Study Abroad

Classics students travel—to Athens and around Greece, to Rome and around Italy, to England, or to Paris—and we believe this is one of the most important aspects of our program. Study abroad is an experience that simply cannot be duplicated in a classroom, because the "classroom" is the museum, the archeological site, the cathedral, the medieval castle, the monestary, the Renaissance villa, the very city itself. In Rome we read in situ (on site) from the works of Cicero, Vergil, Horace, Livy, from Marcus Aurelius as we sit beneath his statue; in Greece from Plato, Aristotle, Aeschylus, Thucydides, Demonsthenes, from Herodotus as we survey the battlefield of Marathon. 

To study abroad is to immerse oneself in another culture and develop an appreciation for the way others live. From the moment they step off of the plane, students expand their world view in ways only possible through travel. It is truly life-changing, bringing a kind of knowledge of self and others that can only be accessed through autopsy and experience

And finally, study abroad creates lifelong friendships—by Cicero's assessment, that which is most important.  

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Where will studying Greek & Latin take you??

The Classics Program has scholarships available for students studying Greek and Latin! Many of our students win lucrative Phebe McClatchy Conley and Garabedian scholarships, and there is also funding available to our students for travel and study overseas. Contact Dr. Kristi Eastin for details: