease and desist from its continued violation of international law, including the 1982 UNCLOS and the 2016 Arbitral Award. END

Department of Foreign Affairs, Republic of the Philippines, Facebook Post, 25 March 2024


29 March 2024

Filipinos do not yield.

China’s defense ministry statement clearly reflects their isolation from the rest of the world on their illegal and uncivilized activities in the West Philippine Sea. 

It also shows the inability of the Chinese Government to conduct open, transparent, and legal negotiations. Their repertoire consists only of patronizing and, failing that, intimidating smaller countries.

The world has seen and knows that the Filipino people are not aggressors. We will never seek a fight or trouble. Neither will we be cowed into silence, submission, or subservience. 

We do not yield. 

We are Filipinos.

Department of National Defense - Philippines, Facebook Post, 29 March 2024


LGU of Kalayaan Strongly Condemns China's Illegal and Aggressive Actions in the West Philippine Sea

03/27/2024 - The Local Government Unit of Kalayaan expresses its outrage and strongest condemnation of the recent aggressive actions perpetrated by the Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) and Navy in the West Philippine Sea on March 23, 2024.

At around 08:38 AM, a Philippine supply vessel, Unaizah May 4, lawfully conducting a resupply mission near Ayungin Shoal, was subjected to a direct and unprovoked water cannon attack by two CCG vessels. This blatant act of aggression resulted in severe damage to the Philippine vessel and injuries to uniformed personnel on board.

Furthermore, on the same day, a Chinese Navy helicopter harassed University of the Philippines researchers lawfully conducting a survey at sandbars off Pag-asa (Thitu) Island. This harassment caused injuries to some of the researchers.

These actions by China are not only illegal under international law, particularly the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), but also constitute a blatant disregard for the safety and well-being of Filipinos. Their coercive, aggressive, and deceptive tactics aim to intimidate and restrict our legitimate activities within our own territorial waters.

The LGU of Kalayaan stands in solidarity with the Filipino people in asserting our sovereign rights over the West Philippine Sea. We demand that China cease and desist from all its illegal activities within our territory. We call upon the national government to take all necessary actions to uphold our territorial integrity and protect our citizens.

We urge the international community to condemn these acts of aggression and hold China accountable for its violations of international law being perpetrated in the West [Philippine] Sea.

Municipal Government of Kalayaan Province of Palawan, Philippines, Facebook Post, 27 March 2024

International Expression of Support for the Philippines


"We share the Philippines’ serious concerns about dangerous conduct by China’s vessels adjacent to Second Thomas Shoal today. This is part of a pattern of deeply concerning behaviour. UNCLOS is the basis for peace and stability in the South China Sea."

Amb. Hae Kyong Yu, Australian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 23 March 2024

"The Australian Government shares the serious concerns of the Philippine Government about the actions conducted by China’s vessels against Philippine vessels and crew, including those engaged in routine resupply missions in the South China Sea on 5 and 23 March.

In both incidents, China’s vessels used water cannons and dangerous blocking manoeuvres resulting in injuries to crew and damage to Philippines resupply vessels. This is part of a pattern of deeply concerning behaviour by China which endangers the peace and security of the region, threatens lives and livelihoods, and creates risks of miscalculation and escalation.

Australia emphasises the importance of all states being able to exercise their rights and freedoms, including freedom of navigation, under international law, particularly the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Australia opposes destabilising and coercive actions in the South China Sea, such as unsafe encounters at sea and in the air and the militarisation of disputed features.

Australia calls for restraint, peace and stability in the South China Sea and reiterates that the 2016 South China Sea Arbitral Award is final and legally binding on the parties."

Statement Concerning Recent Actions in the South China Sea, Media Release, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 27 March 2024


Dangerous maneuvers and the repeated use of water cannons by Chinese vessels against Philippines vessels today endangered lives and pose a serious threat to regional peace and stability. We urge the peaceful resolution of disputes in accordance with international law. @CanEmbPH

Amb. David Hartman, Canadian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 23 March 2024


Gravely concerned of the repeated dangerous actions and denial of freedom of navigation at sea by #China in #WPS which again have resulted in injuries to #Filipino sailors and damage to civilian vessels. Call on all parties to respect #UNCLOS and its rulings. #SCS

Amb. F-M Mellbin, Ambassador of Denmark to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 23 March 2024

European Union

"Concerned by recurring dangerous manoeuvres, blocking and water-cannoning from Chinese Coast Guard vessels and Maritime Militia against Philippine vessels engaged in resupply missions.

The EU reiterates the call for all parties to abide by the legally binding 2016 Arbitration Award and #internationallaw to peacefully resolve disputes, guaranteeing safety for all in maritime waters."

Amb. Luc Véron, EU Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 23 March 2024

"The European Union is deeply concerned by the incidents which occurred in the South China Sea on 23 March. 

The succession of repeated dangerous manoeuvres, blocking and water-cannoning from Chinese Coast Guard vessels and Maritime Militia against Philippine vessels engaged in resupply missions constituted a dangerous provocation against the Philippines vessels. These acts put human lives at risk, undermine regional stability and international norms, and threaten security in the region and beyond.

The EU calls for restraint and full respect of the relevant international rules, so as to ensure the peaceful resolution of differences and reduction of tensions in the region. The UN Charter, the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the Arbitration Award of 2016, as well as other relevant international rules and regulations relating to the safety of life at sea, should be respected at all times. This includes, in particular, the prohibition of the use of force or coercion, and the freedom of navigation."

Philippines: Statement by the Spokesperson on Provocative Actions in the South China Sea, Press Release, European Union External Action, 23 March 2024


"For [Finland], aligning myself with the statement of the EU Ambassador in the Philippines, I am concerned by yet another incident against the Philippine Coast Guard in the SCS, and reiterating the importance of the respect for international law." 

Amb. Juha Pyykkö, Ambassador of Finland in the Philippines, Twitter Post, 23 March 2024


"We reiterate our concern following today's incident in the South China Sea which caused injuries to members of the Philippine Coast Guard as well damages to vessels.

[France] renews its call for respect of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and of freedom of navigation. 

We oppose any threat or use of force contrary to international law and recall the importance of resolving disputes through dialogue. We also recall the decision rendered by the Arbitral Court on July 12, 2016.

Amb. Marie Fontanel, French Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 23 March 2024

Part 2 Statement


"[Germany] is very concerned about the dangerous incident involving vessels of the China Coast Guard causing heavy damage on a Philippine resupply mission ship in the exclusive economic zone of the [Philippines]. 

All parties must uphold international law and refrain from actions that could endanger peace and stability and put into question legitimate rights under UNCLOS. All disputes must be resolved on the basis of UNCLOS. [Germany] calls on all parties to respect the 2016 [arbitral] award."

Amb. Andreas Pfaffernoschke, German Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 23 March 2024

Part 2 Statement


"[Ireland] is very concerned about the latest dangerous incident involving China Coast Guard vessels at the Second Thomas Shoal. We affirm the importance of respect for the rule of law, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of States, and peaceful resolution of disputes in full compliance with international law. 

[Ireland] calls upon all States to comply with their legally binding obligations as set out in UNCLOS and in accordance with the 2016 Arbitral Award. We reaffirm the importance of maintaining and promoting peace, security, stability, safety, and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, in accordance with international law. 

We reaffirm the importance of maintaining and promoting peace, security, stability, safety and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, in accordance with UNCLOS.

Embassy of Ireland in Manila, Twitter Post, 27 March  2024


"Japan reiterates its grave concern on the repeated dangerous actions by CCG in SCS which resulted in Filipino injuries. Japan stands in solidarity w/ the PH as confirmed at the [Japan, Philippines, and United States] Vice Foreign Ministers’ meeting held in this week." 

Ambassador of Japan in the Philippines, Twitter Post, 23 March  2024

"Japan reiterates serious concern over repeated actions which obstruct freedom of navigation and increase regional tensions including recent dangerous actions that resulted in damage to the Filipino vessel and injuries to Filipinos onboard

Japan believes that the issue concerning the South China Sea is directly related to the peace and stability of the region and is a legitimate concern of the international community, and thus Japan opposes any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force as well as any actions that increase tensions in the South China Sea. As stated in the Japan-Philippines Joint Statement in February 2023, the Government of Japan opposes unlawful maritime claims, militarization, coercive activities and threat or use of force in the South China Sea.

Also, Japan highly appreciates the Government of the Philippines for having consistently complied with the Arbitral Tribunal’s award as to the disputes between the Republic of the Philippines and the People’s Republic of China regarding the South China Sea and shown its commitment to the peaceful settlement of disputes in the South China Sea, as stated in the joint press statement between Japan and the Philippines issued in November 2023, and the statement by the Foreign Minister of Japan issued in July 2023, on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of the issuance of the award.

The arbitral award is final and legally binding on the parties to the dispute under the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and Japan strongly hopes that the parties’ compliance with the award will lead to the peaceful settlement of disputes in the South China Sea.

Japan has consistently advocated upholding the “rule of law” at sea, and will continue to cooperate with the international community such as ASEAN Member States and the United States to protect the free and open international order based on the 'rule of law'."

Recent Surge in Tensions in the South China Sea, Press Release, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan, 25 March 2024

The Netherlands

"Another incident in which a [Philippine] resupply mission was frustrated, leading to material damage and personal injuries. We reiterate the importance of abiding by international law, in particular UNCLOS and the 2016 arbitral award @DFAPHL."

Amb. Marielle Geraedts, The Netherlands Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 23 March 2024 

New Zealand

"[New Zealand] is deeply concerned at further actions today by Chinese vessels towards [The Philippines] at Second Thomas Shoal. These endanger lives at sea. It is fundamental to regional stability that maritime disputes are resolved peacefully in accordance with international law, particularly UNCLOS." 

New Zealand Embassy in Manila, Twitter Post, 23 March 2024


"The Embassy of Sweden in Manila reiterates its grave concern regarding the dangerous maneuvers in the South China Sea, causing heavy damage on Philippine vessels and needlessly endangering lives. We emphasize that disputes must be resolved peacefully in accordance with UNCLOS and international rule of law.

Embassy of Sweden in Manila, Facebook Post, 24 March 2024

South Korea

"The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Philippines expresses grave concern about the recent and repeated use of water cannons against the Philippine vessels in the South China Sea that caused serious damage to one of these vessels and injuries to the Filipinos on board. 

Such an action raises tensions and is detrimental to maintaining peace, stability, safety and rules-based maritime order in the South China Sea, a critical sea lane of communications for all countries that use it, including the ROK. 

Under any circumstances, the freedom of navigation and overflight should be respected by all countries in the international community based on the principles of international law, including the UNCLOS."

Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Philippines, Facebook Post, 24 March 2024

United Kingdom

"[The United Kingdom] condemns today's dangerous actions by Chinese vessels against the [Philippines]. This endangered lives and resulted in significant damage to a civilian vessel. 

[The United Kingdom] opposes actions which raise tensions and threaten regional peace and stability. We once again urge adherence to UNCLOS." 

Amb. Laure Beaufils, British Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 23 March 2024

United States

"The U.S. stands with the Philippines against the PRC’s repeated dangerous maneuvers & water cannons to disrupt @CoastGuardPH lawful activities in the [Philippine] EEZ. The PRC’s interference with [The Philippines'] freedom of navigation violates international law & threatens a #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific." 

Amb. MaryKay L. Carlson, US Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 23 March 2024

"The United States stands with its ally the Philippines and condemns the dangerous actions by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) against lawful Philippine maritime operations in the South China Sea on March 23.  PRC ships’ repeated employment of water cannons and reckless blocking maneuvers resulted in injuries to Filipino service members and significant damage to their resupply vessel, rendering it immobile.  The PRC’s actions prevent normal personnel rotations and deprive Filipino service members at Second Thomas Shoal of necessary provisions.  This incident marks only the latest in the PRC’s repeated obstruction of Philippine vessels’ exercise of high seas freedom of navigation and disruption of supply lines to this longstanding outpost. 

The PRC’s actions are destabilizing to the region and show clear disregard for international law.  According to an international tribunal’s legally binding decision issued in July 2016, the PRC has no lawful maritime claims to the waters around Second Thomas Shoal and Second Thomas Shoal is a low tide feature clearly within the Philippines exclusive economic zone.  As provided under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, the 2016 arbitral decision is final and legally binding on the PRC and the Philippines, and the United States calls upon the PRC to abide by the ruling and desist from its dangerous and destabilizing conduct. 

The United States reaffirms that Article IV of the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty extends to armed attacks on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft – including those of its Coast Guard – anywhere in the South China Sea." 

U.S. Support for the Philippines in the South China Sea, Press Statement, Matthew Miller, Department Spokesperson, U.S. Department of State, 23 March 2024

CCG, CMM Harassed, Blocked, Deployed Water Cannons, and Executed Dangerous Maneuvers near Ayungin Shoal, 05 March 2024

On 05 March 2024, China Coast Guard (CCG) and Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) vessels harassed, blocked, deployed water cannons, and executed dangerous maneuvers to obstruct Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessels and Philippine supply vessels in their conduct of a rotation and resupply (RORE) mission to the BRP Sierra Madre at Ayungin Shoal.

The PCG vessel MRRV 4407 was subjected to dangerous blocking maneuvers by CCG vessel 21555, resulting in structural damage to the hull of the PCG vessel. 

Philippine supply boat Unaizah May 4 (UM4) also faced dangerous blocking maneuvers by a CCG vessel. CCG vessels 21555 and 21551 deployed water cannons against UM4, shattering its wind shield, and causing minor injuries to at least four (4) personnel on board.

CCG vessel 21555 collides with PCG vessel MRRV-4407. 

CCG vessels 21555 and 21551 deploys water cannons against supply boat UM4.

Official Statements of Philippine Government Agencies


NSC Press Release
Strategic Communications Office
05 March 2024, Manila, Philippines

This morning, China Coast Guard (CCG) and Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) vessels harassed, blocked, deployed water cannons, and executed dangerous maneuvers in another attempt to illegally impede or obstruct a routine resupply and rotation mission to BRP SIERRA MADRE (LS 57) at Ayungin Shoal. 

At approximately 0632H CCG vessel 21555 executed dangerous blocking maneuvers against Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessel MRRV 4407, which caused a minor collision resulting in superficial structural damage to the hull of the PCG vessel.  

At 0815H, one CCG vessel caused a minor collision with Unaizah May 4 (UM4) due to its dangerous blocking maneuvers. CCG vessels 21555 and 21551 deployed water cannons simultaneously against the supply boat UM4. The use of water cannons by the CCG vessels shattered the wind shield of UM4, causing minor injuries to at least four (4) personnel on board. At 0936H, the injured personnel were treated by Philippine Coast Guard personnel from MRRV.

