Student  Projects

Students from majors across the university are engaged in the language, culture, 

and history of Classical Antiquity.  This page highlights their diverse interests and the way in which they bring Classics into their collegial experience and academic work. 

(This page will update continuously — check back for new additions!)

This project was inspired by the announcement that the Fresno State Music Department would be performing Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana in conjunction with the College of Arts and Humanities Arts in Motion celebration at the end of April, 2024. 


This famous cantata is comprised of 24 songs in Latin, High German, and Old French, which Orff selected from a medieval manuscript known as the Carmina Burana. Thinking it would be fun to provide Fresno State translations for a Fresno State performance, students of Latin (current and recent alumni) gathered together over the course of this past semester (weekends, holidays, and evenings) to create collaborative translations that provide close and useful (line-by-line) translations of the medieval songs. Needing assistance with the High German, those songs were handed over to students in German 2B, who also worked diligently to produce a close rendition of the original poems. 


Upon learning that the Fresno State Library has a rare facsimile copy of the Carmina manuscript, we expanded the project to include a library exhibit.

Visit all of our work here :

Color Theory: Roman Fashion & Art - 100-300 CE

Color, Fashion, and Art in Ancient Rome

Haley Rae Snyder
Spring 2024:
The meaning of color in Ancient Roman fashion and jewelry, inspired by findings discovered in Bath, England.

The Tragedy of the Trojan Prophetess.pptx

The Tragedy of the Trojan Prophetess: The Story of Κασσάνδρα

Taylor Boyd
Spring 2024:
Who was Kassandra, before, during, and after the Trojan war, and what makes her fate so tragic?

Northern Visions

Northern Visions: Rubens, Poussin, & The Achilleid

Haley Rae Snyder
Spring 2023:
Examining how two Baroque artists, Peter Paul Rubens and Nicolas Poussin, interpreted the same scene from Statius's Achilleid.

Cupid Subjugated

Cupid Subjugated

Haley Rae Snyder
Spring 2023:
Examining how two Baroque artists, Michelangelo Caravaggio and Giovanni Baglione, critiqued one another through art (plus the trial of the century), and how a loyal Caravaggisti elevated the discourse.

Arachne and Niobe Presentation.pdf

Revenge of the Goddesses: Arachne and Niobe

Sophia Riser & Leah Jarocki
Fall 2022:
Comparing the wrath of two goddesses on two unfortunate mortals.

David Gomez Imitation of Horace Epistle 1.5.docx

To Persephone Proserpina (After Horace)

David Gomez
Fall 2022:
Poetry written in dedication to the wife of Hades, inspired by Horace, with a fresh and modern voice.


Brother STEM: A Speech in the Asiatic Style

Michael Steiner
Spring 2021:
The kind of fun possible in Latin 1B: an Asiatic speech decrying the hubris of the field of STEM.