Digital Learning: COVID-19

As Mrs. Voorhies shared with our staff on March 13th, this is going to be a different experience for our school community. Let's choose a cup half-full perspective, and view this as a new opportunity to learn and grow in excellence together.

We have attached a flyer below with kid friendly graphics and talking points about COVID-19. Please refer to for correspondence from the county about COVID-19.

Articles/Resources for Parents

Articles/Resources for Parents

Food For Families in need

Families who need help with meals for any Fayette County student age 18 and under during the closure can come to the following schools Monday-Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. for assistance: Spring Hill Elementary and North Fayette Elementary. Distribution of food will be provided by a drive through service.

Also, the Real Life Center will be distributing food through a drive through service Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Thursday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Pre-K & Kindergarten

PreK-Kindergarten Activities

1st - 5th Grades: Virtual Job Shadow Junior

During this time of virtual learning, we are assigning 1st through 5th grade students VJS Jr. lessons. Students may access VJS Jr. through Classlink. VJS, or Virtual Job Shadow, Jr. is an online program that teaches lessons about career exploration. The state mandates that 1st through 5th grade students learn about 17 career clusters throughout their time in elementary school. The clusters for each grade level are listed below.

(If students do not have the app on their Classlink page they need to add it. They can do so by clicking the plus sign in the top left hand corner of the page. Begin typing VJS Jr. and it should pop up on the screen. Click the app to add it.)

Please don't hesitate to email Mrs. Douglas or Ms. Gilliam if you have any questions or concerns.

1st Grade

Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources

Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics

Law, Public Safety, and Security

2nd Grade

Arts, Audio Visual Technology, and Communications

Health Science

Education Training

3rd Grade

Hospitality and Tourism

Human Services

Georgia Energy

4th Grade

STEM(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)


Business Management and Administration

Architecture and Construction

5th Grade


Information Technology


Government and Public Administration


One of our favorite practices to teach students is mindfulness. What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the practice of placing attention and awareness on what is happening in the present moment without making any judgments about it. Mindfulness is beneficial for adults and children alike. It enhances physical, mental, creative, and emotional health. Mindfulness is a beneficial tool for kids specifically because it improves emotion regulation, increases self esteem, decreases worry, improves concentration, better decision making, better mood, and improvements in social skills.

With that said, we are also challenging our students to participate in the Mindfulness March calendar during virtual learning. For every day of the month, there is a different activity for the students to practice mindfulness. This would be an awesome activity for everyone in the home to complete together.

Please see the calendar below, and this document with resources for many of the daily activities.

The Voyage: Character Education Program

This is our second year embarking on a new adventure called “The Voyage” at Kedron Elementary. We are so excited about the school-wide character education journey that we are on together! We would love it if you could partner with us at home, too. We are stronger when we work together!

Virtual Learning:

This month on The Voyage we are focusing on the character trait of humility.

Our main anchor this month is "Humility is thinking of other people first."

Please click here to watch a video that will help you reflect upon how you model humility for your children and others.

Our action point for week one is: "Humility is putting other people before yourself."

At home try to develop a "you go first" attitude this week and see how it affects your family dynamic.

  • Conversation starter: Is there an example of when you let someone else go before you at school?
  • Family activity: Give everyone in the family a piece of paper and some decorating supplies. Draw a “#1” on the papers and hang them up all around the house. Encourage your family to use them as a reminder to put others 1st.

Our action point for week two is: "Humility means caring about how other people feel."

Children easily care for other people, and we hope they will remember why it is important to take this care with them into adulthood. That’s the kind of thing that can transform the world!

  • Conversation starter: Who can you care about this week at home or at school? How will you show that you are caring for them?
  • Family activity: At dinnertime, have everyone share one good thing from their day and one notso-good thing. Listen to each other, encourage each other, and discuss the importance of caring about how each other is feeling.

Our action point for week three is: "Humility means saying sorry when you make a mistake."

That’s an important truth for all of us to remember, both parents and children. Help your children find opportunities to demonstrate this when needed throughout the week.

  • Conversation starter: Have you had to say sorry to anyone this week? What happened?
  • Family activity: Create a few cards that can be used as Apology Notes. During the week, if anyone in the family needs to make an apology, have them write their apology on one of the notes and give it to the person they are apologizing to.

Our action point for week four is: "Humility means recognizing the accomplishments of others."

Sometimes that can be hard to do, but we want students to learn to celebrate each other. Find ways to celebrate each other at home as well.

  • Conversation starter: Is it hard for you to recognize the accomplishments of others?
  • Family activity: Put up a “Celebration List”. During the week, add accomplishments from family members to the list, recognizing and celebrating the things they have done!

Social-Emotional Learning Menu

Here are some activities you could do as a family each day to promote social-emotional learning.

SEL Menu