Due to the damage and injuries to the vessel and crew, UM4 proceeded back to mainland Palawan under escort of MRRV 4407.

At 0930H, Unaizah May 1 (UM1) successfully docked with LS57 and began its resupply. It concluded its resupply and departed BRP SIERRA MADRE at 1054H.

Once again, China's latest unprovoked acts of coercion and dangerous maneuvers against a legitimate and routine Philippine rotation and resupply mission to Ayungin Shoal, have put the lives of our people at risk and caused actual injury to Filipinos on board UM4. The systematic and consistent manner in which the People's Republic of China carries out these illegal and irresponsible actions puts into question the sincerity of its calls for peaceful dialogue and lessening of tensions.

The Philippines, for its part, continues to act peacefully and responsibly, consistent with international law, particularly UNCLOS and the legally binding 2016 Arbitral Award. Peace and stability cannot be achieved without due regard for the legitimate, well-established, and legally settled rights of others.  

The Philippines will not be deterred from exercising our legal rights over our maritime zones, including Ayungin Shoal which forms part of our Exclusive Economic Zone and continental shelf. We demand that China demonstrate that it is a responsible and trustworthy member of the international community. ###

National Security Council of the Philippines, Facebook Post, 05 March 2024.


Statement of Secretary Gilbert Teodoro, Jr.
06 March 2024

The propaganda mechanisms of the PRC once again attempt to justify their illegal acts against Philippine vessels on their so-called "indisputable" claim over most of the South China Sea. They take great pains to mischaracterize their provocations as lawful under international law and the actions of their CCG and Maritime Militia as "professional, restrained, reasonable, and lawful." This claim is, simply put, one that no right-thinking State in the world agrees with and which many outright condemn. The PRC's vain attempt to manufacture and sell this story falters in the face of real incontrovertible facts. 

The acts of the PRC's agents in the West Philippine Sea are patently illegal and downright uncivilized. 

We urge the PRC to be truthful and to be believable.

Department of National Defense - Philippines, Facebook Post, 06 March 2024


Statement on 05 March 2024 Ayungin Shoal Incident

Yesterday, another incident again occurred within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Philippines, more particularly in the Ayungin Shoal. Chinese actions resulted in a collision between a Philippine Coast Guard ship, and a Chinese Coast Guard ship. The irresponsible use of water cannons damaged a Philippine supply vessel and caused minor injuries among some of the Filipino crew that was doing a routine rotation and resupply mission to BRP Sierra Madre.

The Philippine Embassy in Beijing has demarched their counterparts in the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday. The Department also lodged another diplomatic protest against the Chinese side by summoning the Chinese Embassy, also yesterday afternoon.

Ayungin Shoal is part of our exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, and that the Philippines has sovereign rights and jurisdiction over it. As a low-tide elevation, Ayungin Shoal can neither be the subject of a sovereignty claim nor is it capable of appropriation under international law.

The Philippines' resupply missions to BRP Sierra Madre are part of routine operations in line with domestic and international law. This lawful activity is well within the exercise of Philippine rights within our EEZ. We have not added anything to our normal and routine RORE missions. Our conduct over our EEZ remains the same.

The Philippines has made sincere efforts to implement leaders' instructions to lessen tensions and have our Foreign Ministers and foreign ministries hold discussions. China, however, has made references to supposed agreements or arrangements out of these discussions. The Philippines has not entered into any agreement abandoning its sovereign rights and jurisdiction over its EEZ and continental shelf, including in the vicinity of Ayungin Shoal.

China's unlawful exercise of maritime law enforcement powers, interference with Philippine rotation and resupply missions, or any other activity that infringes upon the Philippines' sovereign rights and jurisdiction in Ayungin Shoal are violations of international law, particularly the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. We continue to call on China to cease and desist from undertaking actions that violate Philippine sovereignty, sovereign rights, and jurisdiction in the West Philippine Sea, and undermine the mutual trust and confidence that should underpin bilateral relations.

We thank the international community for their continued expression of support to the Philippines, and the defense of the international order based on international law.

The Department of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Philippines remains committed to pursue its mandate of protecting and upholding the Philippine legal maritime entitlements in the West Philippine Sea. END

Department of Foreign Affairs, Republic of the Philippines, Facebook Post, 07 March 2024


RORE MISSION | The rotation and reprovisioning of troops conducted by the Armed Forces of the Philippines and its Western Command for troops stationed at BRP Sierra Madre (LS57) in Ayungin Shoal today, March 5. While in the mission, the two civilian vessels (Unaizah May 1 and 4) and their Philippine Navy and Philippine Coast Guard escorts were harassed, blocked, and blasted with water cannon by Chinese coast guard vessels.

Said dangerous maneuvers at sea that put the lives of Filipino personnel at risk were properly documented, adding to a long list of incidents of  Chinese coast guard and maritime militia's illegal and irresponsible actions within our exclusive economic zone.

Armed Forces of the Philippines, Facebook Post, 05 March 2024

International Expression of Support for the Philippines


"Discussing peace and stability at the #ASEAN50Aus Summit. Australia shares Philippines’ concerns about dangerous actions by China’s vessels at Second Thomas Shoal today. We call for restraint and respect for international law, particularly UNCLOS."

Amb. Hae Kyong Yu, Australian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 05 March 2024


The actions taken by Chinese vessels this morning at Ayungin Shoal are incompatible with the PRC’s obligations under international law. Such actions put at risk the security and stability of the Indo-Pacific region. Disputes must be resolved peacefully in accordance with UNCLOS.

Amb. David Hartman, Canadian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 05 March 2024

European Union

"Troubled by today’s pattern of dangerous maneuvers and blocking from Chinese Coast Guard vessels and Maritime Militia targeting Philippine vessels engaged in crucial resupply missions.

The EU reiterates the call for all parties to abide by the legally binding 2016 Arbitration Award and #internationallaw to peacefully resolve disputes, guaranteeing safety in maritime waters."

Amb. Luc Véron, EU Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 05 March 2024


"[France] expresses its concern about today's incidents in the South China Sea. We call for respect for UNCLOS, for freedom of navigation, and resolutely oppose any threat or use of force contrary to international law. We remain attached to resolving disputes through dialogue." 

Amb. Marie Fontanel, French Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 05 March 2024


"[Germany] is concerned by today‘s incidents involving dangerous maneuvers against [Philippine] CG vessels engaged in a resupply mission within [Philippine] EEZ. [Germany] calls on all parties to resolve disputes peacefully based on UNCLOS and reiterates the call to respect the legally binding 2016 Arbitral Award." 

Amb. Andreas Pfaffernoschke, German Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 05 March 2024 


"Japan reiterates serious concern over actions which increase regional tensions including recent dangerous actions that led to collisions between Chinese and Filipino vessels and injuries of the Filipinos.

Japan believes that the issue concerning the South China Sea is directly related to the peace and stability of the region and is a legitimate concern of the international community, and thus Japan opposes any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force as well as any actions that increase tensions in the South China Sea. As stated in the Japan-Philippines Joint Statement in February 2023, the Government of Japan concurs with the Philippines’ long-standing objections to unlawful maritime claims, militarization, coercive activities and threat or use of force in the South China Sea.

Also, Japan highly appreciates the Government of the Philippines for having consistently complied with the Arbitral Tribunal’s award as to the disputes between the Republic of the Philippines and the People’s Republic of China regarding the South China Sea and shown its commitment to the peaceful settlement of disputes in the South China Sea, as stated in the joint press statement between Japan and the Philippines issued in November 2023, and the statement by the Foreign Minister of Japan issued in July 2023, on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of the issuance of the award.

The arbitral award is final and legally binding on the parties to the dispute under the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and Japan strongly hopes that the parties’ compliance with the award will lead to the peaceful settlement of disputes in the South China Sea.

Japan has consistently advocated upholding the “rule of law” at sea, and will continue to cooperate with the international community such as ASEAN Member States and the United States to protect the free and open international order based on the 'rule of law'."

Recent Surge in Tensions in the South China Sea, Press Release, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan, 06 March 2024

"Japan reiterates its grave concern on the repeated dangerous actions in the SCS including the recent use of water cannon by CCG which resulted in Filipino injuries and a collision. Japan will continue to stand with the Philippines and cooperate with like-minded countries to maintain the peace and stability in the region." 

Embassy of Japan in the Philippines, Facebook Post, 05 March  2024

New Zealand

"NZ is deeply concerned at dangerous actions today by Chinese vessels towards the Philippines at Second Thomas Shoal. Water cannons and contact by vessels threaten life at sea. Peaceful resolution of maritime disputes in accordance with UNCLOS is fundamental to regional stability." 

New Zealand Embassy in Manila, Twitter Post, 05 March 2024


"Sweden is gravely concerned regarding the latest incidents involving water cannons and a minor collision in the West Philippine Sea. We call on involved parties to resolve disputes peacefully in accordance with UNCLOS and international rule of law.

Embassy of Sweden in Manila, Twitter Post, 05 March 2024

South Korea

"The ROK Embassy in the Philippines is deeply concerned about the dangerous situation caused by collision between the Chinese and the Philippine vessels and use of water cannons against the Philippine vessels in the South China Sea. The situation threatens the safety of crew members and raises tensions in the concerned waters. We reiterate that peace, stability and rules-based order in the SCS must be upheld together with the freedom of navigation and overflight based on the principles of international law, including UNCLOS."

Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Philippines, Facebook Post, 06 March 2024

United Kingdom

"[The United Kingdom] condemns today's unsafe  actions by Chinese vessels against [the Philippines] in Second Thomas Shoal, which resulted in [Philippine] injuries. [The United Kingdom] reiterates its opposition to any action which raises tensions & endangers lives, threatening regional peace & stability.  We call for adherence to UNCLOS." 

Amb. Laure Beaufils, British Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 06 March 2024

United States

"We strongly condemn the PRC’s dangerous maneuvers at Ayungin/Second Thomas Shoal, which endangered lives, resulted in injuries, and damaged @CoastGuardPH vessels in the [Philippine] EEZ. The [United States] stands with the [Philippines] and proponents of international law in support of a #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific." 

Amb. MaryKay L. Carlson, US Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 05 March 2024

"The United States stands with our ally the Philippines following the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) provocative actions against lawful Philippine maritime operations in the South China Sea on March 5.  PRC ships employed dangerous maneuvers and water cannons against Philippine vessels carrying provisions to Filipino service members stationed at the BRP Sierra Madre, causing multiple collisions, damaging at least one Philippine vessel, injuring Filipino service members, and jeopardizing the safety of the Filipino crew.  We condemn the PRC’s repeated obstruction of Philippine vessels’ exercise of high seas freedom of navigation and its disruption of supply lines to this longstanding outpost. 

The PRC’s actions again show disregard for the safety and livelihoods of Filipinos and international law.  According to an international tribunal’s legally binding decision issued in July 2016, the PRC has no lawful maritime claims to the waters around Second Thomas Shoal, and Second Thomas Shoal is a low tide feature clearly within the Philippines exclusive economic zone.  As provided under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, the 2016 arbitral decision is final and legally binding on the PRC and the Philippines, and the United States calls upon the PRC to abide by the ruling and desist from its dangerous and destabilizing conduct. 

The United States reaffirms that Article IV of the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty extends to armed attacks on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft – including those of its Coast Guard – anywhere in the South China Sea." 

U.S. Support for the Philippines in the South China Sea, Press Statement, Matthew Miller, Department Spokesperson, U.S. Department of State, 05 March 2024

CCG, CMM Harassed, Blocked, Executed Dangerous Maneuvers, and Used Water Cannons against Philippine vessels near Ayungin Shoal, 10 December 2023

On 10 December 2023, China Coast Guard (CCG) and Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) vessels harassed, blocked, and executed dangerous maneuvers on Philippine supply vessels on a routine resupply and rotation mission to the BRP Sierra Madre at Ayungin Shoal.

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessels and resupply boats faced dangerous harassment by CCG and CMM vessels near Ayungin Shoal, including a ramming incident by CCG 21556 against Unaizah Mae 1 (UM1) and the use of water cannon by CCG vessel 5204 against M/L Kalayaan, damaging its engines and endangering the lives of its crew.

Official Statements of Philippine Government Agencies


The aggression and provocations perpetrated by the China Coast Guard and their Chinese Maritime Militia against our vessels and personnel over the weekend have only further steeled our determination to defend and protect our nation's sovereignty, sovereign rights, and jurisdiction in the West Philippine Sea.

I have been in constant communication with our national security and defense leadership, and have directed our uniformed services to conduct their missions with the utmost regard for the safety of our personnel, yet proceed with a mission-oriented mindset.

Let me reiterate what is settled and widely recognized: Ayungin Shoal is within our Exclusive Economic Zone, any foreign claim of sovereignty over it is baseless and absolutely contrary to international law. Bajo de Masinloc is sovereign Philippine territory and an integral part of our archipelago. No one but the Philippines has a legitimate right or legal basis to operate anywhere in the West Philippine Sea. The illegal presence in our waters and dangerous actions against our citizens is an outright and blatant violation of international law and the rules-based international order. 

To our gallant service members, be assured of our utmost gratitude and fullest support. 

We remain undeterred.

President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr, Twitter Post, 10 December 2023


NSC Press Release
Strategic Communications Office
December 10 2023, Manila, Philippines

Today, 10 December 2023, China Coast Guard (CCG) and Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) vessels harassed, blocked, and executed dangerous maneuvers on Philippine civilian supply vessels, in another attempt to illegally impede or obstruct a routine resupply and rotation mission (RORE) to BRP SIERRA MADRE (LS 57) at Ayungin Shoal. CCG vessel 5204 deployed a water cannon against the Philippine supply vessels causing severe damage to M/L Kalayaan’s engines, disabling the vessel and. seriously endangering the lives of its crew. Currently, Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessel BRP Sindangan (MRRV-4407) is safely towing M/L Kalayaan back to Ulugan Bay, Palawan. Additionally, BRP Cabra (MRRV-4409) suffered damage to its mast after being directly targeted by the full strength of the water cannon of the China Coast Guard.

The PCG vessels and the resupply boats Unaizah Mae 1 (UM1) and M/L Kalayaan were subjected to reckless and dangerous harassment at close range by CCG and Chinese Maritime Militia vessels on their approach to Ayungin Shoal. Contrary to China Coast Guard disinformation, UM1 was rammed by CCG 21556. Despite these extreme and reckless actions, UM1 successfully reached BRP Sierra Madre, and resupply is ongoing as of this writing.

The Task Force reiterates that Ayungin Shoal is a low-tide elevation within the Philippine’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and continental shelf, in accordance with UNCLOS and as upheld by the 2016 Arbitral Award. The Philippines exercises sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the feature. As a low tide elevation, Ayungin Shoal can neither be the subject of a sovereignty claim nor is it capable of appropriation under international law. China cannot lawfully exercise sovereignty over it.

In this regard, the assertion of China that its actions in the vicinity of Ayungin Shoal are a legitimate exercise of law enforcement measures, has no basis in international law. Further, we express grave concern over the deliberate disinformation conducted through official channels, that distort facts on the ground. 

We condemn, once again, China's latest unprovoked acts of coercion and dangerous maneuvers against a legitimate and routine Philippine rotation and resupply mission to Ayungin Shoal that has put the lives of our people at risk. The systematic and consistent manner in which the People's Republic of China carries out these illegal and irresponsible actions puts into question and significant doubt the sincerity of its calls for peaceful dialogue. Peace and stability cannot be achieved without due regard for the legitimate, well-established, and legally settled rights of others. We demand that China demonstrate that it is a responsible and trustworthy member of the international community.

The Philippines continues to act in accordance with international law, particularly UNCLOS and the 2016 Arbitral Award. The Philippines will not be deterred from exercising our legal rights over our maritime zones, including Ayungin Shoal which forms part of our EEZ and continental shelf. ###

National Security Council of the Philippines, Facebook Post, 10 December 2023.


Statement of the DFA Spokesperson on the 09 December 2023 Bajo de Masinloc Incident and 10 December 2023 Ayungin Shoal Incident 

PASAY 11 December 2023 — The Department of Foreign Affairs is committed to pursue its mandate of protecting and upholding the Philippine legal maritime entitlements in the West Philippine Sea, and is utilizing all forms of diplomatic actions available.

We note that this is the fourth time this year - with the two incidents happening just over the weekend - that water cannons have been used against PH vessels. More alarmingly, this is the third incident where dangerous maneuvers by Chinese vessels have resulted in a collision since the 22 October 2023 RORE mission.

Our Philippine Embassy in Beijing has made a demarche to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday. The demarche included in the agenda the incidents in the Bajo de Masinloc last Saturday, and in the Ayungin Shoal yesterday. The Department of Foreign Affairs also lodged a protest through the maritime communication mechanism yesterday, while the RORE mission was underway. The Chinese Ambassador has also been summoned.

Bajo de Masinloc is an integral part of the Philippine territory and over which the Philippines has sovereignty and jurisdiction. China’s actions on 9 December, the dousing of PH vessels using water cannons are serious actions aimed at preventing Philippine authorities from undertaking legitimate activities around the area. These actions violate the Philippines’ sovereignty and jurisdiction and are a threat to peace, good order, and security.

We reiterate that the resupply mission to the BRP Sierra Madre on Ayungin Shoal on 10 December is a legitimate exercise of the PH given that the feature is part of our exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. The Philippines has sovereign rights and jurisdiction over it. As a low-tide elevation, Ayungin Shoal can neither be the subject of a sovereignty claim nor is it capable of appropriation under international law.

China’s purported exercise of maritime law enforcement powers, interference with Philippine rotation and resupply missions, harassment and intimidation of Filipino fisherfolk, or any other activity that infringes upon the Philippines’ sovereignty and jurisdiction in Bajo de Masinloc, and the Philippines’ sovereign rights and jurisdiction in Ayungin Shoal, are violations of international law, particularly the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The Department will not tire of conveying these positions on Bajo de Masinloc and on Ayungin Shoal to the Chinese side, inspired by our steadfast uniformed personnel on the BRP Sierra Madre and the services that are committed to their support and sustenance.

Philippine activities in both features are legitimate and undertaken pursuant to UNCLOS, the constitution of the oceans. Our policies remain anchored on the 2016 Arbitral Award and on our commitments as a state party to UNCLOS. It is regrettable that yesterday, the 10th of December, is also the 41st Anniversary of UNCLOS, and the day was commemorated with such violations of the convention.

Once again, we thank the international community for their continued expression of support to the Philippines and the defense of the rules-based international order.

We will continue to call on China to be a responsible member of the international community and abide by its commitments, desist from undertaking actions that violate Philippine sovereignty, sovereign rights, and jurisdiction in the West Philippine Sea, and undermine the mutual trust and confidence that should underpin bilateral relations. END 

"Statement of the DFA Spokesperson on the 09 December 2023
Bajo de Masinloc Incident and 10 December 2023 Ayungin Shoal Incident,"
Department of Foreign Affairs, 11 December 2023

International Expression of Support for the Philippines


"The Australian Government shares the grave concerns of the Philippines Government about a pattern of dangerous actions conducted by Chinese vessels against Philippines vessels and crew in the South China Sea, including incidents near Scarborough Shoal and at Second Thomas Shoal on 9-10 December.

Actions by the Chinese Coast Guard and other Chinese vessels, such as water cannoning and ramming, endanger the peace and security of the region, threaten lives and livelihoods, and create risks of miscalculation.

Australia has consistently opposed destabilising and coercive actions in the South China Sea, such as unsafe encounters at sea and in the air and the militarisation of disputed features.

Australia emphasises the importance of all states being able to exercise rights and freedoms, including freedom of navigation, in a manner consistent with international law, particularly the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Australia reiterates that the 2016 South China Sea Arbitral Award is final and legally binding on the parties."

Australian Government concerns about recent actions in the South China Sea, Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, 12 December 2023

"Australia remains steadfast in support of UNCLOS and international law. China’s further dangerous actions against Philippine vessels today, following yesterday’s incident, again risk lives and livelihoods and are deeply concerning." 

Amb. Hae Kyong Yu, Australian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 10 December 2023


“Canada condemns the actions taken by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) this weekend against Philippine civilian and government vessels in the South China Sea, first at Scarborough Shoal on December 9 and then at Second Thomas Shoal on December 10. The use of dangerous maneuvers, collisions, water cannons and long-range acoustic devices against Philippine vessels endangers lives and poses a serious threat to regional peace and stability. These incidents are the latest in an increasingly worrisome pattern of acts of intimidation by the PRC in the South China Sea.

The PRC’s actions demonstrate a clear disregard for navigational rights and freedoms and are inconsistent with its obligations under international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Canada reiterates that the 2016 ruling of the UNCLOS arbitral tribunal in the matter of the South China Sea is binding on the parties.

Canada remains committed to the principle that disputes must be resolved peacefully and in accordance with international law.”

Statement on actions taken by People’s Republic of China against Philippines vessels in South China Sea, Global Affairs Canada, 13 December 2023

"Canada salutes the resolve and professionalism of the Philippine Coast Guard in the face of the unprofessional, dangerous and irresponsible conduct of PRC-vessels in the vicinity of the Second Thomas Shoal. @coastguardph @CanEmbPH" 

Amb. David Hartman, Canadian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 11 December 2023

European Union

"Another deeply troubling incident today, water cannons used again.

UNCLOS dispute settlement mechanisms maintain the rule of law. The 2016 UNCLOS Tribunal Award is a valuable framework for peaceful resolution. Water cannons and dangerous sea maneuvers aren't a legitimate alternative."

Amb. Luc Véron, EU Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 10 December 2023


"UNCLOS was signed exactly 41 years ago Dec. 10th 1982. Today more than ever [France] recalls the value of international law to ensure freedom of navigation and is, once again, seriously concerned by the use of water canons in the [Philippine] EEZ to prevent a resupply mission to BRP Sierra Madre." 

Amb. Marie Fontanel, French Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 10 December 2023


"Second troubling event within 2 days, again use of water cannons by Chinese Coast Guard against [Philippine] vessels within the EEZ of the [Philippines]. Germany reiterates its call for the respect of international law, including UNCLOS and the 2016 arbitral award." 

Amb. Andreas Pfaffernoschke, German Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 10 December 2023 


"Japan reiterates serious concern over actions which increase regional tensions including recent dangerous actions that caused a collision between Chinese and Filipino ships.

"As stated in the MOFA Press Release on October 23 2023, Japan believes that the issue concerning the South China Sea is directly related to the peace and stability of the region and is a legitimate concern of the international community including Japan, and thus Japan opposes any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force as well as any actions that increase tensions in the South China Sea.

As stated in the Japan-Philippines Joint Statement in February 2023, the Government of Japan concurs with the Philippines’ long-standing objections to unlawful maritime claims, militarization, coercive activities and threat or use of force in the South China Sea.

Furthermore, Japan highly appreciates the Government of the Philippines for having consistently complied with the Arbitral Tribunal’s award as to the disputes between the Republic of the Philippines and the People’s Republic of China regarding the South China Sea and shown its commitment to the peaceful settlement of disputes in the South China Sea, as stated in the statement by the Foreign Minister of Japan issued on the occasion of the seventh anniversary of the issuance of the award.

Japan has consistently advocated upholding the rule of law at sea and re-emphasizes the importance of efforts toward a peaceful resolution of disputes based on international law.

Japan will continue to cooperate with the international community such as ASEAN Member States and the United States to protect free, open, and peaceful seas."

Recent Surge in Tensions in the South China Sea, Press Release, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan, 13 December 2023

"Gravely concerned about repeated dangerous actions by CCG vessels against PH vessels. Japan stands with the Philippines in support of a Free and Open Indo-Pacific. Japan opposes actions that undermine the peace and stability in SCS." 

Amb. Koshikawa Kazuhiko, Ambassador of Japan to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 10 December 2023

New Zealand

"New Zealand is deeply concerned at multiple incidents of dangerous actions towards the Philippines at Scarborough Shoal and Second Thomas Shoal. This includes obstructing civilian boats and the use of water cannons against Philippine vessels, causing significant damage. 

These actions pose real risks to safety and lives, and risk undermining regional stability. New Zealand again firmly calls for all parties to resolve disputes peacefully in full accordance with UNCLOS." 

New Zealand Embassy in Manila, Twitter Post, 10 December 2023


"[Sweden] is deeply concerned about the consecutive incidents against [Philippine] vessels in the West Philippine Sea. We call on involved parties to resolve disputes peacefully in accordance with UNCLOS and int’l rule of law.

Embassy of Sweden in Manila, Twitter Post, 11 December 2023

United Kingdom

"[The United Kingdom] notes unsafe actions by the PRC against [Philippine] vessels for the 2nd day running. This disrupted a [Philippine] routine resupply mission & once again undermines regional stability. [The United Kingdom] calls for adherence to UNCLOS & the respect of the 2016 arbitral award which is binding on both parties." 

Amb. Laure Beaufils, British Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 10 December 2023

United States

"The [United States] stands with the Philippines and partners in vehemently condemning the PRC’s repeated illegal and dangerous actions against [Philippine] vessels, including disrupting the [Philippine] resupply mission to the Sierra Madre today. PRC aggression undermines regional stability in defiance of a #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific." 

Amb. MaryKay L. Carlson, US Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 10 December 2023

"Outside Scarborough Reef on December 9 and again near Second Thomas Shoal on December 10, People’s Republic of China (PRC) ships employed water cannons and reckless maneuvers, including forcing a collision, causing damage to Philippine vessels undertaking official supply missions to those locations, and jeopardizing the safety of the Filipino crew.  The PRC ships at Scarborough Reef also used acoustic devices, incapacitating the Filipino crew members, and drove away Philippine fishing vessels.  By impeding the safe operations of Philippine vessels carrying provisions to Filipino service members stationed at Second Thomas Shoal, the PRC interfered in lawful Philippine maritime operations and in Philippine vessels’ exercise of high seas freedom of navigation.  Obstructing supply lines to this longstanding outpost and interfering with lawful Philippines maritime operations undermines regional stability. 

These actions reflect not only reckless disregard for the safety and livelihoods of Filipinos, but also for international law.  As reflected in an international tribunal’s legally binding decision issued in July 2016, the PRC has no lawful maritime claims to the waters around Second Thomas Shoal, and Filipinos are entitled to traditional fishing rights around Scarborough Reef.  As provided under the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention, the 2016 arbitral decision is final and legally binding on the PRC and the Philippines, and the United States calls upon the PRC to abide by the ruling and desist from its dangerous and destabilizing conduct. 

The United States stands with our Philippine allies in the face of these dangerous and unlawful actions. We reaffirm that Article IV of the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty extends to armed attacks on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft – including those of its Coast Guard – anywhere in the South China Sea." 

U.S. Support for the Philippines in the South China Sea, Press Statement, Matthew Miller, Department Spokesperson, U.S. Department of State, 10 December 2023

Illegal and Aggressive Actions, Dangerous Maneuvers, and Use of Water Cannons against Philippine Vessels near Bajo de Masinloc, 09 December 2023

On 09 December 2023, Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) and Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) conducted illegal, aggresive actions against the civilian Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) vessels (Datu Sanday, Datu Bankaw, and Datu Tamblot) during a regular BFAR humanitarian and support mission of providing oil subsidy and grocery packs to over 30 Filipino fishing vessels near Bajo de Masinloc in the West Philippine Sea. 

The CCG and CMM have engaged in dangerous maneuvers, deployed Long-Range Acoustic Device (LRAD), used water cannons which has damaged BFAR vessel Datu Tamblot's communication and navigation equipment, and launched Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIBs) to disperse Filipino fishing vessels awaiting humanitarian support. 

Official Statements of Philippine Government Agencies


Office of ADG Jonathan Malaya
Strategic Communications
9 December 2023, Manila, Philippines

The National Task Force West Philippine Sea (NTFWPS) vehemently condemns the illegal and aggressive actions carried out by the Chinese Coast Guard and Chinese Maritime Militia against the civilian Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources ( BFAR) vessels Datu Sanday, Datu Bankaw, and Datu Tamblot today during a regular BFAR humanitarian and support mission of providing oil subsidy and grocery packs to over 30 Filipino fishing vessels near Bajo De Masinloc in the West Philippine Sea. As of this reporting the mission is on-going.

Based on the reports received, as the BFAR vessels approached 1.4 to 1.9 nautical miles from Bajo de Masinloc, the Chinese Coast Guard ships utilized water cannons to obstruct and prevent BFAR vessels from approaching the Filipino fishing vessels eagerly awaiting the oil subsidy and grocery packs. The water cannons had been used at least eight ( 8 ) times at the time of reporting.  Additionally, the Chinese Maritime Militia vessels are reported to have engaged in dangerous maneuvers and deployed what is understood to be a Long-range Acoustic Device (LRAD) against the BFAR vessels – causing severe temporary discomfort and incapacitation to some Filipino crew. Water cannon action have resulted in significant damage to BFAR vessel Datu Tamblot’s communication and navigation equipment, as it was directly and deliberately targeted by the China Coast Guard. 

The Task Force likewise denounces the deployment of Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIBs) to disperse and drive away Filipino fishing vessels eagerly awaiting the distribution of fuel subsidies and food supplies from the BFAR ships.  To prevent the distribution of humanitarian support is not only illegal but also inhumane.  

Moreover, Filipino fishermen have reported and documented the Chinese Coast Guard launching a small boat early this morning to illegally install a floating barrier at the southeast entrance of Bajo De Masinloc. The actions of Chinese Coast Guard and Chinese Maritime Militia hindered the BFAR vessel from accessing the entrance of the shoal.

We stress that Bajo de Masinloc is a high-tide feature with territorial sea, per the 2016 Arbitral Award. It forms an integral part of the Philippine national territory under the Constitution. The Philippines exercises sovereignty and jurisdiction over the shoal and its territorial sea. The 2016 Arbitral Award has also clarified that Filipinos have traditional fishing rights in the water of Bajo de Masinloc protected by international law. 

China’s illegal exercise of maritime law enforcement powers, interference with Philippine vessels, harassment and intimidation of Filipino fisherfolk, or any other activity that infringes upon the Philippines’ sovereignty and jurisdiction in Bajo de Masinloc are violations of international law, particularly UNCLOS and the Arbitral Award.

We firmly insist that these Chinese vessels leave Bajo de Masinloc immediately.

We demand that the Chinese government take immediate action to halt these aggressive activities and uphold the principles of international law and desist from actions that would infringe on Philippine Sovereignty and endanger the lives and livelihood of Filipino fishermen who have traditionally fished in the area. The NTF-WPS remains committed to protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Philippines in the West Philippine Sea.###

National Security Council of the Philippines, Facebook Post, 09 December 2023.


Statement of the DFA Spokesperson on the 09 December 2023 Bajo de Masinloc Incident and 10 December 2023 Ayungin Shoal Incident 

PASAY 11 December 2023 — The Department of Foreign Affairs is committed to pursue its mandate of protecting and upholding the Philippine legal maritime entitlements in the West Philippine Sea, and is utilizing all forms of diplomatic actions available.

We note that this is the fourth time this year - with the two incidents happening just over the weekend - that water cannons have been used against PH vessels. More alarmingly, this is the third incident where dangerous maneuvers by Chinese vessels have resulted in a collision since the 22 October 2023 RORE mission.

Our Philippine Embassy in Beijing has made a demarche to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday. The demarche included in the agenda the incidents in the Bajo de Masinloc last Saturday, and in the Ayungin Shoal yesterday. The Department of Foreign Affairs also lodged a protest through the maritime communication mechanism yesterday, while the RORE mission was underway. The Chinese Ambassador has also been summoned.

Bajo de Masinloc is an integral part of the Philippine territory and over which the Philippines has sovereignty and jurisdiction. China’s actions on 9 December, the dousing of PH vessels using water cannons are serious actions aimed at preventing Philippine authorities from undertaking legitimate activities around the area. These actions violate the Philippines’ sovereignty and jurisdiction and are a threat to peace, good order, and security.

We reiterate that the resupply mission to the BRP Sierra Madre on Ayungin Shoal on 10 December is a legitimate exercise of the PH given that the feature is part of our exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. The Philippines has sovereign rights and jurisdiction over it. As a low-tide elevation, Ayungin Shoal can neither be the subject of a sovereignty claim nor is it capable of appropriation under international law.

China’s purported exercise of maritime law enforcement powers, interference with Philippine rotation and resupply missions, harassment and intimidation of Filipino fisherfolk, or any other activity that infringes upon the Philippines’ sovereignty and jurisdiction in Bajo de Masinloc, and the Philippines’ sovereign rights and jurisdiction in Ayungin Shoal, are violations of international law, particularly the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The Department will not tire of conveying these positions on Bajo de Masinloc and on Ayungin Shoal to the Chinese side, inspired by our steadfast uniformed personnel on the BRP Sierra Madre and the services that are committed to their support and sustenance.

Philippine activities in both features are legitimate and undertaken pursuant to UNCLOS, the constitution of the oceans. Our policies remain anchored on the 2016 Arbitral Award and on our commitments as a state party to UNCLOS. It is regrettable that yesterday, the 10th of December, is also the 41st Anniversary of UNCLOS, and the day was commemorated with such violations of the convention.

Once again, we thank the international community for their continued expression of support to the Philippines and the defense of the rules-based international order.

We will continue to call on China to be a responsible member of the international community and abide by its commitments, desist from undertaking actions that violate Philippine sovereignty, sovereign rights, and jurisdiction in the West Philippine Sea, and undermine the mutual trust and confidence that should underpin bilateral relations. END 

"Statement of the DFA Spokesperson on the 09 December 2023
Bajo de Masinloc Incident and 10 December 2023 Ayungin Shoal Incident,"
Department of Foreign Affairs, 11 December 2023

International Expression of Support for the Philippines


"Seriously concerned by reports of dangerous actions by Chinese vessels against Philippine vessels today. This endangers lives and livelihoods. [Australia] again reiterates the call for peace, stability and respect for UNCLOS in the South China Sea, a vital international waterway for us all." 

Amb. Hae Kyong Yu, Australian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 09 December 2023


"Canada condemns the dangerous and escalatory actions of the Peoples Republic of China earlier today at Scarborough Shoal. Canada reaffirms its support for the 2016 Arbitral Tribunal ruling, which is final and binding on the parties." 

Amb. David Hartman, Canadian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 09 December 2023

European Union

"The EU recalls that UNCLOS dispute settlement mechanisms contribute to maintaining and advancing the rule of law. The 2016 UNCLOS Tribunal Award is legally binding and useful for peacefully resolving disputes. Water cannons aren’t!"

Amb. Luc Véron, EU Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 09 December 2023


"For [Finland], I reiterate the call for respect of international law and align myself with the statement of the EU Ambassador." 

Amb. Juha Pyykkö, Finnish Ambassador in the Philippines., Twitter Post, 09 December 2023


"Seriously concerned once again by the very dangerous actions preventing the course of a resupply mission in the WPS today. [France] reiterates the importance of UNCLOS to ensure freedom of navigation and recalls the 2016 Arbitral Award. #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific" 

Amb. Marie Fontanel, French Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 09 December 2023


"[Germany] fully supports the statement made by the ambassador of the [European Union] and calls for the respect of the rule of law, including the 2016 UNCLOS award." 

Amb. Andreas Pfaffernoschke, German Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 09 December 2023 


"Ireland is concerned with the reports of further actions against vessels in the South China Sea. We reiterate our support for the international rules-based order & call for all sides to respect their legally binding obligations as set out in UNCLOS and the 2016 Arbitral Award." 

Embassy of Ireland in Manila, Twitter Post, 09 December 2023


"Seriously concerned about the dangerous actions by CCG vessels against PH vessels, which endanger lives and livelihoods and pose the threat to the peace and stability in SCS. We reiterate the importance of upholding international law, particularly UNCLOS, and 2016 Arbitral Award." 

Amb. Koshikawa Kazuhiko, Ambassador of Japan to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 09 December 2023


"[The Netherlands] strongly condemns all actions that are not in line with UNCLOS and the 2016 arbitral award. Freedom of navigation is an essential part of the international law of the sea."

Amb. Marielle Geraedts, Dutch Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 09 December 2023

United Kingdom

"The [United Kingdom] is aware of the unsafe actions by CCG vessels against Philippines BFAR vessels near Scarborough Shoal today. This endangers lives and livelihoods and undermines regional peace and stability. The UK reiterates its full support for UNCLOS." 

Amb. Laure Beaufils, British Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 09 December 2023

United States

"We condemn PRC's aggressive, illegal actions against [Philippine] BFAR vessels lawfully operating in the [Philippine] EEZ. This PRC behavior violates international law and endangers lives and livelihoods. We stand with our Philippine #FriendsPartnersAllies in support of a #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific." 

Amb. MaryKay L. Carlson, US Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 09 December 2023

CCG, CMM Harassed, Blocked, and Conducted Dangerous Maneuvers against PCG Vessels near Ayungin Shoal, 10 November 2023

On 10 November 2023, China Coast Guard (CCG) and Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) vessels harassed, blocked, and conducted dangerous maneuvers against Philippine supply boats and coast guard vessels on a routine resupply and rotation mission to the BRP Sierra Madre at Ayungin Shoal.

Simultaneously, CCG vessel 5203 used a water cannon on Philippine supply vessel M/L Kalayaan.

CCG 5203 (right) deploys water cannon against Philippine supply vessel M/L Kalayaan (left).

Photo source: Commodore Jay Tarriela, Philippine Coast Guard

Official Statements of Philippine Government Agencies


10 NOVEMBER 2023

At 0730H, today, 10 November 2023,  China Coast Guard (CCG) and Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) vessels recklessly harassed, blocked, executed dangerous maneuvers in another attempt to illegally impede or obstruct a routine resupply and rotation mission to BRP SIERRA MADRE (LS 57) at Ayungin Shoal. CCG vessel 5203 deployed water cannon against Philippine supply vessel M/L Kalayaan in an illegal though unsuccessful attempt to force the latter to alter course. Supply boats Unaizah Mae 1 (UM1) and M/L Kalayaan were also subjected to extremely reckless and dangerous harassment at close proximity by CCG rigid-hulled inflatable boats (RHIB) inside Ayungin Shoal lagoon during their approach to BRP Sierra Madre.  Nonetheless, both supply boats were able to successfully reach LS 57.

The Philippine Embassy in Beijing has demarched the Chinese foreign ministry and protested these actions. The Department of Foreign Affairs has also reached out to them and conveyed our protest directly through the Maritime Communications Mechanism. We firmly insist that Chinese vessels responsible for these illegal activities leave the vicinity of Ayungin Shoal immediately.

We condemn, once again, China’s latest unprovoked acts of coercion and dangerous maneuvers against a legitimate and routine Philippine rotation and resupply mission to Ayungin Shoal, that has put the lives of our people at risk. The systematic and consistent manner in which the People’s Republic of China carries out these illegal and irresponsible actions puts into question and significant doubt the sincerity of its calls for peaceful dialogue.

The Philippines, for its part, has acted responsibly, consistent with a rules based international law, on the basis of UNCLOS and the 2016 Arbitral Award.  Peace and stability cannot be achieved without due regard for the legitimate, well-established, and legally settled rights of others.

President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. commends the courage, commitment, and dedication to duty of the men and women of the Philippine Navy-Armed Forces of the Philippines and Philippine Coast Guard who go on these missions, placing their lives on the line in the service of the nation.

The Philippines will not be deterred from exercising our legal rights over our maritime zones, including Ayungin Shoal which forms part of our Exclusive Economic Zone and continental shelf. We demand that China demonstrate that it is a responsible and trustworthy member of the international community.###

National Security Council of the Philippines, Facebook Post, 10 November 2023.



Together with the NTF WPS, the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) condemns, once again, CCG’s unprovoked acts of coercion and dangerous maneuvers against a legitimate and routine Philippine rotation and resupply mission to Ayungin Shoal, that has put the lives of our personnel at risk. 

The systematic and consistent manner in which the CCG vessels do not align with the universally accepted behavior of a coast guard. 

Ironically, they are supposed to ensure safety of life at sea, but they are the one that deliberately violate the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 that the People’s Republic of China is also a signatory state. 

The dangerous maneuvering of the CCG vessels are illegal and irresponsible actions that puts into question and significant doubt their narrative of law enforcement and their real identity as a coast guard organization.

The PCG, on the other hand, has acted responsibly, consistent with a rules based international law, that aligns with the regional norm among the coast guard organizations in the region. 

Our PCG skippers made sure that despite the reckless deployment of the CCG, we can still be able to prevent from collision happening. 

And despite their provocative actions of deliberately preventing our vessels from completing the mission, the PCG has maintained their professional behavior and ensure that our firm resolve will not be triggered to escalate the tension.

Philippine Coast Guard, Facebook Post, 12 November 2023



PASAY CITY 16 November 2023 – I wish to address the statement of Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin regarding the 10 November 2023 resupply mission in Ayungin Shoal.

I wish to make 3 brief points:

1st, the reason presented by China for such challenges and dangerous maneuvers is sovereignty and exercise of lawful enforcement activity over what is allegedly territory.

But the law is clear: Ayungin Shoal is not an island; it is a low-tide elevation that cannot be appropriated or subjected to sovereignty claims. Ayungin Shoal is located 106.3 nautical miles from the Philippine island of Palawan. On the other hand, Ayungin Shoal is 423.30 NM from the Paracels, and 617.39 NM from the Chinese mainland - clearly beyond the 200 NM maximum maritime entitlement for an EEZ under UNCLOS. In accordance with UNCLOS and the final and binding 2016 Award in the South China Sea Arbitration, Ayungin Shoal is "within the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of the Philippines," over which the Philippines has sovereign rights and jurisdiction. China cannot, therefore, lawfully exercise sovereignty over it.

China bases  its claim on the so-called nine-dashed line. As clearly stated by the 2016 Arbitral Award, UNCLOS superseded any "historic rights" or other sovereign rights or jurisdiction, in excess of the limits imposed by UNCLOS. China cannot claim entitlements in areas of the "nine-dashed line", now "ten-dashed line", that exceed UNCLOS limits.

2nd, the resupply mission to and the upkeep of the BRP Sierra Madre are legitimate Philippine Government activities in our EEZ, and in accordance with international law, particularly UNCLOS. It is difficult to imagine how these activities could be deemed threatening to China.

The BRP Sierra Madre is a commissioned Philippine naval vessel permanently stationed in Ayungin Shoal in 1999 to serve as a constant Philippine government presence in response to China's illegal occupation in 1995 of Panganiban Reef, also known as Mischief Reef. This was prior to the signing of the DOC in 2002.

Panganiban Reef is a low-tide elevation that forms part of our continental shelf and is within our EEZ. You may all recall that in 1995, when we protested China's construction of a structure in Mischief Reef, China promised that it was only a "fisherman's shelter" and would remain as such. The reef is now a militarized artificial island. So are Calderon Reef, also known as Cuarteron Reef; Kagitingan Reef, also known as Fiery Cross Reef; Burgos Reefs, also known as Gaven Reefs; McKennan Reef, also known as Hughes Reef; Johnson Reef; and Zamora Reef, also kncwn as Subi Reef. Let us not forget that.

We call on China to remove all these illegal structures, cease reclamations in the South China Sea, and be accountable for the damages caused by these illegal activities.

3rd, the Philippines has not entered into any agreement abandoning its sovereign rights and jurisdiction over its EEZ and continental shelf, including in the vicinity of Ayungin Shoal.

