About Me

I am the daughter of Mexican immigrants and was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley of Southern California.  I earned my B.A. in Psychology from the University of Southern California (USC), and attended the University of California, Riverside where I earned a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology. Presently, I am an Associate Professor of Psychology at Fresno State and do research focused on highlighting the strengths and resiliency of Latinx immigrant families to promote the development of Latinx children.  I was a Ronald E. McNair Scholar, MacArthur Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow. I have been awarded various federal and institutional grants that support the research I conduct with undergraduate and graduate student researchers.  As a member of the faculty, I am actively involved in research and mentoring undergraduate and graduate students. As a mother, I am deeply passionate about the children of the Central Valley. I have been part of various community organizations and, most recently, have joined the Fresno County League of Mexican American Women.

Educational Background

Postdoctoral Research Associate (2011-2013)

Under Tama Leventhal, Ph.D.

MacArthur Network on Housing and Families with Children

Tufts University

Eliot Pearson Department of Child Development

Ph.D. (2010)

University of California, Riverside

Developmental Psychology

M.A. (2007)

University of California, Riverside

Developmental Psychology

B.A. (2003)

University of Southern California

Major: Psychology

Minor : Law & Society

*For detailed information, see my CV.