We are being asked to give prior notification each time we conduct a resupply mission to Ayungin Shoal. We will not do so. The resupply missions are legitimate activities within our EEZ, in accordance with international law.

The Philippines remains guided by UNCLOS and the Arbitral Award as the twin anchors of our policy and actions in the South China Sea. We reiterate that creating and maintaining a favorable and conducive environment is essential to the peaceful resolution of the South China Sea situation. END

"Statement of the DFA Spokesperson on the 09 December 2023
Bajo de Masinloc Incident and 10 December 2023 Ayungin Shoal Incident,"
Department of Foreign Affairs, 11 December 2023

International Expression of Support for the Philippines


"Australia is again concerned by dangerous conduct, including the use of water cannons, by China’s vessels in the Philippines’ EEZ. Upholding international law, especially UNCLOS, is fundamental to international peace and security. We call for UNCLOS to be respected." 

Amb. Hae Kyong Yu, Australian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 10 November 2023


"Canada is concerned by dangerous maneuvers and use of water cannon by the Coast Guard and maritime militia of the People’s Republic of China in the Philippine’s EEZ, the latest in a series of escalating acts of intimidation. This undermines regional peace and stability." 

Amb. David Hartman, Canadian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 10 November 2023

European Union

"We reiterate our support to the [Philippines] in its call for the full observance of International Law in the South China Sea."

Amb. Luc Véron, EU Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 10 November 2023


"I express our support to the Philippines calling for respect for international law in the South China Sea." 

Amb. Juha Pyykkö, Finnish Ambassador in the Philippines., Twitter Post, 10 November 2023


"On the occasion of my 1st meeting with Admiral Gavan Commandant @coastguardph, I reaffirmed [France's] continuous support to the [Philippine] Coast Guards. Today again the resupply mission to BRP Sierra Madre faced dangerous deliberate obstacles in [Philippine] EEZ but was eventually successful." 

Amb. Marie Fontanel, French Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 10 November 2023


"In view of today's event in the South China Sea, [Germany] reiterates its support for the [Philippines] in advocating respect for International law in the South China Sea, as an essential pillar for peace and security." 

Amb. Andreas Pfaffernoschke, German Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 10 November 2023 


"We give high importance to a free & open maritime order based on the rule of law as JP-PHdiscussed during PM visit last week. Any harassment & actions which increase tensions are not tolerated." 

Amb. Koshikawa Kazuhiko, Ambassador of Japan to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 10 November 2023


"@NLinPhilippines underlines the importance of UNCLOS and the 2016 arbitral award."

Amb. Marielle Geraedts, Dutch Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 10 November 2023

United Kingdom

"[The United Kingdom] notes unsafe conduct again experienced by [Philippine] vessels on their resupply mission to Ayungin Shoal.  We  join [Philippine] in calling out actions that undermine peace & stability in SCS.  We are commited to UNCLOS, under which 2016 Arbitral Award is final & legally binding on both parties." 

Amb. Laure Beaufils, British Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 10 November 2023

United States

"Despite continued PRC harassment, the Philippines successfully and lawfully resupplied its forces on the BRP Sierra Madre at Ayungin Shoal, located wholly within the [Philippine] EEZ. [The United States] and [the Philippines] stand together as #FriendsPartnersAllies for a #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific." 

Amb. MaryKay L. Carlson, US Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 10 November 2023

"The United States stands shoulder-to-shoulder with our Philippine ally in the face of the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) repeated harassment in the South China Sea.

The PRC’s actions are inconsistent with international law and follow a pattern of dangerous operational behavior in the South China Sea. An international tribunal’s July 2016 decision – legally binding on both the Philippines and PRC – made clear that the PRC has no lawful territorial or maritime claim to Second Thomas Shoal. We urge the PRC to respect the high seas freedoms of navigation guaranteed to all States under international law.

The United States reaffirms that Article IV of the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty extends to armed attacks on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft – including those of its Coast Guard – anywhere in the South China Sea."

U.S. Support for the Philippines in the South China Sea,
Office of the Spokesperson, U.S. Department of State, 10 November 2023

CCG, CMM Collide with PCG Vessels near Ayungin Shoal, 22 October 2023

On 22 October 2023, China Coast Guard (CCG) vessel 5203 (CCGV 5203) performed dangerous maneuvers resulting in a collision with the Unaiza May 2 (UM2), an Armed Forces of the Philippines-contracted indigenous resupply boat. The UM2 was en-route to BRP Sierra Madre for a regular rotation and resupply (RORE) mission. 

Simultaneously, Chinese Maritime Militia vessel 00003 (CMMV 00003) bumped Philippine Coast Guard vessel BRP Cabra's port side. The PCG vessel was situated Northeast of Ayungin Shoal. 

Chinese Maritime Militia vessel 00003 (right) bumps Philippine Coast Guard vessel BRP Cabra's (left) port side.

Photo source: Commodore Jay Tarriela, Philippine Coast Guard

Official Statements of Philippine Government Agencies


22 OCTOBER 2023

At around 0604H this morning, while conducting a regular and routine Rotation and Resupply (RORE) mission to BRP SIERRA MADRE (LS57), dangerous blocking maneuvers of China Coast Guard vessel 5203 (CCGV 5203) caused it to collide with the Armed Forces of the Philippines-contracted indigenous resupply boat Unaiza May 2 (UM2) approximately 13.5 nautical miles (NM) East Northeast of LS57. The provocative, irresponsible, and illegal action of CCGV 5203 imperiled the safety of the crew of UM2.

During the same RORE mission, Philippine Coast Guard vessel MRRV 4409’s port side was bumped by Chinese Maritime Militia vessel 00003 (CMMV 00003) while it was lying to approximately 6.4NM Northeast of Ayungin Shoal. 

The RORE mission is still ongoing, with Unaiza May 1 (UM1) reaching BRP SIERRA MADRE to successfully resupply our troops and personnel stationed there. 

Relevant authorities are briefed of the incident and developments in the ongoing RORE mission.

The National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea (NTF-WPS) condemns in the strongest degree the latest dangerous, irresponsible, and illegal actions of the CCG and the Chinese Maritime Militia done this morning, in violation of Philippine sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction and in utter blatant disregard of the United Nations Charter, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS) and relevant international maritime conventions, and the 2016 Arbitral Award. ###

National Security Council of the Philippines, Facebook Post, 22 October 2023.



On the part of the Department of Foreign Affairs, our resolve to continue pursuing our mandate of protecting and upholding the country's legal maritime entitlements remains firm. We are making full use of diplomatic processes and are exercising all possible actions available to us. That includes summoning the Chinese Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM), which we did today.

Ayungin Shoal is part of our exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, and we have sovereign rights and jurisdiction over it. Therefore, as we did in the past, we intend to clearly convey our position that we have every right, under UNCLOS, to carry out our legitimate activities in our maritime zones; and that we do not accept any form of interference. 

China, as a major power, bears a heavier responsibility of contributing to peace and stability in the region. 

Finally, I wish to take this opportunity to thank our partners in the international community for their steadfast support in the defense of the rules-based international order. Their statements of support show the level of concern that the international community has over persistent efforts to undermine UNCLOS. Thank you.

DFA Spokesperson Ma. Teresita Daza, 23 October 2023



The President called a special Command Conference this morning of the national security and defense clusters in order to be briefed and to give his guidance on the latest violation by China of the sovereignty of the Republic of the Philippines. 

The Philippine government views the latest aggression by China as a blatant violation of international law. China has no legal right or authority to conduct law enforcement operations in our territorial waters and in our exclusive economic zone. We are taking this incident seriously at the highest level of government.

The use by China of brute force behind disingenuous facades necessitates this course of action.

We called for this press conference to give you a clear and factual narrative of what transpired. The Chinese government is deliberately obfuscating the truth.

The Philippine Navy and the Philippine Coast Guard are here to give you an undistorted narration of the illegal acts of the Chinese vessels.

On or about 06:04 in the morning of Sunday, October 22, 2023, while conducting a legitimate rotation and resupply (RORE) operations within the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, Chinese Coast Guard and maritime militia vessels, in blatant violation of international law, harassed and intentionally hit Unaizah May 2 and Philippine Coast Guard vessel BRP Cabra. This occurred within the 200-mile exclusive economic zone of the Philippines which China has no jurisdiction, authority or right to conduct any operations whatsoever. 

This is a serious escalation of the illegal activities conducted by the Chinese government in the West Philippine Sea and in complete disregard of any norm or convention of international law. 

Chinese Ambassador Huang Xilian has been summoned today by Secretary Enrique Manalo of the Department of Foreign Affairs to condemn the reckless and illegal act of the Chinese government. Likewise, Philippine Ambassador to China Jaime FlorCruz has been instructed to convey the same to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Philippine Coast Guard has been directed to proceed swiftly with its maritime investigation in accordance with international maritime safety regulations.

We acknowledge the support of our allies and like-minded nations such as the United States, Japan, Australia, Germany, Canada, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the European Union in condemning China’s aggression and expansionist actions. 

We call on our people to stand behind the Government in executing our constitutional mandate to secure the national interest in the West Philippine Sea. Thank you.

DND Secretary Gilberto C. Teodoro, 23 October 2023

International Expression of Support for the Philippines


"Australia is concerned by China’s dangerous manoeuvres that damaged [Philippine] vessels and disrupted a [Philippine] resupply mission in the [Philippines'] EEZ. The South China Sea is a vital international waterway for us all. We again call for peace, stability & respect for UNCLOS." 

Amb. Hae Kyong Yu, Australian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 22 October 2023


"@CanEmbPH condemns the unlawful and dangerous conduct of the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) Coast Guard and maritime militia vessels on 22 October 2023, which provoked two collisions with Philippine vessels engaged in routine operations inside the Philippine Exclusive [Economic Zone in the vicinity of Ayungin Shoal]. 

"... The PRC’s actions are unjustified. China has no lawful claim to the West Philippine Sea. Its actions are incompatible with the obligations of a signatory to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

"Continuing acts of intimidation and coercion undermine safety, stability, and security across the region, and increase the risk of miscalculation. We welcome news that no injuries resulted from these collisions, [and commend the professionalism and restraint exercised by @coastguardph].

"... Canada affirms its support for a rules-based order in the South China Sea consistent w/ international law, including UNCLOS and the 2016 Arbitral decision, which is final and binding on the parties." 

Embassy of Canada to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 22 October 2023


"Deeply concerned at the two collisions provoked by #Chinese Coast Guard against #Philippine vessels near Ayungin Shoal, putting the lives of Filipino sailors at risk. China's acts of intimidation and refusal to abide by the 2016 Arbitral ruling undermines regional security." 

Amb. Franz-Michael Mellbin, Ambassador of Denmark to the Philippines and Palau, Twitter Post, 23 October 2023

European Union

"These incidents, their repetition and intensification are dangerous and very disturbing. 

"We join the Philippines in its call for the full observance of International Law in the South China Sea." 

Amb. Luc Véron, EU Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 22 October 2023


"France expresses its deep concern regarding the dangerous maneuvers observed in the South China Sea which caused two collisions between Chinese [C]oast [G]uard vessels and Philippine vessels engaged in the Philippine exclusive economic zone. France calls for respect of the freedom of navigation guaranteed by international law and recalls its attachment to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the decision rendered by the Arbitral Court on July 12, 2016." 

Embassy of France in the Philippines & to Micronesia, Twitter Post, 22 October 2023


"[Germany] is very concerned about recent confrontations in the South Cina Sea involving Chinese coast guard ships and maritime militia vessels in the Exclusive economic zone of the [Philippines]. [Germany] calls on all parties to act in accordance with UNCLOS-rules and to respect the 2016 arbitral award." 

Amb. Andreas Pfaffernoschke, German Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 22 October 2023 


"Seriously concerned about and alarmed by the collision between Chinese and Philippines vessels. [Japan] strongly opposes any unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or coercion. We stand with/by PH’s position; upholding maritime order based on UNCLOS & 2016 Arbitral Award." 

Amb. Koshikawa Kazuhiko, Ambassador of Japan to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 22 October 2023

New Zealand

"NZ is deeply concerned at Sunday's actions towards the Philippines in its EEZ, with physical contact between vessels heightening risk to safety and undermining regional stability. NZ again calls on all parties to engage in peaceful resolution of disputes in accordance with UNCLOS."

New Zealand Embassy in Manila, Twitter Post, 23 October 2023

South Korea

"On the recent reports of collisions between the Chinese and Philippine vessels in the South China Sea, the ROK Embassy in the Philippines is concerned about unilateral actions that raise tensions in the South China Sea and threaten the safety of crew members. We reaffirm our support for peace, stability and rules-based order in the South China Sea, as an important international sea lane of communications, and for the freedom of navigation and overflight based on the principles of international law, including UNCLOS."

Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Philippines, Facebook Post, 23 October 2023


"In view of the repeated incidents in South China Sea, Sweden and the EU support the Philippines in its call to respect the International Law in the South China Sea. We strongly oppose any unilateral actions that endanger peace, security and stability in the region and the international rules-based order. . . ."

Embassy of Sweden in Manila, Facebook Post, 23 October 2023

United Kingdom

"[The United Kingdom] is very concerned by reports of unsafe conduct towards Philippines vessels on their latest resupply mission to the Ayungin Shoal. [The United Kingdom] joins the [Philippines] in calling for adherence to UNCLOS and the 2016 arbitral award. We oppose actions which raise tensions in the South China Sea." 

Amb. Laure Beaufils, British Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 22 October 2023

United States

"The United States condemns PRC’s latest disruption of a legal Philippine resupply mission to Ayungin Shoal, putting the lives of Filipino service members at risk. We stand with our #FriendsPartnersAllies in protecting [Philippine] sovereignty and in support of a #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific." 

Amb. MaryKay L. Carlson, US Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 22 October 2023

"The United States stands with our Philippine allies in the face of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Coast Guard and maritime militia’s dangerous and unlawful actions obstructing an October 22 Philippine resupply mission to Second Thomas Shoal in the South China Sea.

By conducting dangerous maneuvers that caused collisions with Philippine resupply and Coast Guard ships, the PRC Coast Guard and maritime militia violated international law by intentionally interfering with the Philippine vessels’ exercise of high seas freedom of navigation.

PRC conduct jeopardized Filipino crew members’ safety and impeded critically needed supplies from reaching service members stationed at the BRP Sierra Madre. Obstructing supply lines to this longstanding outpost and interfering with lawful Philippine maritime operations undermines regional stability.

Second Thomas Shoal is a feature well within the Philippine exclusive economic zone and on the Philippine continental shelf. An international tribunal’s July 2016 decision – legally binding on both the Philippines and PRC – made clear that “there exists no legal basis for any entitlement by China to maritime zones in the area of Second Thomas Shoal.” The same ruling affirmed that Second Thomas Shoal is a low-tide elevation outside the territorial sea of another high tide feature – as such, the PRC’s territorial claims to it are unfounded.

The unsafe maneuvers on October 22 and the PRC water cannoning of a Philippines’ vessel on August 5 are the latest examples of provocative PRC measures in the South China Sea to enforce its expansive and unlawful maritime claims, reflecting disregard for other states lawfully operating in the region.

The United States reaffirms that Article IV of the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty extends to armed attacks on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, and aircraft – including those of its Coast Guard – anywhere in the South China Sea."

U.S. Support for Our Philippine Allies in the Face of Repeated PRC Harassment in the South China Sea 

Office of the Spokesperson, U.S. Department of State, 22 October 2023

CCG's Installation of Floating Barrier in the Southeast portion of Bajo de Masinloc, 22 September 2023

The Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) illegally installed a floating barrier at Bajo de Masinloc (Scarborough Shoal) on 22 September 2023. The barrier posed a threat to navigation and hindered the conduct of livelihood activities of Filipino fisherfolk. 

The Philippine Coast Guard successfully removed the floating barrier on 25 September 2023, following the instructions of the President and the National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea (NTF-WPS). 

Official Statements of Philippine Government Agencies



The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) and Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) strongly condemn the China Coast Guard’s (CCG’s) installation of floating barrier in the Southeast portion of Bajo de Masinloc (BDM), which prevents Filipino Fishing Boats (FFBs) from entering the shoal and depriving them of their fishing and livelihood activities.

The floating barrier with an estimated length of 300 meters was discovered by the PCG and BFAR personnel onboard BRP Datu Bankaw when they conducted routine maritime patrol on September 22, 2023 at the vicinity of BDM. 

Three (3) CCG’s Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIBs) and Chinese Maritime Militia’s service boat installed the floating barrier upon arrival of the BFAR vessel in the vicinity of the shoal. 

It was reported by the Filipino fishermen that the CCG vessels usually install floating barriers whenever they monitor a large number of Filipino fishermen in the area.

During the routine maritime patrol, the BFAR vessel observed more than fifty (50) FFBs engaged in fishing activities in the area. 

Recognizing the importance of supporting the artisanal or subsistence fishing of these fishermen, the BFAR provided them with various grocery items and fuel subsidies to sustain their operations.

However, a total of four (4) CCG vessels (CCG-3065, CCG-3066, CCG-3105, and CCG-3301) initiated a series of fifteen (15) radio challenges in an attempt to drive away the BFAR vessel and FFBs. 

The CCG crew alleged that the presence of the BFAR vessel and Filipino fishermen violated international law and the domestic laws of the People's Republic of China (PRC). 

The BFAR vessel responded to each and every radio calls and emphasized that they were carrying out a routine patrol within the territorial sea of BDM. 

Notably, upon realizing the presence of media personnel onboard the BFAR vessel, the CCG vessels maintained a safe distance and moved away.

The PCG Commandant, CG Admiral Artemio M Abu, expresses his commitment to supporting the BFAR and other national government agencies in their efforts to ensure the safety and security of our Filipino fishermen. 

The PCG will continue to work closely with all concerned government agencies to address these challenges, uphold our maritime rights and protect our maritime domains.

— Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) Spokesperson for the West Philippine Sea (WPS), CG Commodore Jay Tarriela 

Philippine Coast Guard, Facebook Post, 24 September 2023


In compliance with the instruction of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr, National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea (NTF-WPS) Chairman, Secretary Eduardo Año, has directed the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) to execute a special operation to remove the floating barrier that obstructed the southeast entrance of Bajo De Masinloc (BDM).

PCG Spokesperson for the West Philippine Sea (WPS), CG Commodore Jay Tarriela, said the barrier posed a hazard to navigation, a clear violation of international law. 

"It also hinders the conduct of fishing and livelihood activities of Filipino fisherfolk in BDM, which is an integral part of the Philippine national territory," he added.

CG Commodore Tarriela also emphasized that the 2016 Arbitral Award has affirmed that BDM is the traditional fishing ground of Filipino fishermen.

"Thus, any obstruction hindering the livelihoods of Filipino fisherfolk in the shoal violates the international law.  It also infringes on the Philippines' sovereignty over BDM," the PCG Spokesperson for the WPS furthered.

"The decisive action of the PCG to remove the barrier aligns with international law and the Philippines’ sovereignty over the shoal," he noted.

"The PCG remains committed to upholding international law, safeguarding the welfare of Filipino fisherfolk, and protecting the rights of the Philippines in its territorial waters," CG Commodore Tarriela concluded.

"PCG removes hazardous floating barrier in compliance with Presidential Instruction,"
Philippine Coast Guard, 26 September 2023



We condemn the installation of floating barriers by CCG in BDM. The placement by the People's Republic of China (PRC) of a barrier violates the traditional fishing rights of our fishermen whose rights to have been affirmed by the 2016 Arbitral ruling, it ruled categorically that such action by the PRC violated the traditional fishing rights of our fishermen in the shoal who have been fishing there for centuries. Any State that prevents them from doing artisanal fishing there violates UNCLOS and international law, in general.

"PH eyes removal of barriers in Bajo de Masinloc—Año," Manila Bulletin, 25 September 2023



We will take all appropriate measures to protect our country’s sovereignty and the livelihood of our fisherfolk. Bajo de Masinloc is an integral part of the Philippines over which we have sovereignty and territorial jurisdiction according to UNCLOS. The 2016 Arbitral Award affirms it as a traditional fishing ground of Filipino fisherfolk. China’s reported installation of barriers and its negative impact on livelihood of Filipino fisherfolk or any other activity that infringes upon Philippine sovereignty and jurisdiction in Bajo de Masinloc are violations of international law, particularly UNCLOS and the Arbitral Award. 

DFA Spokesperson Ma. Teresita Daza, 25 September 2023 

International Expression of Support for the Philippines

European Union

"Deeply concerning news. The installation of the floating barrier is dangerous, detrimental to the livelihoods of fishermen, and disregards the peace-driven objectives of UNCLOS." 

Amb. Luc Véron, EU Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 25 September 2023 


"We are closely monitoring China's activities in the South China Sea with concern. Issues surrounding the South China Sea are directly connected to regional peace and stability, and are a legitimate concern of the international community, including Japan. Japan strongly opposes any actions that increase tensions in the South China Sea.

"As confirmed through the Japan-Philippines joint statement issued during President Marcos' visit to Japan in February and through a series of trilateral talks between Japan, the United States, and the Philippines, there is a strong commitment to maintaining and strengthening a free and open international order based on the rule of law. To this end, we will work closely with the Philippines while cooperating with the United States." 

Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan, Facebook Post, 25 September 2023

Destruction of Marine Environment from Chinese Swarming Activities in Rozul Reef and Escoda Shoal, 18 September 2023

The Philippine Coast Guard on 18 September 2023 confirmed the assessment of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Western Command (WESCOM) on the damage inflicted upon the marine environment and coral reefs in the West Philippine Sea, following Chinese maritime swarming activities in Rozul Reef and Escoda Shoal. 

Chinese fishing vessels swarm
at Rozul Reef on September 2023

Photo Source: Armed Forces of the Philippines Western Command

Damaged coral reefs in the
seabed of Escoda Shoal

Photo Source: Philippine Coast Guard

Official Statements of Philippine Government Agencies



CAMP GENERAL RICARTE, Palawan - Recent aerial patrols conducted by WESCOM's air assets have revealed a concerning resurgence of Chinese (CN) swarming activity in the West Philippine Sea (WPS). The patrols conducted on September 6 and 7 have provided insight into the presence of Chinese Fishing Vessels (CFVs) in specific locations within the WPS.

WESCOM's comprehensive assessment of the air patrols has highlighted three areas experiencing heightened CN swarming activity. Rozul (Iroquios) Reef emerged as the most prominent location, with 23 CFVs observed. Additional swarming was observed in Escoda (Sabina) Shoal, where five CFVs were present, and in Baragatan (Nares) Bank, with two CFVs recorded.

The increased presence of CFVs raises concerns regarding the potential implications for Philippines' maritime security, fisheries conservation, territorial integrity, and preservation of the marine environment. These activities have been a source of tension in the WPS and have contributed to instability in the region.

Furthermore, a previous incident reported by the Philippine Navy in August 24 revealed that 33 CFVs were spotted in Rozul (Iroquios) Reef during a routine air patrol. Rozul Reef is located within the country's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and continental shelf, making this intrusion a violation of Philippine sovereign rights and jurisdiction. Previous swarming incidents in the area have also been followed by reports of massive coral harvesting, further raising concerns about their harmful environmental impact.

The same air patrol also reported swarming activity in Escoda (Sabina) Shoal, which is also located within the Philippine EEZ and serves as a marker for the approach to Ayungin (Second Thomas) Shoal. This is where unauthorized Chinese shadowing of Philippine watercraft typically occurs. The repeated swarming incidents in both Rozul Reef and Escoda Shoal emphasize the continuous violation of Philippine sovereign rights and jurisdiction in its western border.

As the CN swarming activity resurges, the Philippines continues to remain vigilant and take necessary measures to safeguard its vital national interests and maintain stability in the region. The collaboration between the defense forces, law enforcement agencies, and international partners is crucial in addressing these challenges, upholding the Philippines' sovereign rights and jurisdiction and maintaining stability in the region. 

Western Command Armed Forces of the Philippines, Facebook Post, 14 September 2023



The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) fully supports and confirms the report released by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Western Command (WESCOM), exposing the severe damage inflicted upon the marine environment and coral reef in the seabed of Rozul Reef and Escoda Shoal.

From 09 August 2023 to 11 September 2023, PCG monitored an average presence of approximately thirty-three (33) CMM vessels at vicinity Rozul Reef and Fifteen (15) CMM vessels in Escoda Shoal. Maritime patrols carried out during the same period by BRP SINDANGAN (MRRV 4407) and BRP CABRA (MRRV 4409) further validated the presence of these CMMs in these West Philippine Sea features.

During the same period the PCG launched missions to conduct extensive underwater surveys of the seabed in both Rozul Reef and Escoda Shoal. The results of these surveys showed that the marine ecosystem in the subject WPS features appeared lifeless, with minimal to no signs of life. Moreover, the surveys conducted in Escoda Shoal revealed visible discoloration of its seabed, strongly indicating that deliberate activities may have been undertaken to modify the natural topography of its underwater terrain. The presence of crushed corals strongly suggests a potential act of dumping, possibly involving the same dead corals that were previously processed and cleaned before being returned to the seabed.

The continued swarming for an indiscriminate illegal and destructive fishing activities of the Chinese Maritime Militia in Rozul Reef and Escoda Shoal may have directly caused the degradation and destruction of the marine environment in the WPS features. The PCG emphasizes the importance of protecting and preserving our marine environment, which plays a crucial role in sustaining marine life and supporting local communities.

- PCG Spokesperson for the West Philippine Sea, CG Commodore Jay Tarriela

"PCG confirms extensive damage in areas frequented by Chinese Militia,"
Philippine Coast Guard, 18 September 2023



We are seriously concerned about reports of the destruction of corals in Rozul Reef, a maritime feature located in the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone. The Philippines has consistently raised the alarm over ecologically harmful activities, conducted by foreign vessels, in our maritime zones, an issue extensively discussed in the 2016 Arbitral Award on the South China Sea. We, therefore, call on everyone concerned to act responsibly and cease all activities that can damage our precious marine environment. The well-being of millions of people who depend on the South China Sea for their livelihood is at stake., Facebook Post, 19 September 2023.




The Philippines has worked for over 20 years on the protection of the marine environment within and beyond its territorial waters. As it celebrates the signing of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) Agreement by over 60 countries today, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) expresses grave concern over the reported destruction of coral reefs, marine ecosystems and biodiversity resources in the West Philippine Sea.

Scientific studies have established that the marine ecosystem in the Kalayaan Island Group is critical for the sustainable supply of fish and coral larvae in the Philippines and the region. The rich biodiversity in the reefs, shoals and coasts is documented by the DENR, the National Mapping and Resource Information Authority, the University of the Philippines-Marine Science Institute, and other partner-organizations.

We, therefore, strongly deplore any activity that leads to the damage and destruction of the coral 

reefs in the Kalayaan Island Group. We join the call for signatory States and their citizens to adhere to Article 192 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea – to protect and preserve the marine environment. 

We must not forget that the ocean regulates our world's climate and it is the source of livelihood, food security and cultural identity of all coastal states. Coral reefs are an integral part of the beneficial functioning of the marine environment. Harmful human interference, such as the destruction and illegal exploitation of any part of our marine ecosystem is a loss, not only to our country, but to the region and to the world.

Along with its partners, the DENR continues to strive towards building capacity to protect, conserve and enhance our coastal and marine environments by investing in scientific research and infrastructure, the skills for responsive and adaptive governance and capabilities for enforcement.

DENR understands that the concerned government agencies are exploring the legal options that the country may pursue. The Department is ready to support and be guided by them on these matters.


Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), Facebook Post, 22 September 2023.

International Expression of Support for the Philippines


"Very alarming news. Our oceans are the lifeblood of our planet, & coral reefs are its colorful heartbeats. Let's preserve & protect these vital ecosystems for generations to come." 

Amb. Koshikawa Kazuhiko, Ambassador of Japan to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 17 September 2023

United States

"Troubling @CoastGuardPH and @TeamWESCOM reports on coral destruction around Rozul Reef and Escoda Shoal. Habitat damage harms ecosystems and negatively affects lives and livelihoods. We are working with our #FriendsPartnersAllies to protect natural resources." 

Amb. MaryKay L. Carlson, US Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 19 September 2023

Harassment, Dangerous Maneuvers, and Aggressive Conduct of CCG and CMM Vessels against Philippine Vessels near Ayungin Shoal, 8 September 2023

The China Coast Guard (CCG) and the Chinese maritime militia (CMM) harassed and conducted dangerous maneuvers against Philippine supply boats and coast guard vessels on a rotation and reprovisioning mission to the BRP Sierra Madre.

Official Statements of Philippine Government Agencies



Today, the [Philippine Coast Guard] again assisted in the routine Rotation and Resupply (RoRe) mission in Ayungin Shoal conducted by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). The PCG deployed two 44-meter vessels, namely BRP Cabra (MRRV-4409) and BRP Sindangan (MRRV-4407), as escort ships for the resupply boats. 

The routine RoRe mission was again subjected to dangerous maneuvers by the four China Coast Guard (CCG 21616, CCG 21551, CCG 21556, and CCG 5305) and four Chinese Maritime Militia (QIONG SANSHA YU 00231, QIONG SANSHA YU 00115, QIONG SANSHA YU 00114, and QIONG SANSHA YU 00008), jeopardizing the crew members' safety aboard the PCG vessels and Philippine resupply boats. Despite the challenging circumstances brought about by the illegal presence and activities of the CCG and CMM in our exclusive economic zone,  the mission was carried out successfully. The much-needed supplies were delivered to our dedicated troops aboard the BRP Sierra Madre.

The PCG stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the AFP in our shared commitment to safeguarding our sovereignty, sovereign rights, and maritime jurisdiction in accordance with international law, particularly the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the 2016 Arbitral Award and other relevant international instruments, including the 1972 Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS). The PCG calls upon the CCG and CMM to immediately cease any illegal activities within the maritime zones of the Philippines. Doing so can foster a stable, secure, and rules-based maritime order conducive to regional cooperation and peace. 

Under the leadership of the Commandant, Coast Guard Admiral Artemio Abu, the PCG supports President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s call, made during the recent ASEAN Summit, for the Southeast Asian nations to unite against the use of coast guard and maritime militia vessels in the South China Sea to pursue claims inconsistent with international law.

Official Twitter account of CG Commodore Jay Tarriela (@jaytaryela), 08 September 2023



Another successful rotation and reprovisioning (RoRe) mission in our post in Ayungin Shoal was completed today, September 8.

This tactical operation is a manifestation of our firm resolve to assert our sovereign rights and jurisdiction in our maritime zones, and the fulfillment of our responsibility to look after the well being of our soldiers who are stationed not only in Ayungin Shoal, but in every remote post in the country. The unprofessional act and dangerous maneuvers conducted by the China Coast Guard and its maritime militia will never prevail over our conduct of legal and legitimate operations that support rules-based international order.

We express our deep appreciation to the guidance of the NTF-WPS and the ever reliable support of the Philippine Coast Guard in accomplishing this mission. With the strong support of our people, we will succeed.

"AFP STATEMENT | Sucessful Rore Mission in Ayungin Shoal,"
Armed Forces of the Philippines, 08 September 2023



The National Task Force for the West Philippine Sea (NTF-WPS) reports that in the morning of 08 September 2023 the Western Command (WESCOM), Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) assisted by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) successfully resupplied the BRP SIERRA MADRE (LS 57) stationed at Ayungin Shoal in the West Philippine Sea. 

The Task Force is also informed that the harassment, dangerous maneuvers, and aggressive conduct of the vessels of the China Coast Guard (CCG) and Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) against our public vessels took place again during the conduct of routine and regular operations well within our nation's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). We reiterate and reemphasize that these operations are pursuant to our Government's legitimate exercise of its administrative functions and jurisdiction over the West Philippine Sea, firmly anchored on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the final and binding 2016 Arbitral Award.

The Task Force strongly deplores and condemns the continued illegal, aggressive, and destabilizing conduct of the CCG and the CMM within our nation's EEZ.  We reiterate what President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. said during the recently concluded 43rd ASEAN Summit regarding the South China Sea: “practical cooperation in the maritime domain can only flourish with an enabling environment of regional peace, security and stability anchored in international law.” We call on all to do their part in ensuring a peaceful and rules-based international order in the oceans. 

National Security Council, Facebook Post, 08 September 2023

Dangerous Maneuvers and Use of Water Cannon against Philippine Vessels near Ayungin Shoal, 5 August 2023

The China Coast Guard (CCG), People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), and Chinese maritime militia vessels blocked and conducted other aggressive maneuvers, including the use of a water cannon, against Philippine supply boats and coast guard vessels on a routine rotation and resupply mission to the BRP Sierra Madre. 

Official Statements of Philippine Government Agencies



The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) strongly condemns the China Coast Guard's (CCG's) dangerous maneuvers and illegal use of water cannons against the PCG vessels escorting the indigenous boats chartered by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) yesterday, 05 August 2023.

These boats were delivering food, water, fuel and other supplies to our military troops stationed on BRP Sierra Madre in Ayungin Shoal.

Such actions by the CCG not only disregarded the safety of the PCG crew and the supply boats but also violated international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the 1972 Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGS), and the 2016 Arbitral Award.

The PCG calls on the China Coast Guard to restrain its forces, respect the sovereign rights of the Philippines in its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf, refrain from hampering freedom of navigation, and take appropriate actions against the individuals involved in this unlawful incident.

We ask that China Coast Guard, as an organization with a responsibility to observe state obligations under UNCLOS, COLREGs, and other relevant instruments of international maritime safety and security, to cease all illegal activities within the maritime zones of the Philippines.

"PCG Condemns CCG's Dangerous Maneuvers,
Illegal Use of Water Cannons During Recent Resupply Mission," Philippine Coast Guard, 06 August 2023



The Armed Forces of the Philippines strongly condemns and expresses grave concern over the China Coast Guard’s (CCG’s) excessive and unlawful actions against Philippine vessels near Ayungin Shoal. 

One of our chartered supply boats was blocked and water cannoned by a CCG vessel yesterday, August 5, while en route to Ayungin Shoal for a routine troop rotation and resupply mission, in wanton disregard of the safety of the people on board and in violation of international law, particularly the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the 2016 Arbitral Award.

Because of the CCG’s dangerous maneuvers, the second supply boat was not able to unload the supplies and could not complete the RORE mission. 

We call on the China Coast Guard to act with prudence and be responsible in their actions to prevent miscalculations and accidents that will endanger peoples' lives.

"AFP statement on Chartered Supply Boat
Blocked and Water cannoned by CCG," Armed Forces of the Philippines, 06 August 2023



The Philippines condemns in the strongest terms the latest incident of harassment perpetrated by China Coast Guard (CCG), People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), and Chinese maritime militia vessels, on August 5, against Philippine vessels, on a routine resupply mission in waters surrounding Ayungin Shoal, in the West Philippine Sea.

As a low tide elevation, Ayungin Shoal can neither be the subject of a sovereignty claim nor is it capable of appropriation under international law – a fact affirmed by the 2016 Arbitral Award. China cannot, therefore, lawfully exercise sovereignty over it.

China’s illegal exercise of maritime law enforcement powers, the series of blocking and other dangerous maneuvers, including its vessels’ aggressive use of water cannon, against Philippine vessels are blatant violations of the Philippines’ sovereign rights and jurisdiction under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), which both China and the Philippines are parties to.

The Philippines demands that China immediately stop its coercive, unlawful, and unjustifiable activities in our maritime zones.

The resupply mission to and the upkeep of the BRP Sierra Madre are legitimate Philippine Government activities in our country’s exclusive economic zone, which are all in accordance with international law, particularly UNCLOS.

The Philippine Government remains firm in its resolve to continue pursuing its mandate of protecting and upholding the country’s legal maritime entitlements. We are making full use of diplomatic processes and are exercising all possible actions available to us, including summoning the Chinese Ambassador over this incident.

The Philippines thanks its friends and partners in the international community for their steadfast support in the defense of the rules-based international order. END

National Security Council, Facebook Post, 08 August 2023



08 August 2023 - China Coast Guard (CCG), People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN), and Chinese maritime militia vessels took blocking and other aggressive maneuvers, including the use of a water cannon, against Philippine supply boats and coast guard vessels on a routine rotation and resupply mission to the BRP Sierra Madre today, August 5, in an area approximately 2.9NM from Ayungin Shoal.

The Philippines demands that China immediately stop its illegal activities in our maritime zones. 

The Department of Foreign Affairs is one with the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine Coast Guard in their pursuit of our shared mandate to protect and uphold our legal maritime entitlements.  The DFA is making full use of our diplomatic processes and are exercising all possible actions available to us, including the summoning of the Chinese Ambassador over this incident.

The rotation and resupply mission to and the upkeep of the BRP Sierra Madre are legitimate Philippine Government activities in our country’s exclusive economic zone, which are all in accordance with international law, particularly UNCLOS.

As a low tide elevation, Ayungin Shoal can neither be the subject of a sovereignty claim nor is it capable of appropriation under international law – a fact affirmed by the 2016 Arbitral Award. China cannot, therefore, lawfully exercise sovereignty over it.

China’s illegal exercise of maritime law enforcement powers; interference with a legitimate Philippine rotation and resupply mission, including its aggressive use of a water cannon against our vessels; and any other activity that infringes upon our sovereign rights and jurisdiction over Ayungin Shoal are violations of international law. END

"Statement on the 05 August 2023 Incident on the Ayungin Shoal,"
Department of Foreign Affairs, 08 August 2023


08 August 2023 - Ayungin Shoal, as explicitly stated in the Award of the 2016 South China Sea Arbitration, is a low-tide elevation that is not subject to sovereignty claims or appropriation.  It is part of the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines over which the Philippines has sovereign rights and jurisdiction.

The Philippines’ resupply missions and repair of BRP Sierra Madre are part of regular operations in line with domestic and international law, and ensures safety and wellbeing of our stationed personnel. 

The BRP Sierra Madre is a commissioned vessel of the Philippine Navy that serves as a permanent station for Philippine military personnel deployed to protect and secure Philippine rights and interests in the West Philippine Sea, particularly in the Ayungin Shoal and its vicinity.

The Philippines decided in 1999 to deploy a permanent station on Ayungin Shoal in response to China’s illegal occupation of Panganiban Reef in 1995.  The deployment of a Philippine military station in its own areas of jurisdiction is an inherent right of the Philippines and does not violate any laws. Moreover, the Philippine station on Ayungin Shoal was deployed in 1999, years ahead of the conclusion in 2002 of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC), and is therefore not a violation of the DOC.

The China Coast Guard’s actions on 05 August 2023 impeded the Philippines’ legitimate and regular activities in its own exclusive economic zone and were in violation of the relevant provisions of the 1982 UNCLOS, the Award on the 2016 South China Sea Arbitration, the 1972 COLREGS, and the 2002 ASEAN-China DOC.

The 2016 Arbitral Award is based on UNCLOS and affirms UNCLOS. It is final, legal and binding. China as a state party to UNCLOS is well aware of that and we call on China to faithfully adhere to its obligations and commitments as a state party to UNCLOS. END

"DFA Spokesperson’s Statement in Response to the Statement of the Chinese
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson on 07 August 2023," Department of Foreign Affairs, 08 August 2023

International Expression of Support for the Philippines


"Australia is concerned by the latest actions directed against the Philippines, which are dangerous and destabilising. We reiterate our call for peace, stability, and respect for UNCLOS in the South China Sea - a vital international waterway."

Amb. Hae Kyong Yu, Australian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 06 August 2023


"Canada unreservedly condemns the dangerous and provocative actions taken by the Chinese Coast Guard against Philippine vessels on August 5th . . . Unsafe maneuvers and use of water cannons to disrupt the lawful operations of Philippine vessels is unacceptable, and inconsistent with the obligations of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) under international law.

"Canada reiterates its support for international law, including the 2016 arbitral decision on the South China Sea, which is final and binding, and calls on the PRC to comply with its obligations under international law."

Embassy of Canada in the Philippines, Facebook Post, 06 August 2023


"The Royal Danish Embassy in Manila expresses deep concern over the recent alarming act of intimidation and illegal maneuvers directed at the Philippine Coast Guard. The China Coast Guard’s unsafe actions and use of a water cannon to obstruct a Philippine military supply boat on August 5th near Ayungin Shoal within the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Philippines, possess the potential to escalate tensions and undermine the foundation of international law and maritime security.

"Denmark firmly reaffirms its unwavering commitment to the peaceful resolution of disputes and the upholding of international law, which includes the 2016 arbitral decision on the South China Sea. This decision, being final and binding under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), must be respected.

"We stand in solidarity with the Philippines and call on all parties, including China as a signatory to UNCLOS, to adhere to peaceful resolutions and engage in multilateral collaboration, in full accordance with established international legal frameworks."

Embassy of Denmark in the Philippines, Facebook Post, 08 August 2023

European Union

"[The European Union] stands with [the Philippines] in upholding the rules-based international order. 

"The EU supports the legally binding nature of the 2016 South China Sea arbitration."

Amb. Luc Véron, Twitter Post, 06 August 2023  


"France expresses its deep concern about the dangerous maneuvers carried out by Chinese coastguard vessels in the South China Sea.

"It reiterates its support for international law and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and recalls the decision handed down by the Court of Arbitration in 2016 concerning the South China Sea."

Embassy of France in the Philippines and to Micronesia, Twitter Post, 08 August July 2023 


"The German Embassy is concerned by the dangerous maneuvers and use of water cannons by Chinese Coast Guard vessels against a lawful Filipino resupply mission within the Philippine’s own exclusive economic zone.

"We urge all parties to respect the rules-based international maritime order (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea), with the 2016 Arbitral Award at its center.

"In light of recent events, Germany stresses that disputes must be resolved peacefully not by force or coercion."

German Embassy Manila, Facebook Post, 07 August 2023


"We have a long-standing position on the need to adhere to the international law in the context of issues relating to South China Sea and also for a rules based order.

"We have also underlined the need for peaceful settlement of disputes.

"We would certainly urge the parties to follow that as well as ensure that these incidents do not happen."

Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India
Spokesperson Arindam Bagchi during a media briefing, 11 August 2023


"Totally unacceptable any harassment & actions which infringe on lawful activities of the sea and endanger the navigational safety. We strongly support PH’s position; upholding maritime order based on UNCLOS & 2016 Arbitral Award."

Amb. Koshikawa Kazuhiko, Ambassador of Japan to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 06 August 2023

New Zealand

"NZ is deeply concerned at these latest dangerous actions towards the Philippines. NZ reiterates our call for all parties to refrain from actions which escalate tensions or undermine trust and confidence, and for the peaceful resolution of disputes in accordance with UNCLOS." 

Amb. Peter Kell, Ambassador of New Zealand to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 08 August 2023

United Kingdom

"The UK is concerned by reports of unsafe conduct towards [Philippine] vessels in a recent incident in the South China Sea. Such action poses serious risks to regional peace & stability. [The UK] stands steadfast in its commitment to international law, in particular UNCLOS, in the South China Sea."

British Embassy Manila, Twitter Post, 06 August 2023

United States

"The United States stands with our Philippine allies in the face of dangerous actions by the Coast Guard and maritime militia of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to obstruct an August 5 Philippine resupply mission to Second Thomas Shoal in the South China Sea.

"As made clear by an international tribunal’s legally binding decision issued in July 2016, the PRC has no lawful claim to the maritime area around Second Thomas Shoal, which is located well within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone.

". . . The United States calls upon the PRC to abide by the arbitral ruling as well as to respect the freedom of navigation – a right to which all states are entitled.

"The United States reaffirms an armed attack on Philippine public vessels, aircraft, and armed forces—including those of its Coast Guard in the South China Sea—would invoke U.S. mutual defense commitments under Article IV of the 1951 U.S. Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty."

"U.S. Support for the Philippines in the South China Sea," 05 August 2023

South Korea

"On the recent use of water cannons against the Philippine Coast Guard vessels in the South China Sea, the ROK Embassy in the Philippines is concerned about the actions that raise tensions in these waters. The Embassy reaffirms its support for peace, stability, and rules-based order in the South China Sea, as an important international sea lane of communications, and for the freedom of navigation and overflight based on the principles of international law, including UNCLOS."

Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Philippines, Facebook Post, 08 August 2023

Dangerous Maneuvers against the PCG near Ayungin Shoal, 30 June 2023

Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) vessels with bow numbers 5201 and 4203 performed dangerous maneuvers to hamper the operations of Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessels near Ayungin Shoal on 30 June 2023. 

Photo source: Philippine Coast Guard

Official Statement of the Philippine Coast Guard



Last June 30, 2023, the Philippine Coast Guard vessels, MRRV-4402 and MRRV-4403, provided support in the naval operation of the AFP WESCOM. The PCG was tasked with escorting the boats they used to ensure their safety. However, the PCG has expressed concerns regarding the behavior of the Chinese Coast Guard vessels (CCGVs). It appears that the CCGVs are exerting additional effort to prevent the PCG from reaching Ayungin Shoal. 

This is evident from their aggressive actions as soon as the PCG vessels approach within 12NM of the shoal. During the operation, the PCG was constantly followed, harassed, and obstructed by the significantly larger Chinese Coast Guard vessels at a distance of approximately 100 yards. These CCGVs blatantly disregard the Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREGs) in their attempts to obstruct passage and discourage the PCG vessels from approaching Ayungin Shoal. 

Furthermore, the PCG is deeply concerned about the presence of two PLA-N vessels in Ayungin Shoal. This is particularly alarming as the Philippine Navy's naval operation is solely humanitarian in nature. Despite this, the Chinese have deployed their warships, raising even greater concerns. Nevertheless, the mission was successfully accomplished and the PCG vessels were able to safely return to their respective areas of operation. 

Official Twitter account of CG Commodore Jay Tarriela (@jaytaryela), 05 July 2023

International Expression of Support for the Philippines


"Following the recent incidents in the South China Sea, we express our concern and call for respect for international law and the resolution of disputes through dialogue.

"We are resolutely opposed to any use of force or threat to do so. We recall, in this regard, the Arbitration award rendered under UNCLOS on the 12th of July 2016."

Embassy of France in the Philippines and to Micronesia, Twitter Post, 08 July 2023 


"As China’s unilateral actions such as repeated intrusions into Japan’s waters around the Senkaku Islands in the ECS, China's dangerous behavior in the South China Sea in defiance of the 2016 arbitration award is a grave concern for regional peace and stability. "

Amb. Koshikawa Kazuhiko, Ambassador of Japan to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 06 July 2023

United States

"We are concerned by the unprofessional maneuvers of the China Coast Guard against the Philippine Coast Guard. The PRC's irresponsible behavior in the South China Sea threatens the security and legal rights of our treaty ally, the Philippines. We call on the PRC to comply with international law, including implementing the legally binding 2016 award in the Philippines v. China Law of the Sea Convention arbitration as a starting point to achieve a #FreeAndOpenIndoPacific."

Amb. MaryKay Carlson, US Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 07 July 2023

Dangerous Maneuvers against the PCG near Ayungin Shoal, 18 - 24 April 2023

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) has identified over 100 alleged Chinese Maritime Militia vessels, a People's Liberation Army Navy corvette class, and two CCG vessels during its seven-day maritime patrol from 18 to 24 April 2023 in the West Philippine Sea. The CCG vessels carried out a number of highly dangerous maneuvers against the PCG. 

Photo source: Philippine Coast Guard

Official Statement of the Philippine Coast Guard



In accordance with President Ferdinand Bongbong Marcos Jr.'s directive, Admiral Artemio Abu ordered the deployment of two 44-meter Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessels to carry out a seven-day maritime patrol in the West Philippine Sea.

From 18 to 24 April 2023, BRP Malapascua (MRRV-4402) and BRP Malabrigo (MRRV-4403) patrolled the waters off Sabina Shoal, Iroquis Reef, Lawak, Patag, Likas, Parola, Pag-asa, Tizzard Bank, Julian Felipe Reef, and Ayungin Shoal.

Throughout the mission, the PCG vessels identified over 100 alleged Chinese Maritime Militia vessels, a People's Liberation Army Navy corvette class and two China Coast Guard vessels.

Eighteen Chinese maritime militia vessels were detected near Sabina Shoal. Despite the numerous radio challenges by the two PCG vessels, the CMM did not respond or comply with the order to leave the area immediately.

Meanwhile, four additional CMM vessels, which appeared to be engaged in fishing activities, were successfully driven away by the PCG vessels from the territorial sea of Pag-asa, at a distance of four nautical miles.

Notably, seventeen groups of CMM were observed in the vicinity of Julian Felipe Reef, with an estimated total count exceeding 100 vessels.

In response, the PCG vessels deployed their Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats (RHIB) to disperse the large CMM gathering. However, no CMM vessels reacted or made any attempts to vacate the area.

On April 21, 2023, a Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy vessel with bow number 549 crossed paths with the PCG vessels. The confrontation took place at a distance of 7 nautical miles from Pag-asa Island.

The encounter began when the Chinese gray ship challenged the presence of the PCG vessels over the radio and directed them to leave the area.

The Chinese navy issued a warning to the PCG, suggesting that failure to comply might “cause problem.”

Despite this, the PCG vessels did not back down and responded by asserting their rights to carry out operations within the territorial sea of Pag-asa Island. They further asked the Chinese navy to leave the area immediately instead.

On the morning of April 23, 2023, two Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) vessels intercepted the PCG vessels that were in the vicinity of Ayungin Shoal. CCG vessel 5201 and 4202 exhibited aggressive tactics towards BRP Malapascua and BRP Malabrigo, respectively.

CCG vessel 5201 was reported to have carried out dangerous maneuvers near BRP Malapascua, maintaining a perilous distance of only 50 yards.

This close proximity posed a significant threat to the safety and security of the Philippine vessel and its crew. Meanwhile, the CCG vessel 4202 persistently followed BRP Malabrigo at a distance of 700 yards, closely monitoring its movements.

The PCG has already submitted a report to the National Task Force West Philippine Sea (NTFWPS), highlighting the presence of a Chinese warship, the continued appearance of alleged CMM vessels within the Philippines' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), as well as the aggressive actions of the CCG against PCG vessels.

The PCG is dedicated, along with the Western Command (WESCOM) of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), and the Area Task Force - West (ATF-WEST), to diligently and tirelessly work together to protect the Philippines' exclusive sovereign rights in its EEZ, its sovereignty, territory, and continental shelf in the West Philippine Sea."

"PCG conducts maritime patrol in the West Philippine Sea," Philippine Coast Guard, 28 April 2023

International Expression of Support for the Philippines


"Concerned by further reports of unprofessional and dangerous conduct against the Philippines in its Exclusive Economic Zone. Australia reiterates our call for peace, stability and respect for UNCLOS in the South China Sea, a vital international waterway. "

Amb. Hae Kyong Yu, Australian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 30 April 2023


"France is following the recent events in the South China Sea with the utmost attention. It recalls its commitment to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Respect for international law, in particular freedom of navigation, is one of France’s priorities for action. We are opposed to any action that increases tensions and jeopardizes regional stability and the international order based on the rule of law."

"Statement on the situation in the South China Sea (May 2, 2023)," 02 May 2023 

United States

"The United States stands with The Philippines in the face of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Coast Guard’s continued infringement upon freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. Imagery and video recently published in the media is a stark reminder of PRC harassment and intimidation of Philippine vessels as they undertake routine patrols within their exclusive economic zone.  We call upon Beijing to desist from its provocative and unsafe conduct. The United States continues to track and monitor these interactions closely.

"The United States stands with our Philippine allies in upholding the rules-based international maritime order and reaffirms that an armed attack in the Pacific, which includes the South China Sea, on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft, including those of the Coast Guard, would invoke U.S. mutual defense commitments under Article IV of the 1951 U.S. Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty."

"U.S. Support for the Philippines in the South China Sea," 29 April 2023

Dangerous Maneuvers and the Use of Military-Grade Laser against the PCG near Ayungin Shoal, 6 February 2023

The CCG directed a military-grade laser on the crew of BRP Malapascua during the latter’s resupply mission to the Ayungin Shoal on 6 February 2023. The CCG vessel also conducted dangerous maneuvers, harassment, and illegal radio challenges against the PCG. 

Official Statements of Philippine Government Agencies



On February 6, 2023, a China Coast Guard (CCG) vessel with bow number 5205 directed a military-grade laser light at the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) vessel BRP MALAPASCUA (MRRV-4403) while supporting a rotation and resupply (RoRe) mission of the Philippine Navy (PN) in Ayungin Shoal in the West Philippine Sea.

As BRP MALAPASCUA reached a 10nm distance from Ayungin Shoal, the CCG vessel was monitored approximately 4nm of the ship’s dead ahead maneuvering from the portside heading starboard side. The Chinese ship illuminated the green laser light twice toward the BRP MALAPASCUA, causing temporary blindness to her crew at the bridge. The Chinese vessel also made dangerous maneuvers by approaching about 150 yards from the vessel's starboard quarter.

As part of her deployment plan, BRP MALAPASCUA altered her course from Ayungin Shoal and headed toward Lawak Island to continue her maritime patrol and support the BRP TERESA MAGBANUA (MRRV-9701) for the PCG’s own RORE mission to its sub-stations in the Kalayaan Island Group.

The deliberate blocking of the Philippine government ships to deliver food and supplies to our military personnel on board the BRP SIERRA MADRE is a blatant disregard for, and a clear violation of, Philippine sovereign rights in this part of the West Philippine Sea.

Back in August, the CCG also prevented PCG ships from coming closer to the Ayungin Shoal while providing security to a PN resupply mission.

The CCG 5205 removed the cover of her 70 mm naval armament when BRP TERESA MAGBANUA came close to Ayungin Shoal at a distance of 2.5NM. The said CCG ship, together with the two Chinese Maritime Militia (CMM) and CCG 5102, formed a 13NM-radius blockade with the grounded PN vessel as its reference to prevent Philippine government ships from reaching the AFP troops.

In this particular mission, it was  evident that the CMM vessels took orders from the CCG to prevent the Philippine ships from entering the shoal. The CMM even deployed their utility boats to support the blockade and shadowing by the CCG.

Regardless of this challenging situation, the PCG remains steadfast in protecting the sovereignty and rights of the country and Filipinos in the West Philippine Sea. According to the PCG Commandant, CG ADMIRAL ARTEMIO M ABU, “The PCG will continue to exercise due diligence in protecting the country's territorial integrity against foreign aggression. The AFP can always rely on the PCG to support their resupply mission in Ayungin Shoal. Despite the dangerous maneuver of the much larger CCG ships and their aggressive actions at sea, the PCG ships will always be in the West Philippine Sea to sustain our presence and assert our sovereign rights."

"PCG statement on Chinese vessel using laser at
PCG ship in Ayungin," Philippine Coast Guard, 13 February 2023



“The Philippines has the prerogative to conduct legitimate activities within its exclusive economic zone and continental shelf. China does not have law enforcement rights or powers in and around Ayungin Shoal or any part of the Philippine EEZ,

“These acts of aggression by China are disturbing and disappointing as it closely follows the state visit to China of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. in early January during which he and Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed to manage maritime differences through diplomacy and dialogue, without resorting to force and intimidation.

“We call on China to comply with its obligations under international law, including the 1982 UNCLOS and the 2016 Award in the South China Sea Arbitration and direct its vessels to cease and desist from its aggressive activities against Philippine vessels.” 

Ma. Teresita Daza, "PH protests CN Coast Guard use of military-grade laser,
dangerous maneuvers against PCG near Ayungin,"
Department of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, 14 February 2023

International Expression of Support for the Philippines


"Australia shares concerns about unsafe and intimidatory actions directed against the Philippines. We continue to call for peace, stability and respect for international law in the South China Sea, a vital international waterway."

Amb. Hae Kyong Yu, Australian Ambassador to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 14 February 2023


"Canada underscores its firm & unwavering support for the Philippines in the face of coercive actions of the People’s Republic of China in the South China Sea. 

"As a Party to UNCLOS, the PRC must comply with its obligations, including notably the 2016 SCS Arbitration Decision. 

"Recent actions that disrupted the lawful operations of Philippine vessels off the coast of the Philippines are in violation of international law and contrary to the maintenance of regional peace and stability, and the rules-based international order."

Canada in the Philippines, Twitter Post, 15 February 2023


"We express serious concerns about dangerous behavior against PH vessels. All states should respect maritime order based on international law, in particular UNCLOS, and recall that 2016 Arbitral Award is final and legally binding. We firmly oppose any action that increase tensions."

Amb. Koshikawa Kazuhiko, Ambassador of Japan to the Philippines, Twitter Post, 06 August 2023


"[Germany] shares serious concerns about intimidatory action against [Philippine] vessels in the #westphilippinesea #SouthChinaSea. We call to refrain from any conduct that increase tensions. All states must abide by #UNCLOS. The 2016 Arbitral Award is final& legally binding."

Germany in the Philippines, Twitter Post, 15 February 2023

United Kingdom

"[The UK] is deeply concerned by reports of unsafe conduct towards [Philippine] vessels in the South China Sea which risks regional peace & stability. The UK is committed to international law and the primacy of UNCLOS, under which the 2016 arbitral award is final & legally binding on the parties."

British Embassy in Manila, Twitter Post, 16 February 2023

United States

"The United States stands with our Philippine allies in the face of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Coast Guard’s reported use of laser devices against the crew of a Philippine Coast Guard ship on February 6 in the South China Sea. . . . More broadly, the PRC’s dangerous operational behavior directly threatens regional peace and stability, infringes upon freedom of navigation in the South China Sea as guaranteed under international law, and undermines the rules-based international order.

"The United States stands with our Philippine allies in upholding the rules-based international maritime order and reaffirms an armed attack on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft, including those of the Coast Guard in the South China Sea, would invoke U.S. mutual defense commitments under Article IV of the 1951 U.S. Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty."

"U.S. Support for the Philippines in the South China Sea," 13 February 2023

© Last updated: 26 June 2024